Deleted User
December 13, 2005, 2:56 am
there is too many f*****g m79s now a days, becasue people are too noobish for barrets. so i think the m79 should be downgraded like speed bc i found that the m79 has a pretty long range and the killbox for the shot is a lot bigger than it seems which is nothing new but it gets really annoying when everyone is using it
Deleted User
December 13, 2005, 3:12 am
Yes, Im seeing alot of my9ers now. They all run around in tunnels and w/e. Pretty annoying. Especially how easy it is for them... The 30% more health when boost doesnt work. I can easily boost without getting hurt now.
Its pretty hard to do anything to the m79. Bink it? Huh. No.
Reduce power? But why, its a grenade.
Slower reload...? May help a little, though it might stink because
if you kill someone, someone else is gonna come about and just kill you while your reloading.
Maybe trying to reduce distance of the m79 when standing up, or else you bink.
When crouching, m79 goes farther and less bink.
Deleted User
December 13, 2005, 4:14 am
Look people. Regardless of what you do, newbies will always pick the 1-hit kill weapons. Why? Because if they get a fluke shot, they get a kill. They get point blank, they get a kill. They meet someone in a narrow space, they'll probably get a kill. Plus M79 is God damn cool to fire over things and get kills. I myself, and many others I play with started with M79/barret and some still do. Once newbs get the basics (ie aiming, movement) down pact, most switch to other weapons. You'll just have to learn to deal with it.
I do agree, however, that the extra splash damage in the new version just makes things worse.
December 13, 2005, 7:47 am
Well.. you asked for it.
So much complaints about barretards that Michal finally turned the barret into a useless piece of [CENSORED], and now everybody switched to the M79. Sad.. but true.
The Geologist
December 13, 2005, 9:18 am
Yea, it's totally useless with that fraction of a second delay.
Pfft...cry me a river here guys. Take some time to actually play the game before you deem the gun a "useless piece of [CENSORED]", or if you really can't handle it, stop playing? Barret works great in this version and anyone with a hint of skill can use it just as effectively as before. Funny how people think it's all the "noobs" that have the trouble with barret, while they themselves call it useless, [CENSORED], ruined, and any other host of exhaggerations that come out with every new release. Sounds like you have just as much trouble with the barret as these noobs you're so much better than.
December 13, 2005, 10:00 am
Yes, yes. I figured this would happen, if it has. What is it with kids and 'instant-satisfaction' weapons?
Anyhow, what I like about this new version is that I can't see any weapon - whether overpowered or nerfed - being too much of a problem.
M79 for instance. If they're really getting to you, grab an auto. They have nearly twice the bink they had in 1.3, from 25 to 45 in the weapons editor. So long as you keep at least half a screen's distance and no less, they should miss and they'll be at your mercy.
Alternatively, i've taken out a fair few m79's with a barret. There may be a delay on it, but you can afford it versus an m79, plus theres no one to bink you. Brilliant.
December 16, 2005, 7:08 pm
i hate the m79 with a burning passion now...well...more like a burning hate for lester roquefort. that stupid ass was playing in AAA inf one day with me and for some reason, he targeted me with the m79. whats worse is that he was on my team. he would shoot me while i was in the air and i would fly into the ground and i would killl myself. i changed teams to get away from it and that [CENSORED]got changed to. he was even spawning me. and no one would kick him. if you see him, murder him relentlessly.
December 16, 2005, 8:33 pm
It doesn't matter if now there are too many m79ers... I'm so happy now that barretards are over that I don't care about anyone else...
I'm so happy!
December 17, 2005, 2:56 am
I agree with Chakra, m79 has more bink than before and it's much more easier to dodge than barret. Although I don't see any problem with barret now either because I find it more easier to aim with than last versions....
Deleted User
December 17, 2005, 6:47 am
quote:Originally posted by DeMoWell.. you asked for it.
So much complaints about barretards that Michal finally turned the barret into a useless piece of [CENSORED], and now everybody switched to the M79. Sad.. but true.
barret - even easier to shoot now, you can shoot it while walking without having the movement account bother you at all :P
M79 needs these things:
Shooting Delay fixes things quite nicely.
December 17, 2005, 12:15 pm
quote:Originally posted by ThaDimprove your skills nabs
What he said...if you're skilled you can avoid anny weap. Only noobs complain like this. ;)
The End
December 17, 2005, 7:22 pm
quote:Originally posted by F@NTOMquote:Originally posted by ThaDimprove your skills nabs
What he said...if you're skilled you can avoid anny weap. Only noobs complain like this. ;)
I agree with all that. Mainly because it is possible to even dodge barret bullets. I don't have that much of a beef with m79 (even though on realistic it is possible to teamkill with it. So what? Technically any weapon can be used to kill in realistic if you know what you're doing).