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Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Fan Art and Movies
October 18, 2005, 7:43 pm
I was trying to watch some soldat movies I transfered to my personal computer from the family computer and they will not play on my computer, I just heard the audio. Anyone got a clue of whats going on?

October 18, 2005, 8:52 pm
Maybe you lack the video codecs? This works most of the time I suppose

October 18, 2005, 9:07 pm
:O my pretty little gothic friend that sucks at checkers crawled out of her hole to give me addvice :D

October 18, 2005, 9:10 pm
She must want you're penis.

October 18, 2005, 10:00 pm
I just helped you cause you have UOGateway in your profile. Im long time UO fan as you know...even been an admin over a shard listed among the top ones over a year ago. Oh and back then I knew most of the crew on UOGateway :p /bragoff
Edit: yay I got a star <

October 22, 2005, 6:15 pm
Thats cool about the shard, I really do want to run a server when I move out of my parnets house :P anyway the codecs worked thanks for that