Deleted User
November 5, 2005, 10:45 am
I was thinking(WOW) about new game mode. It would work just like this- more people you kill using one weapon in match, the better your weapon is.
For example: you have killed with AK-74 10 soldats without being killed. You can apply a silencer, scope, laser sight, bigger clip, or something like that. Imagine it- spas with flashlight, better pellets, or DEs with silencers and scopes!
What do you think?
Keron Cyst
November 5, 2005, 3:19 pm
I think nay. All the attachments wouldn't be worth implementing; I think they should just be variable codes similar to WM attributes that raise with kills. What would happen when you die? Do your upgraded weapons keep their upgrades or do they revert?
quote:Originally posted by veavheel I was thinking(WOW)...
November 5, 2005, 11:05 pm
quote:Originally posted by veavheelUpgradeable weapNOs mode
November 6, 2005, 7:55 am
^^ I see what you did there.
People had problems coming up with ideas for practical upgrades in a recent clone thread. Plus, I don't think there should be multiple variants of a single weapon, at least within a given version.
Deleted User
November 6, 2005, 4:21 pm
Keron, I said once- without being killed.
So- if you got fragged- all of the weapon upgrades go to hell.Disappear.
Keep posting this thread, please!
@paramud- bwahahhahah! :)
Deleted User
November 6, 2005, 11:27 pm
this is a 2-d game, why the [CENSORED] do we need flashlights? it doesnt even get dark and for a laser just use a dam sniper line
November 6, 2005, 11:45 pm
sry im against it.
that's called positive feedback and once you're really far you cannot be stopped (not too literally)...
if anything your weapon should get dumbed down a bit (slower rate, weaker, slower, etc.) because you would be a [name of gun]tard... but that's just my opinion...
November 7, 2005, 12:50 pm
C'mon veavvheel cmon ffs go play your Call of Duty Revolt mod...cause i downloaded it and it sucked...soldat is 2d get over with that and soldat is perfect with that default weapons withOUT! adds...
Deleted User
November 7, 2005, 5:57 pm
That wouldn't work, because it takes under a second to kill someone as it is. Kills don't need to be faster. Player skill needs to be encouraged more than item improvement.
Deleted User
November 8, 2005, 12:12 pm
Okay, okay... Ehm, has enyone ever played Enemy Territory? Kewl game, but if u want to play it good, you have to be skilled player. So what, you say? There are small upgrades to your in-game alter ego, when you play good- you have a lot of ammo, you are becoming faster...
An that's all i want to say. Soldat is 2d- I know it, for the Christ sake! It's teh cool, nice game, but simple- although hard.
@dascoo- stop 'censoring'. Stop It. Soldat needs flashlights( I mean- not crappy biympas, but REAL light effects).
@Sk8er- wow, I KNOW SOLDAT IS 2D!!! And I haven't ever played COD! And Soldat's NOT perfect with it's weapons, it's very, very good, but not perfect. Don't give an orders, what should I do. I'll give you one, If you want- eat your sk8board, and SHUT THE ^&%#ING UP!
And no, I'm not agressive.
EDIT: Sorry everyone for my post, but I hate, when someones giving me an order, which I_can't_really_execute...
November 9, 2005, 1:57 am
To tell the truth, I would love to see MM put this is a sub version of soldat, but only a modded 1.3, like 1.35. Plenty of these upgrades could also be havingdownsides too. Like once you get a flashlight, scope, nade launcher, (:p) red dot aim, bigger clip, silencer, your gun would be very heavy and slow to reload and/or slow to aim at all, maybe uncontrollable recoil.
And a limit of three upgrades, too. Not a gun like a had just described. Also, personal touches like visual ups, gold AK's and deagles would kick a$$. Silencers would be cool too.
And maybe instead of losing everything at death, lose one thing.. Make it like advance mode! Yeah, a whole other game mode. PERFECT. No ruined versions for some that may not be a fan of this, and you can turn it off. Better now? I think this very may well be a good gamemade for a new version or sub version. Maybe a cool personal retecule too, (aimer). Atleast when its huge, you can see something nice. And no scopes on pistols or silencers on laws either, certain guns cannot have certain mods. No scopeminiguns either ;)
Deleted User
November 9, 2005, 2:43 am
I think the idea is pointless. If you want a beter gun, mod it.
November 9, 2005, 4:42 am
But then the effect would stay permanent... which would be pointless
November 9, 2005, 6:14 am
I don't quite like this idea. Flashlights aren't really needed in Soldat. Laser pointers are already done,just use the sniper line. The scope for any weapon would be pretty cool. Bigger clip I'm not quite so sure about. An m79 with more than one grenade in it is plain unrealistic,and a minigun with 200 bullets......No thanks. I like the effort,but putting this in would just delay the real updates,like bug fixes,weapon balance,etc. Oh,and the weapon balance. People think some weapons are overpowered, and I use barrett,which people like to assume is a noob weapon. When I own people with it,they get pissed. Upgrading stuff like that would just anger people. (I only used barrett as an example,this can happen with any weapon a person is good with,and I am a proud barrettard)
Deleted User
November 9, 2005, 1:57 pm
@motocrossy- and that was exactly I wanted to say :)
@117- why pointless? So the pointless are bonuses in Soldat(predator, flamer)...
@Kaider- uhm... Yes, you're right, this wouldn't be good for the weaps ballance( but realistic and fun! Do you think that in 'real' weapon producers really care about their weaps ballance- against enemy armoury:P:P:P? '50 bullets in FN P90's clip? OMG, that's not fair, Americans havent got so big ones!', or 'cool gun, MR.Kalashinikov, but you gotta destroy it. -Why? - Cause they're better than German 'sturmgewehrs' '. Can't you see the point( pardon my english)?
Anyway, thank you v.much for your posts and opinions.