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explosive 'collision'
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
October 15, 2005, 11:28 pm
so far, any explosive projectile (nades and m79 only (clusters don't count here)) explode when it hits a player...
as everyone probably knows, a server renders grenades separetly from the client - and when a grenade appears to explode on YOUR screen, it might have exploded a tiny bit earlier than the server rendered it to have exploded. This causes one main problem: the blast from your screen makes you get pushed away from the explosion but when the grenade explodes then on the actual server, you now moved away a tiny bit, enough to not get an instant kill from the grenade. My suggestion would be to implement a new server-side factor that doesn't measure how far you were from the explosion when it hit you, but WHETHER it hit YOU or not. If it hit you, then you should be rendered dead and for everybody else use the normal way of measuring damage ( -through distance).

Another important issue is to make the server tell the clients when a grenade explodes so that in case the client has it rendered to still be 'alive', it can as quickly as possible make it explode on your screen. problem (and question) that this brings up: what if the grenade was just rolling off an edge and you are below that, your computer renders the greande to still be on the edge but the server says it fell down alreayd and exploded on you and killed you. Should the server then tell the computer where the grenade exploded on him and make the client show it as exploded, OR should it just tell the client's computer to make the grenade explode wherever it is.

(sry for long explanation...hope you all understand)

Blue Devil
October 16, 2005, 5:21 pm
quote:Originally posted by zyxstand(sry for long explanation...hope you all understand)

yea.. partly.... ^^

I dident really know this about "push effect". thet were new. and I would love this touch-the-explosion-and-you-are-dead-thing. from a gaming part of the view.

I cant understand why mm havent done this yet. maybe becouse the m79 might be overpowered. And to all pesimist out there: This will not couse any more lagg. this will dercrease the felling of lagg.

October 16, 2005, 7:44 pm
I think it's intentional that grenades aren't always an insta-kill. But the game is extremely buggy in regard to grenades right now. There's the bug where they don't explode at very close range, in addition to the very old problems of grenades appearing to explode and not actually exploding, etc.

Your second suggestion -- requiring server confirmation before showing a grenade explosion -- is good, however I'm not sure I understand the distinction between the two options at the end of the paragraph.

October 16, 2005, 8:29 pm
see F3nyx, in one option, the server just tells the client "explode grenade now" and wherever the grenade appears to be on your screen, that's where it'll explode. The other option is that the server tells the client the exact position of the grenade as well as to make it explode.

i think that the reason that nades don explode close range is because of the self kill issue. b4, right after the grenade has been thrown (esp. when firing vertically downward), it was still touching your body (or your feet maybe) and the grenade exploded. With the new addition of making a grenade be able to explode only after a certain time or distance (preferrably distance since it's most accurate), it won't explode on yourself as easily but then it won't hit any enemies either.
i believe if he made the minimum distance/time only for the person who threw it and not for anybody else, that grenade-flies-through-enemies-at-close-range glitch won't happen.

October 16, 2005, 11:14 pm
^^ Oh, I get it now, thanks.

Also, zyx, that's a good idea for fixing the nade glitch... to be honest, I'm not sure why MM gave it an "arming time" instead of simply doing that.