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Recruitment of Belgians ( fr/nl/en) and Dutchman
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Clan Recruitment
Deleted User
October 19, 2005, 7:16 pm
------------------ English -------------

The title is simple to understand.
I see that the Belgians and Dutchman are not very numerous, and they are dispersed in various clans or they are playing without clan. I hope to create a clan but to also allow the Belgian and Dutch community to be formed. Other clans will be born thus, of the clans of Belgians or Dutchman :) . I already gathered some people and I count on you to help itself . I speak Dutch and French, and a little English.

I await the answers to give more information

------------------ Français -------------
Le titre est simple à comprendre, en effet je remarque que les Belges ne sont pas très nombreux, et sont dispersés dans divers clans ou jouent sans clan. Je compte dès lors créer un clan mais permettre aussi à la communauté Belge et Hollandaise de se former. D'autres clans verront ainsi le jour, des clans de Belges ou de Hollandais :) .

J'ai déjà regroupé quelques personnes et je compte sur vous pour m'aider dans cette entreprise, je parle Néerlandais et Français, et un peu Anglais.

J'attends des réponses favorables au projet pour donner + d'Infos

------------------ Nederlands -------------
De titel is simpel om te begrijpen.
Inderdaad merk ik op dat de Belgen niet te veel zijn, en in verschillende clans verspreid of spelen zonder clan. Ik wil een clan eveneens creëren maar de Belgische en Nederlandse gemeenschap toelaten om zich te vormen. Andere clans zullen zich vormen, clans van Belgen of Nederlanders zullen ontstaan :) . Ik heb reeds enkele personen gehergroepeerd, en ik hoop dat jullie me zullen helpen , ik spreek Nederlands en Frans, en een beetje Engels.

ik wacht op de antwoorden om meer informatie te geven


------------------- Information + ------------------
- Clantag / name : nondefinite
- Clan leader / Squad leader : Silvermo
- How to contact (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC) : silvermo@gmail.com
- Homepage (if you have one) : not yet, I await members for the community
- Clan age (Clan exists since... ?) : I have played with the same players for six months but we did not made of clan
- Favourite gamemodes : CTF, TM, DM...
- Equipement (own Soldat server, Teamspeak channel...?) : no
- Requirements in skill and character : presence, initiative, solidarity, honor, courage.
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout? contact me
- Clan results (Clanwars played, tournaments won, etc.) : not yet, but the clan will take part in the tournaments. Matches will be organized regularly
- Aims of the clan (just a funclan, or to take part in a tournament/league) : for the fun and the leagues
- The clan exists not officially since months
- The current members are Belgian and French-speaking, we are four
- ...

(Double-post combined. - Kazuki)

October 20, 2005, 12:42 pm
So, youre recruiting me ;P Cool idea. There are more dutch players then youll expect but most of them already have a clan.. I hope that there are still some belgian or dutch freelancers out there.

October 20, 2005, 1:34 pm
Good luck / bon chance ..

Deleted User
October 20, 2005, 1:37 pm
I also hope, "l'espoir fait vivre" :)

October 20, 2005, 2:20 pm
I combined your first two posts. You should use the [IMAGE] button next time you want to add something to your post. :)

Anyway, good luck with the clan. Hope it goes well.

Deleted User
October 20, 2005, 2:34 pm
I know the function "edit", only nobody would have noticed since the date would be that of the first message and not of the edition. They are two long messages, it is not as serious as if I had write small messages

Thank you :) But I think that the project will interest little world

October 28, 2005, 2:06 pm
i am Dutch but i dont have a clam:P

Deleted User
October 28, 2005, 11:15 pm
Good :) , here my email ( for msn too ) : silvermo@gmail.com ;)

October 30, 2005, 5:42 pm
Ok silvermo i just started a clan (no members) and i was wondering we could make a clan together. (ik ben nen belg)anyway im dutch
I got a TeamSpeak server a soldat server and a site(new)

hope u agree with the clan name: {MD}MassDestruction at http://massdestruction.lforum.net/

REALY hope u and me can lead this clan