December 14, 2005, 10:36 pm
Post here if you have any questions towords how this works.
Deleted User
December 14, 2005, 11:36 pm
Will you move everything that has already been said in the General Discussion topic to the right places here? Can't you take something from the guides that already are out there (for instance, Server Help) and use parts of them?
Will there be some 'General'/'Misc' part or are you taking care of that? And some troubleshooting help will be added too, right? (Not nescessarily here but in the guide) I want answers! Now dammit!
EDIT: Is this moderated? Didn't see that anywhere .. o.o
December 15, 2005, 9:15 am
Ok so let me see, I'll answer in an orderly manner:
1- I'll try too, (not much have been said there anyways)
2- I can, I will, and I already did for some.
3- Do you think there's a need for one? if so, you're invited to post your suggestion in the right thread (I have no doubt I left out some topics) :)
4+5= This forum was moderated untill now, because I'm such a noob :S. I fixed it , and you'll be able to see all the new topics from now on, however this will be a reply only forum. you will not be able to make new threads (hopefuly).
December 15, 2005, 12:40 pm
I've got three things to say/ask (I'll try keeping it short;) )
1) Will you edit the main posts of a guide category when someone adds a good suggestion to the guide category? This way people don't have to scroll down to read all the posts , they can just read the main post and add things to that.
2) I think you should make a suggestion category instead of letting the people send PMs to you. Soon , when this Forum gets crowded , you'll get like 50% the same suggestions. If you just add a special topic for that and sticky that people won't ask the same questions.
3) Is it possible that you remove a reply that actually doesn't contribute to the topic? I've seen many suggestion posts with replies like 'Good idea' etc , It's better to remove such posts to make the reply list shorter.
Grtz , DePhille
December 15, 2005, 11:25 pm
1- Yes, I actualy stated it in every topic : "This first post will be updated with time with the incoming information so stay "tuned"."
2- 'tis alright, I doubt it will get to spammy, most of the stuff have places in th forums.
3- Yes, already deleted a few :) e.g: in the Deathmatch topic "Try to be first O.o"
December 16, 2005, 2:37 pm
Sorry about the first one , didn't notice it.
I did notice it after I wrote the topic but I forgot to edit it.
grtz , DePhille
March 22, 2006, 4:30 am
Tengo un problema...cada vez q quiero jugar al soldat el menu se ve re bien, pero cuando quiero meterme en el juego se ve toda la pantalla negra, y el sonido anda perfecto...me podrian decir q es lo q pasa y como arreglarlo? xq instale muchas veces el directx y no pasa nada...no se cual es la falla.
March 22, 2006, 1:16 pm
With my crappy languages I tried to understand the post, never had SPanish though so don't trust my translation :).
"I have a problem. The menu works, but ingame I have a black screen but sound... How can I solve this? I tried re-installing DirectX."
What's your hardware like?
Grtz , DePhille
March 22, 2006, 4:54 pm
Somehow I doubt he can understand english, just a hunch.
April 18, 2006, 6:36 am
How do you add a player in the Soldat Wiki players section? It won't let me edit that specific part.
April 18, 2006, 8:11 am
you could ask one of the wiki admins ...O.o
You do know its not the soldat guide right?
April 18, 2006, 4:50 pm
Quote:Originally posted by mariscalitoTengo un problema...cada vez q quiero jugar al soldat el menu se ve re bien, pero cuando quiero meterme en el juego se ve toda la pantalla negra, y el sonido anda perfecto...me podrian decir q es lo q pasa y como arreglarlo? xq instale muchas veces el directx y no pasa nada...no se cual es la falla.
He's complaining about a bug... I'll help him.
Hey bro, aqui en este sitio casi nadie habla espaƱol. De todas formas, lo que te esta pasando es que tal ves tengas una targeta ATI de video vieja. Metete en el setup de soldat y dale click a la caja que dice "bonus fix bla bla bla ATI card users"
Eso arreglara tu problema, no te puedo decir nada mas, lo siento x__X
David S7
April 28, 2006, 5:46 am
Quote:Originally posted by KrAEvarrHow can i play soldat on a mac?
You can't :\ .
May 28, 2006, 8:56 pm
I have seen some people in game that push my weapons out of my hands.
can you explain me how i can do that too?
May 28, 2006, 9:09 pm
Use fists, or go to close range and hit enemy with your current weapon.