Lord Boxtop
November 21, 2005, 10:15 pm
I don't know if anyone has posted this before (I did a search and came up with nothing, plus looked in the main "read this first" post), so feel free to lock it, but I personally thought it would be interesting to be able to command your bots. For example, be able to tell two of your bots to defend your flag and two of your bots to get the efc's flag.
Syntax could be something like this: /d Bot1 Bot2 /o Bot3 Bot4, or just saying "Bot1 Bot2 defend Bot3 Bot4 get flag".
Also maybe be able to tell your bots to snipe/camp at a certain location. Say, for example, standing in a spot and saying "Bot1 snipe here." To override any commands, you'd just say "all freelance." Maybe have "protect" as a command as well, for example: "all protect Bot1".
These commands would only work in CTF, as you might've guessed, so I don't know if that would be difficult to program or not.
Deleted User
November 22, 2005, 7:54 pm
Hmm, interesting idea for zombie matches...
November 22, 2005, 8:37 pm
Brilliant. But maybe easier controls? Very good idea.
Deleted User
November 23, 2005, 1:03 am
yes..yes i can see it happening, but the controls would need to be better discussed and i do believe waypointing for bots would be come more complex
Keron Cyst
November 23, 2005, 2:11 am
That's impossible the way Soldat and waypoints are programmed. The only things you can probably tell them to do are follow the player, and perhaps camp right where they're at (maybe for X seconds).
Deleted User
November 23, 2005, 5:39 am
I coulda sworn something similar to this had been discussed, but it was more in the context of a "Commander Mode" that'd mainly increase coordination between clan members and their "leader" during clan wars. Now that I think about it, that idea enveloped a lot more than simple orders-barking too, though...
At any rate, as unlikely as this is likely to be due to above mentioned issues, this would indeed make the game much more interesting. You would need some way of specifying a single person for giving the orders though, to keep two idiots from telling the same bot to do different things at the same time.
November 23, 2005, 11:37 am
I like the follow command... imagine just rushing into the base (INF mode) with a whole army of bots behind u. Could give some interesting scenes to record :D.
Deleted User
November 23, 2005, 12:18 pm
quote:Originally posted by Keron CystThat's impossible the way Soldat and waypoints are programmed. The only things you can probably tell them to do are follow the player, and perhaps camp right where they're at (maybe for X seconds).
yah but couldnt you make the other bot follow the other bot?
Lord Boxtop
November 23, 2005, 6:22 pm
I personally think a "defend the flag" and "get the enemy flag" option would be the easiest to program. On most maps (for me, anyway) bots run around like headless chickens (regardless of waypoints,) and I'm the only one who goes to get the flag.