November 5, 2005, 11:50 pm
I'm busy on my first mod, I've read the manual and many FAQ's. This is just a test mod, so the graphics suck. Anyways, to the point, I have created a mod folder and the batch file for running it. The mod runs and everything, but my weapon stats load as normal weapon stats. What's going on? I've tried /loadwep pweps in every way imaginable and I still can't get my weapons to load. . .. GARG! Any help?
November 6, 2005, 1:12 am
u need to put the weapons.ini in the default directory... try that. Name it prototypeweap.ini and then type in /loadwep prototypeweap
November 6, 2005, 3:20 am
Ah, thanks. I must've mistook 'just throw it over in with all of the categories' as the PWeps mod folder.
Now, to be perfectly clear, do you mean the Soldat default directory ( /Soldat/ ) or the Mods default directory ( /Soldat/Mods/ ) ?
I request a lock by Meandor(sp?) after the reply, please.
Erm. . . I put a copy of the file in both directories, and tried the
/loadwep pweps
typed exactly like that. It dosen't work still. What am I doing wrong? Also, is there any way to make the mod load the weapons automatically by editing the batch file in some way?
November 6, 2005, 4:53 am
yeah, in the mods directory, what did you call the file?
If you want to put it in ur mods folder, name it weapons.ini. u don't have 2 load it
November 6, 2005, 5:19 am
Arg. . . I named it weapons.ini the first time and had it placed in the folder containing my mod ( /Soldat/Mods/pweps/ ) but it still only loaded the default weapons. After you told me I could load it from ingame, I put copies of it in each directory (/Soldat/ and /Soldat/Mods and /Soldat/Mods/pweps/ ) and renamed it pweps.ini and typed
/loadwep pweps
ingame. It still didn't load. What's going on here?!?!?
(Thanks for the help so far.)
November 6, 2005, 10:06 am
it needs to be in Soldat/Mods/pweps/weapons.ini
make sure you didnt change the soldat directory location. if you did, make sure the .bat file correspond to that location.
you dont need to name it pweps, name it weapons an it should load automaticlly.
Keron Cyst
November 6, 2005, 4:36 pm
Don't change [SPAS-12], [Desert Eagles], or any other bracket names. It should always be weapons.INI. The only folder you can name yourself is the mod folder if you plan on using a modified shortcut target attribute.
November 6, 2005, 10:04 pm
You beat me to my question, Keron. After I posted yesterday I figured it out, but couldn't back on to post ( site was down. . . ). I now only need to know how to change the names of the weapons in the wep-selection menu, and my first mod will be quickly completed ( personal use only, of course ).
Keron Cyst
November 6, 2005, 10:43 pm
Don't let text on a line pass more than 15 characters or else it'll go outside the weapon menu box.
Freakin' aznbl00d... what has he against me? He probably thinks this post is spam, too. I haven't done anything to him...
November 6, 2005, 11:26 pm
Thanks, I'll try that. Does it need to be in any specific format? Nevermind that, I'll check some of the mods I've downloaded that have different weapon names. Totall thanks to all of ya, ~runs off to complete idiot mod~ ( Seriously, that's the name of it. XD ).