October 18, 2005, 3:45 pm
Well I'm getting bored of playing the games I have.
I'm mostly a strat player, Soldat is one of none stratigic games I ever played.
So far I played:
Warcraft 2+3
Redalert 1+2
Age of empires (all of them)
Age of mythology (All of them)
LORT - Battle for middle earth
There are more I can't remember right now...
Anyways these are the kind of games I enjoyed.
I prefer games of past times, like Warcraft, Redalert, age of empires etc.
But I also enjoy space games, I don't really mind
So can anyone reccomand a good game? even a good website that covers games.
I don't know any :S I'll really appreciate it, thanks
October 18, 2005, 4:31 pm
Civilization, Alpha Centauri, Colonization.
October 18, 2005, 4:51 pm
Dawn of War isn't bad. If you haven't tried it, you should.
Deleted User
October 18, 2005, 5:10 pm
Blitzkrieg has not got the best graphics but it has very realistic rules in it. For example each tank has differnt armour values on the side, top, front and rear that show what the minimum strength a gun has to be to pierce through the armour. There are more than 200 units in the game :D
Blitzkrieg 2 is out soon/now. That has more up-to-date graphics
October 18, 2005, 5:16 pm
S.W.I.N.E if you're looking for some action that excludes handling macro economics and concentrates on battles :) It's also damn funny.
October 18, 2005, 5:18 pm
alpha centauri has 10000 units! Rawr!
Deleted User
October 18, 2005, 5:19 pm
Blitzkrieg1/2 does just that, and you have to realy think about how you are going to use your units because of the realistic rules ;)
Deleted User
October 18, 2005, 6:17 pm
empire earth 2 or empires: dawn of the modern world is both great games..
October 18, 2005, 6:24 pm
^_^ thanks
I think I'm gonna go with Dawn of Wars, it was reccomanded by alot of others.
Then Blitzkrieg sounds nice!
P.S : Empire earth was a GREAT game!!! I aspecialy enjoyed the way you've seen avionics develope through time :D
Anyways, thx!
Deleted User
October 18, 2005, 7:30 pm
Hmm, I would suggest Rome TW as you haven't written that you've played, it but you should;
and then maybie Northland.
And just a question, how come you stopped playing W3?
It's so fun to play with all those custom maps like dota and Age of Myths?
October 18, 2005, 7:39 pm
Civilization (I-III), one of the best games ever.
The Geologist
October 18, 2005, 7:44 pm
I prefer Civ II and III, personally. But then again, I like the aspects aside from the battles as well (city/culture building, economics, etc.). I wanna try this Dawn of Wars though..
Deleted User
October 18, 2005, 7:44 pm
The Rome Total Realism mod is a must have if you get Rome TW, it makes the romans and other units look more realistic and less cartoony. The defalt un-moded romans/others are not exactly cartoonish, but their uniforms look too clean and simplistic, as if they have just came out of the wash and have not been marching for miles on end. The Banner and logo for ther SPQR army is now Black and Gold like in Gladiator, instead of purple. The Regular Romans are still red as they should be, but have got SPQR on the banner
As well as making the units look more realistic, RTR also adds a lot more land and citys to the campain map, letting you play in noth europe, a lot of russia and arabia. Plus it adds extra units such as an early form of scottish highlanders and arabs on foot.
I think thats enough info :P
October 18, 2005, 8:07 pm
Oh yeah. Stronghold seems like a fun game. I remember playing it a few times. I enjoyed the fun with tar pits and fire arrows...
Here are some screenshots of Dawn of War with the expansion:
Three (flying units lololo)
October 18, 2005, 8:17 pm
Civilization III is fun, but I believe it gets boring after the third round of beating the computer senseless.
And Shogun Total War is the Alpha and Omega of army-battle simulators, that game never gets boring.
October 18, 2005, 8:25 pm
Well Ok for you're level of intelligence I'd try something along the lines of.. ABC123 or Red, yellow, pink & blue, purple & brown too.
October 18, 2005, 9:09 pm
Real War and Real War 2 are two great strategy games. =o
i am ahab
October 18, 2005, 9:09 pm
you spelt your wrong. its not you're mr cleverer person who enjoys taking the mick.
