October 31, 2005, 12:48 am
It would be simply divine if the mapslist didn't delete itself everytime I join a CTF game (I host a DM server).
I suggest one of two things -
1) A mapslist with different sections for each Match type.
something like...
[Capture the Flag]
etc, etc etc
or 2) Have a different Mapslist for each game.
Deleted User
October 31, 2005, 11:47 am
Just create a server via the dedicated server, and not by setting the server ingame...
I think that was the problem^^...
November 1, 2005, 12:09 am
I am using a soldat server seperate from soldat.exe, though it is not dedicated (Dedicated=0 in soldat.ini).
Every time i join any game that is not DM, it clears the mapslist. And If I make a ctf server, every time i join a non-CTF game, it clears.
November 1, 2005, 7:37 am
i find it, that whenever my map list deletes itself(it does that every two weeks or so), i can still locate the maps in my soldat /:C folder.. but i just can't play them.. how can this be?
November 1, 2005, 8:19 pm
echo, it's C:\soldat you dyslexic freak, and what do you mean, your map list deletes itself? elaborate please.
and .loki, as long as your using the seperate soldat dedicated server, it doesn't matter if dedicated=0, that's just coding residue MM left from the clientside version of soldat.