November 4, 2005, 8:14 am
i'm looking for soldat movie i can use to promote soldat around a few forums i frequent. could someone point me in the direction of decent soldat video/URL? i'd like it to be fairly accutare, with no modded weapons or animations and something i can attach in a sig.
EDIT: i'm looking for a short vid that is linked to putfile or smilar host. any compressed files that must me downloaded and unziped would defeat the purpose. thanks a lot guys, and by doing this you will be helping the soldat community grow.
November 4, 2005, 12:50 pm
Isn't a promotional video kind of pointless? Soldat itself is about 10 MB and a 3 minute video would be about 30 MB.
I'd rather play the game and see for myself instead of just watching 3 minutes of gameplay.
November 4, 2005, 7:18 pm
Actually, I think most people WOULD rather watch the movie than download the game. Playing the game takes at least half an hour until you get the hang of it and enjoy it, but you still only see one part of the game. Watching the 3 minute video takes only 3 minutes, and you can see all aspects of the game: the gameplay, the guns, the gamemodes, teamwork, etc.
I think someone should make a well-made video that covers all the parts. It probably doesn't need too many amazing stuff that only current players would understand.
some details it should include to show a lot of the game are:
- someone advancing through a multikill
- the scoreboard
- the camera following the barret bullet thing
- LAW missles flying through the air
- footage of text saying "you captured the enemy flag", and the ones for having your flag captured, scoring, and getting the rambo bow.
- rambomode footage
- choosing a server
- in game sounds, not just music
- and much more.
This would be a great way to advertise the game, and I'm sure it'll attract a lot of new players.
The Geologist
November 4, 2005, 7:21 pm
I think some of the random videos made by people over the years would be a better advertizement than a promotional video.
November 5, 2005, 12:24 am
some random video would be great. the problem is that, aside from screeshots, there is no way to see what soldat is like without downloading it and giving it a try. there's a problem with that. 1) the screenshots suck. how many of you saw the screenshots and were excited about the game? it took repeitive convincing by a fiend to get me to even try the game. from the screenshots this game looked like crap. 2) it can and does take some convincing just to take the time to download the game. you're not going to download some unkown 2D shooter unless it's caught your eye. again, the screenshots are a little lack luster.
also, by "promotional" i mean some short little movie linked to putfile or similar host. something i can attach as a link and will open an play fairly quickly. sorry if i'm asking too much.
Deleted User
November 5, 2005, 12:57 am
I wanna try and make one. :E
Flowers for Algernon!
November 5, 2005, 8:32 am
I've been fiddling with making Soldat vids on and off in the last year. I've made 2 of them:
Soldat: Mudvane Music Video, which meets almost all of the requested requirements Swarmer posted above, only thing is, it's not the real Soldat.... not technically. It's Soldat with my Red Death mod v1.1 applied to it (I've got 1.2 running now, much better). The other is a vid (also using Red Death, I don't feel like changing it back, I personally prefer my mod) of a new gametype I've invented myself called Zombies, where I'm armed with a shotgun and pistol going against around 30 Boogie Mans (the chainsaw bot, if you didn't know). I already have Soldat: Zombies up on Putfile, but lately I can't seem to get it to work. I'm also currently uploading (trying to, anyhow) Soldat: Mudvane, but damn Putfile is being [CENSORED], so I dunno.
I'd say they are pretty dang good (they both have higher quality video that Project X, which is sw33t btw) expecially Soldat: Mudvane. Speaking of which, it finally finished uploading, here's the url (I dunno how 2 make links):
Ok, now 4 some quick (it's 2AM, make that REAL quick) info on it to help you understand it better (and understand how much time I spent on it).
*The "Crash Test Productions" intro was done by hand (frame by frame, like 500+) in MsPaint, then slapped together with VirtualDub.
*This vid was filmed back when I had my 500Mhz rig (now have triple that), so some clips are kinda laggy at times.
*For those of you who can, I suggest you watch it at the "original" res... :)
*This was all filmed with Fraps, edited in VirtualDub, then put together in Windows Movie Maker.
*Crash Test Productions is a Machinima (look it up, no time) team I got together a couple years ago, but the Soldat vid is all me fighing against bots (but I still labeled it as part of our collection since I'm part of the team).
If you like it and want me to make a similar vid for the original Soldat (if you really need it that bad) just request it on this thread, cuz I don't wunna bother with anything else right now (nd slp bad).
I really want to hear what you guys think of it, so go watch it!
November 5, 2005, 9:26 am
^thanks for the vid, it'll do nicely
November 5, 2005, 10:48 am
Aha like a Soldat Trailer :)
Edit: How about the Intro.demo...? Even if it dont got the stuffs that Swarmer Said?
November 5, 2005, 5:27 pm
NP, Algernon... I hope your friends enjoy it... :)
November 5, 2005, 5:38 pm
The Intro.demo is good as an intro, but it's a bit slow, which wouldn't be good for a first impression (plus it has that black background instead of the actual level)... I think a trailer should be a bit more intense to show off how crazy it can get in a good match.
November 11, 2005, 5:48 am
actually i don't know why MM didn't link something like this to soldat main a long time ago. this is soldat's bigest problem IMO. i've litteraly gotten responses of "what the hell, i'm not going to waste my time with this" when some of my friends first went to soldat main to check out the game. why would you even want to download the game? from the screenshots and main page soldat looks like crap or just really dosen't look like anything.
November 11, 2005, 6:16 am
That's pretty true Algernon. In fact, I only downloaded the game out of sheer boredom...I wasn't even aware how small the download was until it began.
Edit: We really need someone to make a video that shows off all of the weapons, a few maps, and the absolute mayhem that, in fact, rarely ever happens except in ctf_death.
November 11, 2005, 8:07 pm
Kazuki made a movie for all the guns so that could be used.
Muskaman's video isn't promoting soldat at all. He has a non default ([CENSORED]ty) interface, non default mod, and non default music. (gore, necromancide, bloody soil).
P.S. If someone was to make a promote video for soldat, use NightCabbage interface. It'll make them want to register :P
November 12, 2005, 11:03 pm
Yeah, I made a video about the gun variation in Soldat, though it was pretty boring and people didn't like it.
I could give a promotional video a try if you guys want, though I can never assure you a good production.
Edit: By the way, Hitman's
One Soldier is pretty good.
Deleted User
November 14, 2005, 12:02 am
Yah, One Solider is excellent, except it's a little outdated since there is HTF now aswell.
November 14, 2005, 12:33 am
Hell yes.
Yes, I do feel like a cock for mispelling soldier.