November 14, 2005, 10:54 pm
So I'm making a Soldat movie, my maiden voyage in such a task, and I'm frustrated. I don't use Fraps because it's [CENSORED], records teeny-weeny segments of film on huge amounts of disk space, and lags the bejeebers outta my computer. So, I decided to try extracting the BMPs and using BMP2AVI to make my film. Is there any way to make the extracting not take so godawful long? It's been at it for about five minutes and my little soldat has barely moved from the red spawn on Laos to the tunnel entrance.
EDIT: And where the heck are my BMPs? They aren't in the demos/extracted folder...
November 14, 2005, 11:12 pm
You've aroused my curiousity about something, how exactly do you make the demos go as BMP's?
November 14, 2005, 11:18 pm
You have to run Soldat as a parameter. Excerpt from the manual:
Demo files usage:
- Soldat.exe -demo name (freecam speed notexts extract)
(runs the game and plays the demo specified by name. Optional paramaters are:
freecam (0/1) - the user can freely change the camera (default 0)
speed (0-...%)- how quick the playback will be specified in percents (default 100%)
notexts (0/1) - no texts, menus or cursor will be displayed during playback (default 100%)
extract (0/1) - extracts the demo to BMP files (default 0). Later they can be used to make an AVI file in a program like "Bmp2Avi".
The sound can be extracted with a program like "Total Recorder". Please note that this can take time and is not recommended on slower systems. For better results specify lower speed (like 50%).
Soldat.exe -demo demo12
Soldat.exe -demo demo19 1 200 1 0
Problem is, it's incredibly slow. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong.
November 14, 2005, 11:29 pm
Yeah I've read through all that before, but I can't make sense of it. I don't know what it means to run something as a parameter. What exactly does all that entail?
November 14, 2005, 11:30 pm
No, it's supposed to be slow, as the computer is saving a BMP every point-something seconds. However, I'm not sure why you can't find the BMP's. =|
You should try using DiamondDemo Player. It makes things a lot easier when viewing demos.
November 14, 2005, 11:45 pm
Damn, Kaz, you got my hopes up. I saw your name on the last reply thing and I automatically thought, "Kazuki will save me!" But no.
Thanks for the advice, I'll rty out DDP.