October 18, 2005, 9:34 pm
quote:Originally posted by i am ahabyou spelt your wrong. its not you're mr cleverer person who enjoys taking the mick.
I think you're better off ignoring him, sir.
Leo Da Lunerfox
October 18, 2005, 9:45 pm
Ground Control I and II, great games, no gathering of resources, just units that kill and ideas on where you should send them.
Deleted User
October 18, 2005, 10:20 pm
ever play conquest frontier wars? that game is fun, but not as fun as homeworld....hey have you've tried hoemworld:cataclysm it's better then homeworld 2
October 18, 2005, 10:35 pm
" Oh yeah. Stronghold seems like a fun game. I remember playing it a few times. I enjoyed the fun with tar pits and fire arrows..."
Stronghold is a fun game :) Me and some of the other soldat players use to play it together all the time :P Its much more strategic than games like age of empires since there are many different defence tactics and units.
Civilization1-3 are all really good as well, I started playing Age of Empires 3 about a week ago and its quite nice
October 18, 2005, 11:49 pm
Dawn of War is really awsome. get winter assault expansion too for the win.
October 18, 2005, 11:53 pm
All of you recommend civilisation, but you leave out alpha centauri, why is that ;)
Deleted User
October 19, 2005, 1:24 am
hey man try gate88 at http://www.queasygames.com/gate88/ its free and strategy, but you really need to use your imagination to keep long games interesting
October 19, 2005, 1:51 am
Civ II is easily the best of the series (in my opinion at least) and Alpha Centuri is awesome as well. Sid Meier is freaking awesome to say the least. I'm currently waiting for Civ IV (one more month :D). Definatly check out their promo website - http://www.civanon.org/ - as its hilarious.
Also, if you own a DS, get Advance Wars.
October 19, 2005, 3:55 am
civ II was a great game
so was starcraft.
havnt really played much others though
Deleted User
October 19, 2005, 4:25 am
Civilization is definitely a must for any strategy game enthusiast. However, the first one is just downright archaic once you play the others, the second one apparently has AI that is of questionable competence (although this is just what I've heard), and Civ III's micromanagement gets rediculously tedious by the Industrial Age, to the point that I've played the game plenty, but never actually completed a full game.
There are also two lesser-known Civilization games that are under the Activision label: Call to Power and Call to Power II. Although fundamentally the same, there are some major gameplay differences from the "main" series that makes it a unique experience. For starters, the game goes all the way to 3000 AD, complete with "real" future techs, units, governments, improvements, wonders, and so on--there's even made-up historical information on all of it in the "Great Library" (Civilopedia). You can also build undersea cities and space colonies orbiting the Earth (and bomb Moscow from space and stuff). The third big, huge difference would be that instead of running settlers or workers around building irrigation and roads, you've got "public works" that you raise by taking a portion of each city's production, and then spend on a wide variety of terrain improvements. There are also some other differences, like how trading works (yey pirating routes), and the diplomacy leaves much to be desired, but I'll shut up and just let you look up all that stuff.
In the end, probably your best bet is Civ IV, as all the flaws from its predecessors are supposed to be solved with this one. I just wish it wasn't 3D, because if it was still 2D I'd probably be able to run it without making my computer get so stressed that it falls into severe depressions and slits its power cables in a suicide attempt, or at least start coloring pixels black on my screen and display whiny Emo rants... At which case I'd probably slit its power cables.
A non-Sid Meier realtime strategy game that's not bad would be Star Trek: Armada. Few things are as satisfying as capturing a Borg construction vessel and then using it to construct a starbase, and (to make a story short) eventually end up building Assimilators and assimilating the Borg. One of those things that's just as gratifying is managing to time-freeze the inside of an enemy base using the Federation superweapon, open up a portal into the middle using the Borg superweapon, and then blowing it all up by sending the Romulan superweapon through the portal and detonating it. There's a sequel too, although I never bothered to pick it up... It's a lot more complex than the first one though.
Oh, and of course there's online play for both versions.
Lastly, I recommend Colonization and Master of Magic if you want to get old school with Sid Meier. Heck, just go to the
Home of the Underdogs and you'll probably find tons of old school strategy abandonware, at lot of which is free to download...
