I have many unrelated ideas and i will post the ones im not useing here. feel free to use them. one idea for an infultration map is here. the left tower has a stationary turet but coliders got in the way so i made them invisable.
the pic isent working soo... there are 2 towers the infultraters get a sniper tower and the protecters get a turret tower. there is a lake in the center which uses an 85 percent opacity scenery which is just solid teal. there are trees on each side with branches to stand on. foxholes on each side and thats about it. anyone who wants could make this and add to it and whatever
the pic isent working soo... there are 2 towers the infultraters get a sniper tower and the protecters get a turret tower. there is a lake in the center which uses an 85 percent opacity scenery which is just solid teal. there are trees on each side with branches to stand on. foxholes on each side and thats about it. anyone who wants could make this and add to it and whatever