December 11, 2005, 1:05 am
Because that's what it is nowdays. Almost no weapon can rival it (with any "fast" weapon, you get killed by it waaay before you can kill the person using it) the only weapons that can really oppose someone using a m79 are the dual eagles and the ruger, but still, I think its become quite pathetic, when 90% of the games are made of both sides just using m79s.
December 11, 2005, 1:17 am
Actually, i own with the barrett(unbelievably) and the steyr for your information. It is stupid easy to kill someone using an m79, just requires a little skill thats all.
The Geologist
December 11, 2005, 1:20 am
Would you like some cheese with your whine?
If things are so pathetic stop playing. Your claims have come up plenty of times before, they're nothing new, and magically people seem to get used to the m79. I can hardly remember having seen a game where both teams are using only m79s..and find that claim quite overblown. I thought that the m79 had lost a little distance between releases..? Maybe I'm mistaken that..
Deleted User
December 11, 2005, 1:21 am
yea, i use the m79 and barretards blow me away all the time... so i choose the ak-47 :P
December 11, 2005, 1:41 am
I wasen't complaining that much, but a little sure. I'd jut like a little diversity? I use the m79 too sometimes, but not all the time. I much prefer the AK or other similar guns, but usually I get pwned by th m79, unless I too, have one. I am not a bad player, but yeah...
The Geologist
December 11, 2005, 1:49 am
What servers are you playing on? I just got done with a couple games, and I say 1-2 m79s in matches with 5-8 people, the rest were autos and deagles. Maybe that's a solution?
December 11, 2005, 2:04 am
uhh. I forget the names. Maybe that's the problem.
Deleted User
December 11, 2005, 3:03 am
I used to be the beeest m79er in 1.3, I would pull off straight kills and w/e but I got owned by ruger people since they like to stay away from me and only need a few secs to demolish me. So I changed to autos and I must say, they are alot more fun.
December 11, 2005, 3:30 am
acutally in a 1v1 situation M79s are probably the worst weapon against a decent player. No matter how good the M79er is, it is up to the target if he wants to get hit or not. The shots are soooo easy to dodge.
1) Stand still.
2) wait for M79er to fire.
3) Roll/jump/run/backflip out the way.
4) Throw a nade in his face.
5) giggle.
Its only in a huge random combat situation do M79s get good, becuase you can't really take the time to look for stray M79 shoots heading ur way. The solution: take things slower and pay attention to thier shots.
December 11, 2005, 3:49 am
Swarmer, you can take off "current leader in grenade kills at u13 East" from your sig. It was a bug! Sneaky [CENSORED].
December 11, 2005, 3:52 am
lol wouldnt matter bro that guys kills is all nades almost
Deleted User
December 11, 2005, 7:17 am
dont warry anyone,ViGGoLoNiGGoLo will make new version better then 1.3.1 till the cristmess.
1.3.5,the m79 wont be the n00by weapon any more,that anyone using it in the game,and many more things will change:D:D:D
December 11, 2005, 9:23 am
I'm using the M79 on small maps togheter with Deagles since err well , before 1.2 , that's when I started playing , dunno the exact version though.
On bigger maps I used Ruger , Deagles or AK. Since 1.3 that has changed to nothing but AK/steyr and knife.
When you play Kampf or something the place will always be crowded with M79ers , because it's small and M79 has a huge effect there.
Though in bigger maps (B2B) M79 can be killed very easily if atleast know how to dodge (prone and fly) then this M79 grenade just misses you bigtime.
Also it has a reload-time long enough to fire a SOCOM mag at it , and that's enough to kill the enemy.
Grtz , DePhille
December 11, 2005, 11:09 am
Back in 1.3, I found far far too many euro-servers filled with (literally) 90% m79'rs, as you say. Can't say I know how things are this version, or what they will be, but I don't know m79 bink has gone up by almost double. Whip out that auto, bro. :)
December 11, 2005, 11:25 am
Yea about the bink lol.
Try hitting an M79er when he's flying against the ceiling , if he pulls his trigger chanes are that his nade will end up on the ceiling causing a suicide (Dam I already had this like 10 times lol)
Grtz , DePhille
December 11, 2005, 11:52 am
lol i kill only with the law !!
I really like it .
I snipe with LAW
I sleep with LAW
I Kill with LAW
I love the LAW !!!!!!
December 11, 2005, 1:43 pm
If u say soldat should be re-named "M79 wars", I think it should be re-named "barret wars"
A decent player got many tricks to dodge M79 shots. But barret , if u juz stay in the bushes
, u can juz wait for someone to come , then click on him , and that's it.
December 11, 2005, 2:33 pm
A decent dodger also is smart enough to avoid the barret.
I find avoiding barrets more easy than avoiding M79.
There are two very very VERY simple tricks to dodge a barret (you can do them with your eyes CLOSED , literally) and it gives you a 75% of dodging the bullet.
There are like a ton of other tricks I can tell you to avoid barret and M79 but those two really are the best ones.
I'm not going to tell them since they are part of getting knowledge in Soldat ;)
Grtz , DePhille
December 11, 2005, 3:57 pm
quote:Originally posted by Swarmeracutally in a 1v1 situation M79s are probably the worst weapon against a decent player. No matter how good the M79er is, it is up to the target if he wants to get hit or not. The shots are soooo easy to dodge.
1) Stand still.
2) wait for M79er to fire.
3) Roll/jump/run/backflip out the way.
4) Throw a nade in his face.
5) giggle.
Its only in a huge random combat situation do M79s get good, becuase you can't really take the time to look for stray M79 shoots heading ur way. The solution: take things slower and pay attention to thier shots.
(off-topic) but the same argument goes with the knife - so does that mean you're for the knife cuz you put a compelling argument there!
December 11, 2005, 4:12 pm
I don't care about what goes on in public servers. But in cw's autos and semis are still dominant.. ( In the main-route especially ) Just try to use m79's against 2 autos in the upper way of b2b, I can guarantee you won't be successful unless your enemies are noobs and don't know how to look above for boosters.
Anyway, 1 point still stands : Ideal weapon depends on the map and situation.