Heehee, excuse the noobieness of my title, but I can boast can't I?
Lets kick this off quickly. All examples are from my recently released Apoca City.
In some other '1337' examples you see a long stream of waypoints that are joyusly connected to the alternate path or multiple branching paths or paths that end and allow the bot to find the next wp on it's own.
I've taken these to what I like to call 'the handoff method'.
If a bot misses the next waypoint it will keep doing what it was doing until it hits another one, I exploit this to make the bot run a good distance or jump a gap and hit a new set of waypoints wherever it ends up. This makes for less 'scripted actions' where the bot is trying to continue the string of waypoints even though it's way off course.
The upper spawn in this demonstrates this tactic. The waypoint it starts at will camp for 20 seconds before sending him left to the connected waypoint, but of course he misses and continues til he hits the other waypoint set. After camping another 20 seconds it gives him three options, two of which are to go right (again, missing the commanding waypoints) and hit the first waypoint again, and the other commands him left to a waypoint pair that starts him down the stairwell. The lower spawn point demonstrates a tactic to cause a 'stop and camp' without the bot doing a 'I'll just stand here and shoot my fist at him. Two wait 20 waypoints command the bot to each other. Bots seem to have a tendency to only obey wait commands about 4-6 times, and eventually he'll take the alternate path, a leftways jump to the lower area. He'll continue up the ramp to the other set of waypoints and jump the wall. The waypoints below present another concept, error correction. If he were to miss the jump and get stuck below the bottom of the ramp or in the corner to the right he is directed to a placement that places him back on the upwards ramp and moving left, back on the right (left) track.
More examples of 'entrapments'. The set on the left will make him hang around in the light for a while, but presents a nice running path to the water tower and back. The spawn and wp set to the right is a complete entrapment intended to keep the bot inside the water tower until an unsuspecting player approaches from the right.
I had to double this one up to show the complex path. The bot at the top of the ramp has two options after a 20 second wait. He can jump, fly, and enter the upper level, where waypoints will direct some camping until he eventually exits where he entered. The other route as well as exiting the upper level directs him down the slope. The waypoint set halfway up (or down) the ramp presents a few uses. There is a path back up for cases of bots chasing a player partway up the ramp, but more important is the 'down-left' action of this set to prevent the bot from taking fall damage while going down the ramp in realistic mode (All bot waypointing should consider realistic mode). The furthest lower right waypoint set again gives three commands, two in one direction to give this the better chance. Bots coming down the ramp hit this set and a third of the time will head in the direction of the water tower or turn underneath the ramp (black is passable) to another forced-camping set. This particular set has an additional left command on the right waypoint to offset the right option up over the wall to the lower level, after some gametime this area will replenish the guaranteed-conflict area at the lower right entrance with bots from the upper level and further left.
The upper spawn is presented with a 20 second wait. No camping is really required because this is very near the start of the map. The bot moves to the flat area between this building and the theatre. The spawn in the flat is given a forced camp and a leftways option towards a multi-option handoff set (Red bordered inset). This is a no-wait set placed between far-spaced sets where a bot would eventually 'give up' on an action, like running left for too long, and just stand there before reaching the next set inside the theatre. This repeats the command and keeps him moving, with an additional option to go back. Inside the collapse structure a spawn with a wait 20 and an instant right prevents the bot from grabbing the grenades, which are a key lure to bring players into this confined space. Again this is close to the player start area so a forced camp is not needed (And I'd like to now take a moment to point out why we don't use the 'stop and camp' setting a few paragraphs back, it makes unarmed bot stand there like idiots trying to throw their fist unless their target has the flag). Another backup waypoint pair is placed in the other corner (off the image to the right) should the bot dash, jump, or otherwise miss the upward path, and also includes an additional wait 20 in such a case. The upward path could have additional options to return to the left or right, but this path is rather desired because the players may have passed up the grenades and this places an actively left-moving zombie behind them (he's gotten me before). Bots moving from the right side over the building and continuing left are presented with a leftward-jump to clear the gap, and both this and the upward path then arrive at the chimney...thinger =) that would otherwise block further movement. The waypoint they first hit directs a left-fly over the upcropping, or should they miss a waypoint where they would get stuck directs them back to the previous waypoint, its action normally left cleared but in this case used as a return method rather that an initial arrival method (The bots will arrive from the left regardless of whether commanded or not, so why say it twice? Use the command on this waypoint for another waypoint to direct back to it in case of error, kapische?)
