December 5, 2005, 4:07 pm
i've been trying to place some "bullet hole" BMPs form my scenery folder on top of my buildings (textured polys set to normal) for a bullet damage affect. i've seen things like this done on other maps and i have done something similar myself using stat guns, however i cannot get my bullet hole scenery to work. when i use them on my map everything looks OK but i cannot shoot my gun around that secton of poly with the bullet hole sceneery on them. it's like there is a giant invisibe colider surounding the scenery. i'll take a screen if i have to but it is kind of hard to capture on a screen.
The Geologist
December 5, 2005, 4:20 pm
Make sure you compile your maps before playing. Is that scenery in the front so it shows up on those polys?
December 6, 2005, 6:04 am
yep is shows up ontop of the polys and i am compiling the maps, however it map still acts like there are giant coliders around that peice of scenery. as soon as i walk past one of them my bullets colide at barrel tip of my gun an m79 goes off in you face, ect.
December 6, 2005, 6:05 am
quote:Originally posted by Algernonyep is shows up on top of the polys and i am compiling the maps, however it map still acts like there are giant coliders around that peice of scenery. as soon as i walk past one of them my bullets colide at barrel tip of my gun an m79 goes off in your face, ect.
Deleted User
December 6, 2005, 1:54 pm
#1 wtf?
#2 what did you use to make the map?