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Some unusual ideas....
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
December 16, 2005, 9:00 pm
We could, at once, have realistic gameplay, to turn soldat into a tactical shoot'em up game, like America's Army or Call Of Duty, instead of "Rush-to-the-front--Half-Life-Mods-Style".

How to do it? Its not that hard:

1)Bullets must be faster(not to shoot faster, but when they leave weapon they hit the objective very fast, like real weapons....). I mean, do we have that option? i dont think so. We can mod weapons to shoot very fast, but velocity is always the same, right?(i can be wrong).
In this way there would be no rushs, because the defense team would smurf this players.(i want the option to do it. not to be forced). and just trying to rush would make players die at the center of the maps.

2)The option to have smaller gosteks(instead of making maps big). I dont mean microscopic, but smaller gosteks is like increasing maps size. Can become more realistic.(i also want the option to do it. not to be forced :P)

3)When you walk and shoot, bullets should be even less acurate. This also helps to stop rush, and helps for tactical game play.

4)Bigger diference between acuracy when up,duck and lied down.(if ther is any...i never notice big diferences). another thing that also helps to reduce rush.

5)Less acuracy when shooting in mid air. It would be like this, from the less acurate, to the most acurate:

mid air> up> duck >lied down

6)diferent stuff to had to the gostek.(some more to free, and even more to registered users....would be fair). Like, diferent kinds of shirts, headgear, pants(or shorts,etc), boots,etc.

7) BINOCULARS as third party(ill explain this later) weapon!!! Like the sniper, you can see more far if you duck, and even more if lie down. It could see exactly the same as sniper, or maybe a bit more.

8) GRENADES make part of the kit!! option to choose to start with grenades in secondary menu, or to have them to be picked on the ground.

9) SMOKE GRENADES, BLIND GRENADES, FIRE GRENDADES!!! Smoke grenades would act exactly like an object in realistic mod(line of sight).you cant see whats in front of the smoke. So you just fly over it, or cross it...might be danger, so maybe you'll wait, or just shoot blind(very realistic behaviour. the shoot blind method. although you can do it, there is hardly a reason for it). This is seted up on the players menu. you can choose up to a set number of grenades(we alrady have this option), but then you choose how many of them you want to be normal grenades, or smoke grenades,etc. for example, if server seted up up to 3 grenades, you can choose 2 normal grenades, and one smoke grenade, for instance. Blind grenades would put your monitor into black....and then you would be smurfed up. time blind could be seted up either. Fire grenades would be a bit like "molotov cocktails" in lemmings. Explode when they hit something, and the fire stays on the ground for a seted period of time. Damage increase depending on how long you keep on it.

10)Thirdiary menu! Binoculars, night vision, hide kit(you would get disguised in the map. although you couldnt do anything else when in this position).

11)Obviously, the weapon add ons! Xray, Silencer,etc. Xray would make a very cool thing. For istance, a sniper with an xray would make a red sniper line for the player and maybe team players, but for the enemy it would be only a red ball. Imagine it. You are hiding somewhere, and sudenly you see a red(flurouscent) ball on a wall....and you dont know from where da hell its coming, you only know that its close to you...then you see the red ball in your head.....then booooom.

12)You dont have infinite bullets. you have a seted up number of recharges, but if you loose them all, you must return to base(only on ctf_ and htf) (option to do it)

13)option to set realistic deaths. so your head wouldnt fly and jump everywhere. Although i love to play with other guys heads, i want to have the option for realistic deaths.

14)FOG and TERRAIN EFECTS!!more smokes and clouds. Grenade makes marks in the ground, bazooka makes even bigger marks, and keep int he scenario for even longer. Lots of sand,earth, etc, appear depending on what is hiting the terrains. if bazooka its terrain, it goes all over the place....big mess :D


16)LAND MINES!!Would be part of the thirdiary menu. Players would set em up in the scenario. Team could see them, enemy couldnt. It would help for tactical game, because you would to have grenades, or blind fire, to destroy mines, before you pass......rush and you're smurfed

17)CALL AIRFORCES!!! You are forgeting a classic of the lemmings. The green command and the napalm or missils :P.

18)Escape mod. Inverse of Infiltration. your objective is to lead the black flag to the white point. you start with black flag, and you get points when you hit with it in the white flag, but blue teams gets points for the seconds that pass.(im based on the inf_invasion map)

19)Race mod. With waypoints. objective is to reach those waypoints first then the rest....weapons included ofcourse.