I've done all of these kinda backwards in the level, not for any particular reason. Another demonstraion of a wait-option spawn. The bot has a carefully timed wait 10 before either traveling left, towards the previous example, or traversing up into this first building. Here we present an 'oops' option. The bot, after jumping up here, has a tendency to jump-dash to gain speed and clear the gap. Correcting this error can also be used to present another option, up to the roof. A 20 second wait then sends him back down the hole to the 2nd level again. If the bot travels back to the left, after going to the roof or otherwise, he is given another 'right' command, where he can now violate any afk'ers. Note the extra waypoint pair at the alpha spawn to get him out the door instead of stuck in the corner.
That should do it for my examples. In summary:
- You don't have to link every waypoint to the next.
- The bot doesn't have to hit the next waypoint before hitting another set, exploitable to continue an action til he does.
- You can force a bot to camp without using the rock-stupid 'stop to camp' function by pointing two waypoints with wait times towards each other.
- Bots camping one area can and should eventually move to a more 'active' area so they aren't gotten around so easily.
- Extra waypoints in the corners prevent totally-awesome head-on-wall action.
- Camping zombie bots can utilize a lure, such as nades or medpacks, just make sure they don't pick them up. Don't forget error correction though.
- Be sure that if the lure is ignored the bot will move on to a more active area.
- Long stretches between waypoints may need a 'booster' command to ensure the bot doesn't give up after running too far.
- With missed-waypoint commands given, an approach command can instead be used as an error correction command should a bot fail to jump up a small ledge or something.
- Error correction waypoints can even present additional paths.
- AFK'ers waste server slots and should be punished >=)
Lets kick this off quickly. All examples are from my recently released Apoca City.
In some other '1337' examples you see a long stream of waypoints that are joyusly connected to the alternate path or multiple branching paths or paths that end and allow the bot to find the next wp on it's own.
I've taken these to what I like to call 'the handoff method'.
If a bot misses the next waypoint it will keep doing what it was doing until it hits another one, I exploit this to make the bot run a good distance or jump a gap and hit a new set of waypoints wherever it ends up. This makes for less 'scripted actions' where the bot is trying to continue the string of waypoints even though it's way off course.
The upper spawn in this demonstrates this tactic. The waypoint it starts at will camp for 20 seconds before sending him left to the connected waypoint, but of course he misses and continues til he hits the other waypoint set. After camping another 20 seconds it gives him three options, two of which are to go right (again, missing the commanding waypoints) and hit the first waypoint again, and the other commands him left to a waypoint pair that starts him down the stairwell. The lower spawn point demonstrates a tactic to cause a 'stop and camp' without the bot doing a 'I'll just stand here and shoot my fist at him. Two wait 20 waypoints command the bot to each other. Bots seem to have a tendency to only obey wait commands about 4-6 times, and eventually he'll take the alternate path, a leftways jump to the lower area. He'll continue up the ramp to the other set of waypoints and jump the wall. The waypoints below present another concept, error correction. If he were to miss the jump and get stuck below the bottom of the ramp or in the corner to the right he is directed to a placement that places him back on the upwards ramp and moving left, back on the right (left) track.
More examples of 'entrapments'. The set on the left will make him hang around in the light for a while, but presents a nice running path to the water tower and back. The spawn and wp set to the right is a complete entrapment intended to keep the bot inside the water tower until an unsuspecting player approaches from the right.
