November 27, 2005, 1:43 am
Ok I download a mod. It gives me the little package. But what do I do after that? I put it in the mod folder but it didn't do anything. (Im talking about the Tom Clancy mod(Totally l337 mod section)) . Help!
Keron Cyst
November 27, 2005, 5:19 am
1. Make a shortcut of Soldat.EXE
2. Right-click it and select Properties
3. add to the Target line, without the quotes, " -mod X" (yes, with the space at the beginning) where X = the name of the Soldat mod's folder (whatever you put in Soldat\Mods\X)
Note: if the mod name has spaces in it, it won't work (I learned that the hard way). Substitute with periods, underscores, or whatever other appropriate symbols which make you happy.