I can't think of any other now.
Oh, and Btw, Michal, dont worry, i don't want this for 1.4 :D. Just some improvements...

As for the most extremes of my ideas....well, people can still try to find anything usefull on them...

From my ideas, here are the one i think that are a must:

1)smoke grenades,
2)fire grenades,
3)land mines,
4)fog and terrain efects(like i said in the other thread, i dont mean maps disapearing! just terrain efects when bullets, grenades,etc, it the ground),
5)escape mod,
6)gun's addons(silencer,etc....forget the xray on the head if you think its too extreme :)),
7)diferent stuff for gostek,
8)lost of acuracy with the order i made, from most acurate to less acurate,
9)walk and shoot lost of acuracy(i've never walked and shoot with a real gun, but there's lost of acuracy in paintball guns, so its even bigger with real guns)....and that's it....

what do you think of my ideas? you can also say what you think about vehicles,etc, but i would like to now what do you think about this 9 last.

December 17, 2005, 1:53 am
Is this a joke or something?
You'd better hide from now on little fella'.

Deleted User
December 17, 2005, 2:00 am
Yeah, that is a big list of ideas. As for quote:Originally posted by matapatosWe could, at once, have realistic gameplay, to turn soldat into a tactical shoot'em up game, like America's Army or Call Of Duty, instead of "Rush-to-the-front--Half-Life-Mods-Style". That does sound pretty fun, but since Soldat for the most part, is an arcade shoot-em up game, how realistic should we make it?

Although I wouldn't mind seeing some of realistic mode get a bit more realistic.

Deleted User
December 17, 2005, 2:17 am
yeah this would suit well for realistic mode.
and I find most of your ideas good.

well not 15) and 17) because no way.

December 17, 2005, 6:10 am
Combined with my "Squad Mode" idea, that would be awesome. Teamwork and tactics are way more fun.


December 17, 2005, 1:56 pm

now, in the calmest way i possibly can, i will try to comment on your "musts"

1 no. soldats can fly, go over smoke
2 no again, no napalm in soldat (and i think it is hard to program or something)
3 like all of the above it has been suggested befor and look! no [CENSORED]ing landmines!
4 it is not possible to edit polys ingame, so no craters for you!
5 ?? ill play it safe and just say no
6 the guns themselves are not balanced adding them will make gunz more unbalanced (already suggested so stfu)
7 ok FINE but it still was suggested before (notice a pattern?)

i hope i dont sound like a total jerk, but really i think like 99 ppl already said they wanted this stuff.

oh and rushing up can be stopped if you are any good at the game
and rushing is a big part of the game
and realistic mode was probably made (theory) to get people like you to shut up in the first place.

December 17, 2005, 4:00 pm
STFU 4-yerars-old!!! Annoying [CENSORED]. If you dont like it talk like everybody else, and just say it so damn jerk. You dont have to talk like that to express your points of view, neither you have to act like a damn kid.


bunch of damn fools that only criticize and cant come with decent ideas themselves. The thing is, you mmight already play well online, and you know that changes to the game will make people have to adapt to those changes...

The problem is, you dont wanna be seen as a n00b....damn n00b.

December 17, 2005, 4:04 pm
AND AT LEAST READ MY FKING POST DECENTLY!! for isntace, in point 4 i said: "terrain efects....but i dont mean maps disapearing like in worms"... And then you with your almighty wisdom wrote: "you cant edit polys ingame".....

Are you stupid? or just blind?

And it's so hard to imagine polys able to be edited ingame in the future? damn, what a bunch of narrow minded.

December 17, 2005, 4:06 pm
me-"i want to be able to add a silencer to my steyr in game"

the-so-called-veterans:" no damn n00b, stfu [CENSORED], that would unbalance even more the weapons, what a retard, my god!!"

damn bunch of kids who cant impose themselves on real life, and so try to do it in the internet.....damn losers.(im not talking about all, but this 4-year-old guy is certaintly one of them)