October 19, 2005, 2:31 pm
If you like turn based, age of wonders (especially 1, though 2 is cool too) is memorable, and not complicated.
October 19, 2005, 2:36 pm
Not sure if there's an emulation, but if there is, get Front Mission 3, wonderful game..
October 19, 2005, 3:08 pm
quote:Originally posted by MeandorIf you like turn based, age of wonders (especially 1, though 2 is cool too) is memorable, and not complicated.
AoW1 for the win!
October 19, 2005, 3:09 pm
I have noticed that no one has mentioned Total Annihilation.
October 19, 2005, 3:24 pm
quote:Originally posted by i am ahabyou spelt your wrong. its not you're mr cleverer person who enjoys taking the mick.
Oh my bad. Would you like to become my personal spell checker?
No offence.
i am ahab
October 19, 2005, 3:38 pm
None taken dude.
It could be worse.
I could've been scottish.
No offence.
October 19, 2005, 7:02 pm
Who's the idiot?
Anyways, I played Stronghold 2!! AWESOM GAME!
the way you get to turture ppl hehe ^_^
And so many options of how to do it, I finished the compaign and then finished all the skrimishes.
I pretty much did anything possible on that game, I wish it had more missions.
About WarCraft3, I stop playing it since, well I couldn't play it on Battlenet, for the obvious reasons :P
I finished it, and then finished it again, and again, and then got the expansion, and then finished that, and finished that again.
In short I'm a huge fan of that game, and if I could I would play it more.
I'm a huge fan of Blizzard in short, Startcraft is one of my all times favourit games, but I got sick of playing polish hackers all the time, so I quit that.
Personaly I prefer my stratagy games, none 3D, I'm just old fashioned like that, but I got used to it now, and I think I'm gonna try Civ3-4 since DoW doesnt seem so promising , maybe just the screenshots misleaded me, I'm downloading it anyways.
the annoying part is downloading them :S
October 19, 2005, 7:50 pm
Wow, I always thought Civ was [CENSORED] but I just played my brother's copy a few days ago and it's actually ok. Too boring for me to play for more than an hour or so at a time though, not enough exploding heads.
Deleted User
October 20, 2005, 1:08 am
4 games that i <3:Total anihilation,Dawn of war,starcraft, And the best ever,Cammand and conquer zero hour!!!
Leo Da Lunerfox
October 20, 2005, 2:11 am
Ground Control 2 I say!
Ground Control 2 gets you out of that Build-Mass-Rush crap, and actually makes you put some thinking into the game. In this game, if you know the enemy's weakness (Maybe their flanks are exposed), you can direct your units to attack their side or back armor, which would allow you to combat superior forces with your smaller ones. This is a game where strategical positioning, surprise, and wisdom comes into play. Everything is made beatifully:
Real Game Screens:
October 20, 2005, 2:56 am
quote:Originally posted by BManx2000I have noticed that no one has mentioned Total Annihilation.
Damn, beaten. Total Annihilation is indeed one of the coolest RTSes ever.
i am ahab
October 20, 2005, 10:21 am
omgosh gc2....
hey the dude who did the original total anihilation is also making a proper sequel. big robots smash!
October 20, 2005, 10:31 pm
does all of the age-of-empires games include aoeIII cus that is totaly 133t they nhave a free trial thing too
October 21, 2005, 4:52 am
So, I downloaded Dawn of War, started playing it, and I gotta admit, didn't excite me that much at first.
I'll have to see further more, I raised to e Video quality, and we shall see if that helps me enjoy the game more.
I hope there's some building there, 'cause I like that....
October 21, 2005, 5:24 am
i admit it, i like the civ games. i first played it with my oldschool IBM back in the 90's as civ 1. most fun i ever had with that POS. didnt get a chance to play civ2, because when i got a PC, civ3 was already out, and i bought it. spent waaaayyy too much time playing, then found soldat, lost the CD, forgot about it. civ4 is comming out very soon here, and i damned well might buy it. games are fun.
October 21, 2005, 3:20 pm
I'm having trouble getting Civ3 <_< damn it..