I had to double this one up to show the complex path. The bot at the top of the ramp has two options after a 20 second wait. He can jump, fly, and enter the upper level, where waypoints will direct some camping until he eventually exits where he entered. The other route as well as exiting the upper level directs him down the slope. The waypoint set halfway up (or down) the ramp presents a few uses. There is a path back up for cases of bots chasing a player partway up the ramp, but more important is the 'down-left' action of this set to prevent the bot from taking fall damage while going down the ramp in realistic mode (All bot waypointing should consider realistic mode). The furthest lower right waypoint set again gives three commands, two in one direction to give this the better chance. Bots coming down the ramp hit this set and a third of the time will head in the direction of the water tower or turn underneath the ramp (black is passable) to another forced-camping set. This particular set has an additional left command on the right waypoint to offset the right option up over the wall to the lower level, after some gametime this area will replenish the guaranteed-conflict area at the lower right entrance with bots from the upper level and further left.
The upper spawn is presented with a 20 second wait. No camping is really required because this is very near the start of the map. The bot moves to the flat area between this building and the theatre. The spawn in the flat is given a forced camp and a leftways option towards a multi-option handoff set (Red bordered inset). This is a no-wait set placed between far-spaced sets where a bot would eventually 'give up' on an action, like running left for too long, and just stand there before reaching the next set inside the theatre. This repeats the command and keeps him moving, with an additional option to go back. Inside the collapse structure a spawn with a wait 20 and an instant right prevents the bot from grabbing the grenades, which are a key lure to bring players into this confined space. Again this is close to the player start area so a forced camp is not needed (And I'd like to now take a moment to point out why we don't use the 'stop and camp' setting a few paragraphs back, it makes unarmed bot stand there like idiots trying to throw their fist unless their target has the flag). Another backup waypoint pair is placed in the other corner (off the image to the right) should the bot dash, jump, or otherwise miss the upward path, and also includes an additional wait 20 in such a case. The upward path could have additional options to return to the left or right, but this path is rather desired because the players may have passed up the grenades and this places an actively left-moving zombie behind them (he's gotten me before). Bots moving from the right side over the building and continuing left are presented with a leftward-jump to clear the gap, and both this and the upward path then arrive at the chimney...thinger =) that would otherwise block further movement. The waypoint they first hit directs a left-fly over the upcropping, or should they miss a waypoint where they would get stuck directs them back to the previous waypoint, its action normally left cleared but in this case used as a return method rather that an initial arrival method (The bots will arrive from the left regardless of whether commanded or not, so why say it twice? Use the command on this waypoint for another waypoint to direct back to it in case of error, kapische?)
I've done all of these kinda backwards in the level, not for any particular reason. Another demonstraion of a wait-option spawn. The bot has a carefully timed wait 10 before either traveling left, towards the previous example, or traversing up into this first building. Here we present an 'oops' option. The bot, after jumping up here, has a tendency to jump-dash to gain speed and clear the gap. Correcting this error can also be used to present another option, up to the roof. A 20 second wait then sends him back down the hole to the 2nd level again. If the bot travels back to the left, after going to the roof or otherwise, he is given another 'right' command, where he can now violate any afk'ers. Note the extra waypoint pair at the alpha spawn to get him out the door instead of stuck in the corner.
That should do it for my examples. In summary:
- You don't have to link every waypoint to the next.
- The bot doesn't have to hit the next waypoint before hitting another set, exploitable to continue an action til he does.
- You can force a bot to camp without using the rock-stupid 'stop to camp' function by pointing two waypoints with wait times towards each other.
- Bots camping one area can and should eventually move to a more 'active' area so they aren't gotten around so easily.
- Extra waypoints in the corners prevent totally-awesome head-on-wall action.
- Camping zombie bots can utilize a lure, such as nades or medpacks, just make sure they don't pick them up. Don't forget error correction though.
- Be sure that if the lure is ignored the bot will move on to a more active area.
- Long stretches between waypoints may need a 'booster' command to ensure the bot doesn't give up after running too far.
- With missed-waypoint commands given, an approach command can instead be used as an error correction command should a bot fail to jump up a small ledge or something.
- Error correction waypoints can even present additional paths.
- AFK'ers waste server slots and should be punished >=)