December 17, 2005, 4:14 pm
Why not to implement the above changes
By Chonoryoku

1) If bullets instantaneously hit their target, it would be too easy to aim, even with selfbink. Damagae would have to be seriously nerfed as well, because speed affects damage also.
2)Just useless--find a bug map or make your own if you want everything supersized.
3) Already implemented. Look at weapons.ini, there's a movement accuracy stat for everything.
4) Yes, there is a difference between accuracy when prone, crouch, and standing. It's small, but it's there.
5) Already implemented.
6) You can mod it yourself or find a mod that suits you.
7) Pretty useless. Just use the Barret--you couldn't really do anything about him coming your way if you had anything else than a Barret anyways.
8) If this was implemented, no one would choose them for their secondary because there are grenade boxes all around the spawn points.
9) Incendiary grenades and smoke grenades will be useless--you have jets. Flash grenades would be overpowered or very easy to avoid (just turn away from it >_>).
10) Binocs--see above. Night vision--useless. Camo suit/whatever--useless.
11) I don't know what the hell your Xray thing is. It sounds like a sniper line that the enemy can see, which is stupid. Silencers are useless, unless you play without bullet trails.
12) Soldat is too fast-paced for this. It would also be incredibly annoying if you won all your fights across a big map like B2B on a crowded server, reached the enemy flag but had to fight off and AK with your Socom.
13) Ragdoll physics are as realistic as you can get.
14) This would just be really annoying and useless. If you want more terrain and clouds, modify a map or make your own.
15) Ahaha. Ha. Ha. No.
16) I can see tons of abusage already, and the placing of landmines outside of one's spawnpoint or on the enemy's flag.
17) What about maps that have closed ceilings, like Viet or Laos?
18) Uhh... what?
19) There are already tons of race maps. Look for them in the maps section.

December 17, 2005, 5:37 pm
i think smoke grenades would be useful if three things happened:
1. limited ammo (good idea i guess) so taht ppl can't spray through smoke
2. gravity would be stronger so taht you coudldn't jump more than 2 times your size (which is unrealistic enough)
3. smoke nades block view

while i love the idea of mroe tactical gameplay and slower-paced shooting, i doubt soldat will ever turn into one of those :/

December 17, 2005, 8:58 pm
"smoke nades block view"

that was the whole point. :P

And anyway chonoryoku, i didnt wanted people to comment all of them, just the 9 i resumed in the end :P, because the rest were to extreme, or just stupid(hmm...yeah, smaller gosteks is just stupid) And there's one thing that you are forgeting. You called a lot of things as "useless".

Well, this actually means nothing. In that case, why do people want dogtags, diferent kinds of hats, diferent hairs, so many colors for hair, so many colors for clothes...to personalize? but it doesnt afect game play! why white, dark and black gosteks? does it make a diference? why smooth polygons? why all those gifs in maps? why those body movements? why the awsome way of gosteks diying?( not like counter strike that when you die, there are only 4 positions in wich you stand death)why the jet flames efects? why there is an intetion of changing grenade explosions to better ones when updates are made?

You can see this is all irrelevant. It doesnt matter if it's useless. Only if it's damn cool!! And that's a big part of what makes soldat an excellent game.

and now i also think that land mines shouldnt be put on soldat. you can hardly be alive for more then 30seconds, land mines arent a good idea.

i still believe in the fire grenades :D, and i strongly believe in smoke grenades.....and forget the flash grenades for the same reasons i stated above....

the details...they make a big part of this game.

December 17, 2005, 9:15 pm
Okay, I'll explain what makes everything you said so useless :>

2) Oh wait, you already admitted this was stupid.
7) Just use the Barret--you couldn't really do anything about him coming your way if you had anything else than a Barret anyways (exactly what I said before)
9) You can fly over fire and smoke.
10) Night vision is useless because there is no darkness is Soldat. A camo suit is useless because everyone knows where all the bushes/grass/whatever on the map are already.
11) Silencers are useless because you can still see where the bullets are coming from, where they are landing, etc. Even if the other guy has perfect accuracy you can still see where your guy is getting hit by looking where he bleeds.
14) After a while, the whole server would be filled with grenade marks--even if it's not too crowded. No one wants the edges of every single poly to be black.

So there. :P

Deleted User
December 17, 2005, 10:34 pm
Smoke grenades could be interesting, I'm not sure how well implementing a line-of-sight blocker would work though. LOS is determined by fixed map-features, and I'm not quite sure that the game could support "changing-terrain". Same thing too with craters.

A silencer could be interesting too. I can only really see it being implemented on the socom though. It would also only be useful on realistic mode, where sound makes a difference, and gunshots might give away your position. I don't think it would work as an "option" for weapons, it would require modifiying existing weapons.