October 21, 2005, 4:55 pm
I didn't check, but did anyone mention Imperialism 1 or 2? They have both at Home of the Underdogs:
There more about empire management then tactical simulation, but I find it very fun.
October 22, 2005, 1:07 am
Maybe someone's already said it, but I can't be buggered to look; Check out Rome Total War. Best strategy game I've ever played, highly addictive, requiring actuall intellectual output for the economics/political side, and the battles are jolly good fun.
October 22, 2005, 1:17 am
one of these days im stealing your monkey, you know that?
October 22, 2005, 2:29 am
hey some body was talking about a sequel (sorta) to total annihilation..its called Supreme Commander ...same designerr chris taylor who made TA...but all new and good...i myself havent played TA but im really looking forward to playing supreme commander...huge ass robots with airports for shoulders.....i dont think i need to say much more
Deleted User
October 22, 2005, 3:32 am
you never played TA :O GET OUT RIGHT NOW!!
Deleted User
October 24, 2005, 11:48 pm
Total anihilation rules!
If your looking for a play by email game, go MT7000 at www.mt7000.tk (I run that, and it has a forum too).
October 25, 2005, 2:20 am
15 people? jesus, www.freewebs.com/peemonkey got at least 3k...
(keke, oldschool)
Deleted User
October 25, 2005, 9:54 am
Yeah but I fixed up mine about 1-2 days ago.
October 25, 2005, 10:00 am
get black and white 2!!
October 25, 2005, 12:52 pm
yah it came out this month i think
Deleted User
October 25, 2005, 5:14 pm
I have Stronghold ... MY opinion that is really good game.. The batles are weak but ... the game is fun and COOOL!DOES somebody PLAY AGE OF EMPIRES 3??? THAT IS WELL.. REALLY GOOD GAME!!
EDIT: ROSE IS too wery good game... you can download it roseon.com america link
Game Freak
October 25, 2005, 6:18 pm
Stronghold owns but i`d say Civilisation 2
October 26, 2005, 12:23 am
If you consider yourself a wargamer and not an RTSer, you should check this amazing freeware tactical game out. It's called People's Tactics and it is a great simulator.
October 27, 2005, 1:21 am
Stronghold is an amazing game!
There's 1 and 2 though, I only played 2.
I only wish it had more levels and missions.
I couldn't find an expansion to it anywhere.
Was a real shame :(
And I'm still trying to get Civilisation 2 or 3 :S
October 27, 2005, 6:35 am
Ok -> get black and white 2, trust me it beats the first one so badly!!!
October 27, 2005, 3:34 pm
Yea it looks amazing!!!!!
I was amazed from the graphics and those kewl characters!
Problems is, I only have G-Force 2 with 64mb of ram.
And a 1.6gh proccesor.
I doubt it will work properly :)
Even though, first I'll finish with Rome - Total War, its also quite good.
Deleted User
October 27, 2005, 4:02 pm
My bro has got B&W2, and from what ive seen its a lot more fun than B&W1 as you spend more time doing goddly stuff that you actualy want to do instead of just chucking around random boulders so that they belive in you.
Stronghold is great, but it is weird how thick stone walls can be brought down with swords :S at least on Stronghold 1 that is.
I've got SH1 but not 2. I love the way the units have different British accents just because they have a different weapon :P I haven't played it in a while but from what i remember its:
Longbow: Welsh
Pike: Yorkshire
Knight: Old fashioned upper-class and galent
Mace: stupid goon
Engineer: Scottish
Stronghold 2 looks much more kickass. :D
October 27, 2005, 4:25 pm
quote:Originally posted by Duke33Maybe someone's already said it, but I can't be buggered to look; Check out Rome Total War. Best strategy game I've ever played, highly addictive, requiring actuall intellectual output for the economics/political side, and the battles are jolly good fun.
Yeah, that game didn't work out for me :(
October 27, 2005, 8:23 pm
Stronghold 2 was a great game!
Shame it was too short.
And those graphics u posted here.
Unfurtunatly I couldn't expirience them with my lameass graphic card :(
Deleted User
October 28, 2005, 10:08 pm
You can allways find private servers that emulate battle.net for w3
or make your own and give the address out...
It's called pvpgn and it's under gpl
I play there all the time