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Htf_swampy (Map Contest{waypointing needed})
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
Deleted User
November 16, 2005, 11:23 am
This is my map for the contest

Link: [URL]

Compatible with DM, PM, RM, TDM and obviously HTF
Another map has CTF version on it
I need waypointing guys.

Closer screenshots are:

November 16, 2005, 1:52 pm
Idono, this looks only half complete to me. Add some more scenery, give some shading, and add some colors to it. Good attempt, but keep at it.

Deleted User
November 16, 2005, 2:47 pm
It has the same style of gameplay as the last one, you need to add more possible routes.
As for the waypointing:
Can't you do that yourself?
I mean, come on, how hard will it be on this layout?

November 16, 2005, 3:06 pm
Too simple dont feel like a swampy map.p

Deleted User
November 16, 2005, 6:02 pm
Yeah, no-where near enough sceneries for a swampy map. Try and add bushes and tress and things. Also, if you don't make another route at least make this one non-flat.

Keron Cyst
November 16, 2005, 6:33 pm
You'd be really awesome for making WWI trench-war maps.

November 17, 2005, 6:37 pm
Too simple. Way too simple. The shading has improved a little from your last map, but you need to improve your map concepts themselves.

I highly suggest drawing a map out on paper before you start making it.

November 17, 2005, 7:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by .LokiToo simple. Way too simple. The shading has improved a little from your last map, but you need to improve your map concepts themselves.

I highly suggest drawing a map out on paper before you start making it.

i like to just let it flow