Keron Cyst
November 5, 2005, 3:47 pm
Man, have you played on The Geologist's inf_Iceberg? Having camping sniper bots utilize their scopes would be wicked! Self-explanatory...
November 5, 2005, 5:20 pm
telling them to crouch doesn't work?
i support it.
November 5, 2005, 10:29 pm
i 2 support it..
it's such an awesome map by the way..
Deleted User
November 6, 2005, 12:07 am
Yeah. It would make them just a bit more human-like.
Captain Ben
November 6, 2005, 2:18 am
I'd also like them to be loyal with weapons chosen for them. Aside from the knife, law and chainsaw, unless you want a bot to use just the one gun, you need to cut the rest from the weapon menu.
Deleted User
November 7, 2005, 6:03 pm
I can't stand camping people. The last thing I'd want would be camping bots. :(
Keron Cyst
November 7, 2005, 6:17 pm
Haha. What do you think the scope is for, then? Hold sniper battles! They're fun xD
@rabidhamster: you can tell them to crouch of course but they never use the scope.
I also agree with Captain Ben.
November 7, 2005, 10:56 pm
There's a fine line between whoring and having a favorite weapon. Or is there?
Good idea.
Bots also need to throw knives, /piss on corpses, /victory when winning, and /takeoff when bored.
Keron Cyst
November 8, 2005, 3:01 am
They do /victory when they kill someone with full health with one grenade. At least, that's what Marcinkowski said (I've yet to experience that myself).