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Mini Poll about 1.3.1
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - 1.3.1 related complaints and/or whining -NO BUGS-
December 13, 2005, 10:29 am
Everyone I want to save time. Let me say now and here I will make a mini POLL --

just copy & paste one of the options below in your reply, which comments do you prefer:

Autos should have less bink level. Autos are ok. All things go on rightly up till now. Knives probably have bugs now. I think their attack power don't deserve to be set so low. I want new patch for my old combat knife!! Knives are now similar to grenades, both can train me into a veteran. I'm satisfied with the knives now... (type your explanation please) M79 is dominating every servers! M79 does NOT own Soldat in a whole. Is Rugar a simple toygun now? YES! Ruger now becomes great...(plus some explanation please) Ruger is better than Barret now. Ruger HAS BEEN better than barret. Barret setup time makes me ILL! Most Barretards are camping like a stone now!! Now Barret is probably not overused, it's OKAY! Don't you think the Barret setup time is a bug?? Please release new patch within 1~2 months' time!! (type your explanation please) I love this Soldat version, they rocks!! (type your explanation please) I prefer old weapon settings 1.30 I prefer older weapon settings 1.2x I prefer the present weapon settings 1.3.1 I prefer my own weapon balance (type some suggestions)

December 13, 2005, 10:38 am
Autos should have less bink level.

M79 does NOT own Soldat in a whole.

Barret setup time makes me ILL! Most Barretards are camping like a stone now!!

December 13, 2005, 11:53 am
quote:My Response:
Autos should have less bink level.
No. They're pretty much fine in this version.

Autos are ok.
For the most part, I'd say all the autos are pretty much perfect in this version.

All things go on rightly up till now.
wtf does that mean? If you mean everything was ok, even in 1.3, but not anymore.... a resounding NO. I prefer 1.2.1 as the best version of Soldat, with 1.3 being the worst I have played since I started in 1.1.5.

Knives probably have bugs now. I think their attack power don't deserve to be set so low.
True.... sometimes I feel it's almost justified I get killed now, but it doesn't happen! Sometimes I only lose 75% of my health from a pretty big throw.

I want new patch for my old combat knife!!
Hell no. Other than the damage which could be *slightly* buffed, it's perfect the way it is. There is no way I wan't to see it being as useful as it was in 1.3. That was hell.

Knives are now similar to grenades, both can train me into a veteran.
... Yes.

I'm satisfied with the knives now... (type your explanation please)
As above, thank you.

M79 is dominating every servers!
Sometimes, when a handful of people use it, things genereally start to suck.

M79 does NOT own Soldat in a whole.

Is Rugar a simple toygun now? YES!
I think it should be a 2 hit kill now with the slower rate of fire. It's too slow... I didn't really mind so much the reload time in 1.3, but now it takes so long to take someone out, especially if you're being binked by an auto, you get screwed.

Ruger now becomes great...(plus some explanation please)
Not true. It's only become worse. The damage buffer is completely of insignificant consequence.

Ruger is better than Barret now.
They are different weapons entirely. I'd say they have been very well balanced in 1.3.1... but a good ruger user vs. a good barret user would probably end with the barret user winning imho.

Ruger HAS BEEN better than barret.
I began using the ruger in 1.3, so I don't know for sure. The ruger is better in some circumstances, the barret in others.

Barret setup time makes me ILL! Most Barretards are camping like a stone now!!
Not true at all. I've seen pro barret users perform very well in clan wars, while they were NOT camping.

Now Barret is probably not overused, it's OKAY!
Yeah I didn't think it was that bad in 1.3 or 1.2.1, at least compared to the M79, so yeah...

Don't you think the Barret setup time is a bug??
No, I don't.

Please release new patch within 1~2 months' time!! (type your explanation please)
Yes! There are numerous bugs that seriously affect the gameplay experience, which happen very often also. Read my thread in this subforum for examples.

I love this Soldat version, they rocks!! (type your explanation please)
Yes, I do. All the weapons are fairly well balanced apart from the M79, I'm seeing a lot more variety since 1.3 in people's weapon choices, and the gameplay has increased in speed, slightly.

I prefer old weapon settings 1.30
[CENSORED] no. -F-U-C-K- -N-O-

I prefer older weapon settings 1.2x

I prefer the present weapon settings 1.3.1
Probably necessary... so I'm happy to live with it.

I prefer my own weapon balance (type some suggestions) [/list]
I don't think WM servers are fun at all, generally.

December 13, 2005, 11:58 am
thank you person :)

December 13, 2005, 12:20 pm
I'm satisfied with the knives now... (too many of them in 1.3)

M79 does NOT own Soldat in a whole.

Ruger is better than Barret now.

Please release new patch within 1~2 months' time!! (too many severe bugs ruining the gameplay)

I prefer older weapon settings 1.2x

December 13, 2005, 12:45 pm
All things go on rightly up till now.
Knives probably have bugs now. I think their attack power don't deserve to be set so low.
I want new patch for my old combat knife!!
Ruger is better than Barret now.
Barret setup time makes me ILL! Most Barretards are camping like a stone now!!

December 13, 2005, 2:56 pm
I just love this Soldat version, damnit!
I just hate the new gostek graphics, damnit!

December 14, 2005, 5:08 pm
Autos should have MORE bink level.
I think their attack power don't deserve to be set so low.
Knives are now similar to grenades, both can train me into a veteran.
M79 is dominating every servers!
Ruger now becomes great...(seriously, in the right hands it OWNS. learn how to use it, damit!)
no weapon is better than another
Now Barret is probably not overused, it's OKAY!
I love this Soldat version, they rocks!! (it's more balanced than 1.3 and the cheapness of the knife, m79 and barret have been adress [but it's still lackign in other ways])
I prefer my own weapon balance (who dosen't? more self damage from the m79 as well a a slightly longer reload would make it perfect. AK needs less bullet speed but more bullet damage IMO. all autos need more self blink. it adds a level a skill to the game. i loved taking out a guy in 1.3 when i have partial health becaue i could master the self blink on my weapon and he could not. 1.3.1 is too much like 1.2.1, the auto user with the most health will win in a fire fight)

December 14, 2005, 9:10 pm
Is Rugar a simple toygun now? YES!

December 15, 2005, 2:16 pm
Is Rugar a simple toygun now? YES!

The ruger used my favorite gun. I used to be able to kill 2 people before I had to reload. The change doesn't seem very big, but I'm not getting nearly as many kills with it now.

December 15, 2005, 2:40 pm
I prefer old weapon settings 1.30

Well.. I liked 1.3 weapon settings... They were better than 1.2.1 because ruger was overpowered on 1.2.1

December 15, 2005, 3:10 pm
personally, i thought 1.2.1 was pretty good, aside from ruger and a couple other small tweaks.

December 16, 2005, 10:28 pm
Autos are ok.

All things go on rightly up till now.

Knives probably have bugs now. I think their attack power don't deserve to be set so low.

I want new patch for my old combat knife!

Don't you think the Barret setup time is a bug??

Please release new patch within 1~2 months' time!! (This patch really killed the fun parts of soldat. [ Mainly Knifes ;) ])

I prefer old weapon settings 1.30

December 16, 2005, 10:35 pm
I prefer old weapon settings 1.3
I want new patch for my old combat knife
Barret setup time makes me ILL