December 17, 2005, 3:31 pm
compared to any and all ideas i've seen recently, i believe that this one would most appropriately solve the barret problem as well as any other weapon balance issues. (you could also remove the 2 sec barret-delay with this)
I stumbled upon this idea when i was playing on a server and bullet time was suddenly activated. I realized that your cursor moves much slower during that time (because everything is slow motion (even your aim)). So i wondered, what if for different guns, the speed at which you move your mouse changes. That means:
-) for light and easy to wield guns such as the de, hk, steyr, socom, and knife your cursor moves at fast speed (like it is now)
-) for medium-weight and mediumly easy to wield guns such as the ak, spas, ruger, flamer, and bow the cursor moves at a slower rate
-) and for the heavy guns such as the m79, barret, minini, minigun and LAW the cursor moves at a much slower rate and therefore the gun is naturally more difficult to use.
long story short: with lighter guns you can move the mouse much faster as opposed to heavier guns.
comments and suggestions as well as your own categorization of guns would be appreciated!
December 17, 2005, 6:08 pm
I like the idea, but it would get pretty annoying, but I think it would fit realistic mode well
December 17, 2005, 7:16 pm
No.. I have my mouse speed on 22, yet that doesnt make it harder for me to use any other gun. Infact, its easier.
December 17, 2005, 7:33 pm
quote:Originally posted by _Mancer_No.. I have my mouse speed on 22, yet that doesnt make it harder for me to use any other gun. Infact, its easier.
Hmm.... now there is a bug in your suggestion zyxstand. People that want to use only heavy guns for a while could make their mouse speed faster, as if it was a light gun, and same with the medium guns.
December 17, 2005, 7:36 pm
quote:Originally posted by Kaiderquote:Originally posted by _Mancer_No.. I have my mouse speed on 22, yet that doesnt make it harder for me to use any other gun. Infact, its easier.
Hmm.... now there is a bug in your suggestion zyxstand. People that want to use only heavy guns for a while could make their mouse speed faster, as if it was a light gun, and same with the medium guns.
i rly don't think that that's such a big problem - all michal would have to do is set maximum speed for the mouse so that bigger and heavier guns would move more slowly... mouse sensitivity should be omitted then.
Deleted User
December 20, 2005, 6:19 pm
Nice idea, but I think it would be hell on earth to try and balance the weapons after implementing it.
December 20, 2005, 9:19 pm
lol how so ob? first of all, this is a way for weapon balance, and secondly, this 'restriction' allows for more weapon modding options!
December 20, 2005, 11:22 pm
Haven't seen this in any other games before. Maybe because it would suck. Everyone would just stick to 1 weapon I guess...
Deleted User
December 20, 2005, 11:48 pm
I like the idea, but only for barret, reason being, the barret has a scope, and you cant look down iron sights, so you have to move around in the scope slower. But other weapons, minimi etc you could wield as fast as an MP5, I've handled lots of real guns in my time, and you would have to be an absolute wuss not to be able to weild m79 minimi as fast as mp5. I think implimenting the slow cursor for barret would be realistic and would make alot of the whining about the delay stop.
December 21, 2005, 12:40 am
I really dont think this will do anything other then create a new wave of whining.. In other words, I dont fancy this to much, HOWEVER, IMO nothing should be left untried when it comes to weapon balance :)
December 21, 2005, 1:07 am
lol that's the spirit DN. however i am in disagreement with fm bm - i highly doubt that very heavy guns (minigun especially and even the minimi) can be wielded around as fast as lightweight weapons...
- Tek -
December 21, 2005, 5:54 am
Yeah, you could just modify your mouse sensativity and be fine.
If you want heavy guns to change anything, it should be walking speed, or weight.
Then you'd have to add all those options like if you wante dto carry nades or not, because some people might not want to carry nades so they can move faster.
Then I'd say "why not have settings on which guns you guy wil;l autmaticly pick up?" I hate throwing my knife, then picking up some barret as I switch guns, thus locking my ammo. Crappy glitch. If I coudl jsut set it so my guy didn't pick up anything. off topic.
December 21, 2005, 8:40 am
This idea is really something, But i gotta say, i'm not to fond of it. I think barret should be modded the way it was back in 1.2.1
I mean, for various reasons it was changed back then, and later on, various reasons have followed on how to make it. Everyone is constantly trying to "redefine" the barret, and where has it taken us? Instead of barret being an overpowered, overused, butr actually fun weapon to use, it's become more of an annoying feat in soldat. This is not how it's supposed to be.
Now i play only at WM servers, 'cause the weapon balance is.. wierd in this one.
In former versions, weap.bal. was just about getting settled and getting used to it, but this one doesn't work out. It feels misplaced in a way.
So no, zyx, i don't support this. Reason: Enough change(and according to me, damagae) has been done on the barret. I think it's time to undo some of it instead..