Deleted User
November 6, 2005, 4:54 am
Basically, everything else stays the same, but the ammo is reduced to 2 shots. Why this change, Ill explain below.
I just thought the 2 ammo barret is interesting, because heres how much time you have to wait for shots to be fired.
1st shot: 4 seconds
2nd shot: 4 seconds
3rd shot: 9 seconds
4th shot: 4 seconds
5th shot: 9 seconds
Now simply put, I think this will make the barret balanced, because alot of barretards get to 4-6 shots left in thier clip before they die, this change will not allow them to do so, most likely. You will have less shots fired in general, which will cause less barret kills, which will create less barretards in general.
Another reason is this gives barrets a new identity so to speak. If you use up both your shots, you better try to stay alive for the next 9 seconds if you want another chance at killing anyone. This makes a abrret user more of a "sniper" type player. You wont have as many barrets flying around raping people, instead they will probably play more defensively, guard areas, advance slowly, and so forth, which I think should be a property of barret users. One major problem I have with barret users are they can do everything, they can rush effectively, camp effectively, play defensive. This will take out the rushing from a barret user.
Deleted User
November 6, 2005, 5:56 am
It's an interesting idea, which means I won't shoot it down. :P
November 6, 2005, 6:11 am
As far as I'm concerned, four shots is the absolute minimum for the Barret's magazine capacity. Two shots is just ridiculous.
November 6, 2005, 8:35 am
An interesting idea to say the least, worth trying out.
November 7, 2005, 1:13 pm
Well, I don't think this would solve problems. It might balance the barret for whole matches, but it wouldn't balance it in direct duels. If you encountered a barreter, you still wouldn't have a chance. Perhaps the guy who meets the barreter after you're dead has a really good chance then. But still I think the Barret should be balanced like every other weapon also for duels, it shouldn't be a speciality. So I still think the delay would be a good option to balance the Barret this way, if it works when being tested.
November 7, 2005, 4:48 pm
The amount of ammo isn't what i'm worried about, more the fact that they were able to kill you before you were able to fight back. The 2 ammo barret won't make it less irritating for me, I prefer the delayed 5-shot barret.
November 7, 2005, 7:03 pm
This "solution" promotes more campers. But i think its worth a try. SOmeone needs to find a solution that balances it between camping and assault.
November 8, 2005, 6:48 am
Interesting or not, throwing this into the elements basket (that include reload time, power, bullet speed etc)
Will only complicate things.
Tweak what you have! barret was nerfed before, that means it can be done with out introducing a new weapon to the game, which is what you'll do with this changes.
Its a sniper rifle ffs, its suposed to kill with 1 shot, its also suposed to be harder to use.
The idea is defenitly interesting, hell maybe worth trying as a new weapon, but dont eliminate the 1 shot barret.
November 8, 2005, 9:24 pm
I like the idea of this 2 shot, but it will not prevent it from being a rushing weapon, for me I take one shot and switch to Soccom or pick up another gun :o
Deleted User
November 9, 2005, 8:54 pm
I rather like this--It'd put a real damper on assaulting with the barret (which is a rather "unrealistic" way of using the thing anyway), and it would help even things out better as far as camping is concerned--those frequent 9-second intervals would make the campers much more vulnerable much more frequently. It may not be effective against, say, Cookie, but most all of the barret assaulters I have seen don't use their secondary like that.
As for 1 on 1 situations: it's supposed to be the way it currently is. There is no point in making the barret an instakiller if you reduce its accuracy or ease of use to the point that the average player can't hit someone on the first shot--even if they could always hit home with the second shot, you may as well just get rid of the barret and give the ruger a scope.
Deleted User
November 9, 2005, 10:25 pm
MisterX and Mielos, I understand your points but think of it this way. I always hate when there is alot of barrets in a game, if you kill 1 of those on the enemy team, the other one will kill you. Lets say in this situation a barret beats one of your teammates in 1v1 combat, now since after every 2 shots the barret needs to reload for 9 seconds, the chance of you getting him before he can kill you is much higher. This will reduce the effectiveness of barret teams and barret players in general. And I dont see why it is really necesarry to balance out every weapon in a 1v1 situation. Oviously some weapons will be better at 1v1's, like 1 hit's , while others will be better at taking out more people at once(autos), and the third group of weapons(semis) can work in both situations. I dont think its necesarry to balance out every single weapon in every single aspect of soldat if the weapons are balanced in general. The point of having 10 different weapons is for variety, if every weapon was equal in 1v1's, in group battles, or in any other situation, why dont we just have 1 weapon?
Ok, I think you misunderstood. what I was suggesting is to reduce the ammunition to 2 shots, but the barret should still be a 1-hit kill weapon.