The laser-dot from a scoped weapon would indeed be cool, but would give away your position too easily i think. Also, it would go in a straight line, whereas Barrets are subject to gravity and air-resistance. It would also have issues distinguishing between Gosteks, terrain, and colliders, and would be a pain to program.

Speaking of which, bullet-velocity really does mean what it says it does. Ruger bullets go faster than mp5 bullets. This affects their firing arc as well as the time-delay before impact.

As for Escape-mode, reverse-infiltration maps already exist. Inf_Normandy (or something like that) has red team in control of the black flag, trying to bring it past blue's defenses into their base.

December 17, 2005, 11:19 pm
yes Hans, inf_normandy, but blue hardly scores :P

by laser dot, i meant just a dot, not the whole line.

Chonoryoku, you really dont get it, do you?

"9)you can fly over fire and smoke" ....???..?? you must be kiddin right? i mean,i can also avoid grenades, and shots...what's the diference? yes, you can fly over it.....but losing line of sight can bring problems... like, if you are a sniper, and there is a smoke grenade in front of you, covering the enemy base, and you cant see if them are going into the tunel, or flying up,etc,etc,etc....it would increase gaemplay..

as for the silencer, your opinion in "its completly useless", like i already said, is nonsense. because i can also say "dog tags, mr. T style, jet efects are uselss".

"After a while, the whole server would be filled with grenade marks--even if it's not too crowded. No one wants the edges of every single poly to be black."

terrain marks could stay for a period of time.... and i was mostly talking about terrain efects. Example, when a grenade its the ground in a determinate polygon, that polygon will have an efect acording to set up characteristics(an addon to maps and game). a polygon can be seted up to react in a certain way when grenade hits it.

for istance, like i said, it could make a terrain efect, with earth flying all over the place(doesnt mean making an hole in the ground). just like when you shoot, you can see the capsules of the bullets falling the thew floor, or when you hit wall with bullets some particules start flying, it would be the same thing..

December 18, 2005, 5:06 pm
quote:Originally posted by matapatos
"9)you can fly over fire and smoke" ....???..?? you must be kiddin right? i mean,i can also avoid grenades, and shots...what's the diference? yes, you can fly over it.....but losing line of sight can bring problems... like, if you are a sniper, and there is a smoke grenade in front of you, covering the enemy base, and you cant see if them are going into the tunel, or flying up,etc,etc,etc....it would increase gaemplay..Five words: Nade spam and blind fire.
quote:Originally posted by matapatos
as for the silencer, your opinion in "its completly useless", like i already said, is nonsense. because i can also say "dog tags, mr. T style, jet efects are uselss".That's retarded, like me saying: Mustard tastes bad," and you saying: "No it doesn't, because ketchup tastes bad." You're just avoiding the fact that it has no use whatsoever and that chains, jets, hair, etc. are indeed useful for personalization and recognization.
quote:Originally posted by matapatos
"After a while, the whole server would be filled with grenade marks--even if it's not too crowded. No one wants the edges of every single poly to be black."

terrain marks could stay for a period of time.... and i was mostly talking about terrain efects. Example, when a grenade its the ground in a determinate polygon, that polygon will have an efect acording to set up characteristics(an addon to maps and game). a polygon can be seted up to react in a certain way when grenade hits it.

for istance, like i said, it could make a terrain efect, with earth flying all over the place(doesnt mean making an hole in the ground). just like when you shoot, you can see the capsules of the bullets falling the thew floor, or when you hit wall with bullets some particules start flying, it would be the same thing..That's what you mean then? Well... it's already implemented. :| Don't you see capsules flying to the floor when you shoot, or particles flying around when a grenade explodes against the wall?


December 19, 2005, 9:45 am
no, i see small...when bazooka its the ground you see only the explosion, no terrain efect....and i know that there are capsule falling to the floor, i was comparing it to that.

As for the silencer, i think it would also help for personalization....and i still dont think there's a point in saying "no, because it's uselsss", when there are lots of useless things in the game.

December 19, 2005, 9:46 am
Chonoryoku, if all human beings thought like you do, we wouldnt have evolved....(i mean, restrict their mind to what can be usefull, and what is not)

Deleted User
December 19, 2005, 11:00 am
matapatos: Use this button [IMAGE] on your previous posts to edit them instead of double posting.

I'm locking this topic now, its gone to hell with flaming and trolling. Consider this a warning matapatos, I don't want to see behaviour like this again. You can't get angry just because people don't like your ideas.