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your mom's weapon mod's
Soldat Forums - Server Talk - Server discussion
Deleted User
October 16, 2005, 11:40 pm
here are my weapon mods if you've ever been on "the cool server" or if you haven't dl the neways...there are 9

Download Here...

1)Mixed Mod...All guns are different from original ones, like deagles shoot shotgun pellets, ak74 shoots cluster pieces...ect.

2)Rapid Fire Mod... All guns shoot normal bullets (except spas and explosion ones) but mushc quick than the originals.

3)Explosion Mod...Everything shoots either m79, law, or flaming arrows.

4)Knife Mod...all guns shoot knives (including stat gun :P)

5)Nade Mod...everything shoots either cluster, cluster fragments or normal nades.

6)Mixed Mod #2...Like the first mixed mod but different guns shoot different ammo.

7)Slo-mo Mod...everything loads and reloads slowly.

8)Xtreme Rapid Fire Mod...everything has delay but it all shoots like minigun speed.

9)Spas (Shotgun) Mod...everygun shoots spas bullets.

ALL MY MODS ARE EVENLY MATCHED SO THERE IS NOT 1 GUN THATS BETTER THAN ANOTHER (unless you get the hang of usoing a certain gun)

Geologist, i hope youre happy now :P
i would post screenshots but thats just too much work, so if anyone wants to dl this, post sum screenies of you playing levels with them

The Geologist
October 16, 2005, 11:42 pm
Post some info or screenshots.

Deleted User
October 16, 2005, 11:59 pm

Deleted User
October 17, 2005, 2:51 am

October 17, 2005, 12:58 pm
not possible in ur knife mod. Stop lying and admit it, the shotgun cannot shoot knives.

Deleted User
October 17, 2005, 10:47 pm
quote:Originally posted by 117not possible in ur knife mod. Stop lying and admit it, the shotgun cannot shoot knives.

sorry i forgot :P please dont kill me i'm too younge to die!

Deleted User
October 20, 2005, 10:53 pm
has ne1 actually downloaded this???

October 21, 2005, 12:25 am