Swarmer I can see a potential problem in the increase of campers maybe, but it wouldnt be that big of a problem because even if the camper gets 1 or 2 people, he has to wait a while to reload, and in that time you can rush him because he has nothing except a secondary to kill you with.
November 10, 2005, 1:56 pm
Poop: Then that's where our opinions differ. I still think every player should have a chance. Your point that the weapons should be different is unnecessary here. Only because there is 1 weapon that's different to the other 9, that's not the reason for the variety. Weapon still have totally different advantages and disadvantages, they will never be too equal like that. Barret just shouldn't be in this "special situation" that it's nearly a 1-hit-kill guarantee, especially with the relatively low skill needed. Each player just should have a chance to beat each other player. Maybe he won't be able to do this, depending on the given situation, for example when a Spas-user meets a rugerer. But still, you nearly always have a chance to counter the enemy, if only by running away. But against a good Barreter you just can't have a chance if he doesn't miss, which most likely won't happen.
And really, as mentioned in the other thread: A delay isn't that hard to get used to, really. I tried it out myself, it's far less bad than it sounds. And this way even the outshined 1v1 deathmatches could be far more balanced, although that's not my major concern.
Deleted User
November 10, 2005, 7:48 pm
MisterX, our ways of thinking are different. Once again, I think a barret should be a better weapon in a 1v1 situation, Because its a 1-hit kill weapon. If every weapon should have a equal chance of killing eachother in a 1v1 situation, shouldnt every weapon also have a equal chance to kill eachother in a 1v2 situation, or a 2v3 situation????, Or in any situation other than a 1v1? And I disagree with your "The 1 kill is guaranteed" part. I have gone alternate route in 1v1 situations against barret users quite some times, and 1 kill is not guaranteed(usually they miss me 30% of the time). Although I agree barret is annoying and stronger, saying 1 kill for a barret user is guaranteed is a false assumption.
MisterX, I made a poll on sctfl forums about what people think about the delays. I knnow that thier opinions dont matter if they dont post here and blah blah, but Ill just post the results so people can see what league players think about delay.
17 out of 29 think its a bad idea for Barret
21 out of 29 think its a bad idea for m79
Also, can we try to keep this thread away from the delay discussion, theres a thread for that already, I would rather discuss the 2 ammo barret in this thread then discussing why delay is good/bad.
November 11, 2005, 12:54 am
quote:Originally posted by PoopMisterX and Mielos, I understand your points but think of it this way. I always hate when there is alot of barrets in a game, if you kill 1 of those on the enemy team, the other one will kill you. Lets say in this situation a barret beats one of your teammates in 1v1 combat, now since after every 2 shots the barret needs to reload for 9 seconds, the chance of you getting him before he can kill you is much higher. This will reduce the effectiveness of barret teams and barret players in general. And I dont see why it is really necesarry to balance out every weapon in a 1v1 situation. Oviously some weapons will be better at 1v1's, like 1 hit's , while others will be better at taking out more people at once(autos), and the third group of weapons(semis) can work in both situations. I dont think its necesarry to balance out every single weapon in every single aspect of soldat if the weapons are balanced in general. The point of having 10 different weapons is for variety, if every weapon was equal in 1v1's, in group battles, or in any other situation, why dont we just have 1 weapon?
Ok, I think you misunderstood. what I was suggesting is to reduce the ammunition to 2 shots, but the barret should still be a 1-hit kill weapon.
Swarmer I can see a potential problem in the increase of campers maybe, but it wouldnt be that big of a problem because even if the camper gets 1 or 2 people, he has to wait a while to reload, and in that time you can rush him because he has nothing except a secondary to kill you with.
Ah I see, I did missunderstand.
But nethertheless, it indeed as u said, will bring more campers.
Need I remind you that killing 1-2 players in a 3vs2 (per attack), is enough to win a game?
And the reload won't be that effective, since he will have enough time to reload while they respawn and attack.
Its a nice idea, very attractive because its new and interesting.
But as I said, it will only complicate things, I still claim that the bink is the answer vs barret, its good vs any form of use.
It sure as hell helps in nerfing the barret as an assault gun, it also makes it harder to camp.
Only very skilled players with the ability to shoot on sight (and kill immidiatly) will be able to use the barret as it is used now.
And I don't mean just kill fast, I mean players like old time barretards, that their existance on your screen, meant you are already dead :)
Which is fine by me.
Need I remind you, that even though 1.1.5 is known as the barret era, the barret was MUCH harder to use then than it is now! (anyone remembrs the left up angle?)
And alot of barretards were respected for their skills and earned it with alot of practice.
Its just ridiculus how easy it is, you see player without the ability to run properly, killing with such ease. its just pathetic.
November 12, 2005, 1:10 pm
or just increase the mov acc to 1500 and u have urself a defensive weapon