Kite Teh L33t
December 26, 2005, 11:14 pm
This would be especially handy for knifers, such as myself.
In the latest update you made knifing harder, you need to get you timing even more precise and think even faster. Its fun :D
I was standing in a pile of dropped guns from my enemies trying to find my knife and i got shot... I was thining that it would prbablu help if you had an option weather or not yuo wanted to have your weapon have a pick up priorety. So when your on a big pile of victims guns you can easily get your old one back without leaving yourself open for an owning.
Just a thought, thanks.
~Kite Teh L33t
January 9, 2006, 9:54 am
yeah, this would be great. an example could be, say, an mp5, an ak74 and a barret could be laying on the ground. You step upon or near them, and small pictures (or something representing each weapon clearly) comes up for selection. And with fx. 'M' and 'N', you could select which to pick up, if any at all.
This is just great.
Deleted User
January 9, 2006, 12:06 pm
Lol, I dont think this might work out since youll probably die trying to find the knife and pressing M anyway.
Also, most people dont have this problem. Unless your playing with a bunch of noobs that die every 2 seconds.
January 9, 2006, 10:31 pm
But yeah. What DrivenUnder said.
January 9, 2006, 10:53 pm
I suggested something like this, about 2 years ago for the rambo bow, Yes, it's a good and useful idea.
January 9, 2006, 11:16 pm
It would be really hard to do it exactly as you described. There usually are never "piles" of weapons. It's a MP5 here, an AK to the left, and a LAW in the middle. Standing on the edge of that "pile" shouldn't give you a weapon thats 2 inches away on the screen. A better way is to set a key for picking up weapons, and to make them more visible, like an on-screen interface. You could hold down CTRL or something, and all the weapons would get highlighted and have a little tag near them, like in Diablo. Then, if you are still holding it down, you can click on any of them, and if they are a certain distance from you, you can pick them up. This could all be an option of course, if people still wanted to use the pick-up-random-guns method.
January 10, 2006, 12:16 am
hmm, i got an idea - it allows for more possibilities! say a bunch of weps are on the floor, how about if you want a specific weapon (and not the first for you to touch) you simply hold down the corresponding number of the wep (like in wep. menu) and it'll only pick up a gun when and if you touch that specific weapon.
ie: bunch of guys just died from a huge battle and you saw one carry an hk and you want it! just hold down 2 and walk through the pile till you get ur desired weapon
problem: michael would need to institue such a labeling system for secondaries! or maybe use the other four keys on the number rows (the tilde ('), minus (-), equal (=), and backspace (bs))
Deleted User
January 10, 2006, 12:37 am
nah... we dont need this idea at all. noone would think about using any of your ideas in a rare situation like this anyway.
Deleted User
January 10, 2006, 1:36 am
It might be simpler and more user-friendly to just have a "priority list" alongside the other various options and settings you have for each player profile; the top item (which we'll call Weapon A) on the list (composed of Weapon A, Weapon B, Weapon C, and so on) would always be picked up if it is present among the dropped weapons encountered within, say, a certain area. If Weapon A doesn't happen to be present, then Weapon B is grabbed if it is present, and so on. Thus, you'd have a process that'd go something like the following (but probably more efficient/coder-friendly/magical):
An unarmed soldat comes into contact with a dropped weapon, which we'll call Weapon Bob.
If Weapon Bob is not Weapon A on the soldat's priority list, the game checks for any dropped weapons within X meters/whatever distance of Weapon Bob's location.
If there are any other weapons there, then the game checks to see if any of them are Weapon A.
If Weapon A is not present, then the game checks for Weapon B, and so on, until the highest-priority weapon present is found.
The soldat and his new gun live happily ever after until mowed down in heavy crossfire 10 seconds later.
Oh, and you'd be able to set fists to whatever list position, which would tell the game to stop searching and pick nothing up at all once it reaches that point. That way, you could make it so that you always pick up the knife if it's there, and then have the fists as your second list item, so that you won't pick up anything at all--ensuring that when you do find a knife, you won't have to waste time dropping that chainsaw you accidentally picked up earlier; another example would be to enable you to be an idiot and try to fight with only your fists, without having to hit the drop key every half a second. Of course, it would also mean you'd lose some amount of adaptability (sometimes you just need any weapon immediately), and (in the context of the knife example) you'd be screwed if you accidentally dropped your primary and didn't have it listed above your fists; and although I don't see the latter being a potentially serious issue, since it can be pretty much avoided by incorporating some sense in your list, that former liability of fewer opportunities when you really need them could be a problem, if people don't like the idea of "it's just part of a trade-off."
Anyhoo, while we're on the topic of making the whole dropped-weapon-grabbing thing work better, it'd be nice to have a couple other related features added in:
Can't pick up a weapon immediately after dropping it. It's annoying when you try to drop a weapon and you pick it right up again before you can really do anything else. All the pick-up delay needs to be is a few ticks, really.
Ability to set up a modded weapon to deal damage when thrown at people, like the knife. I know the knife bullet-type is in there, but even the knife itself has the saw bullet type, if memory serves me correctly, so I don't think there's a way to add that functionality right now.
Automatically replacing your current weapon with the rambo bow when you get to it, as it's no fun getting to the darn thing and then realising you can't pick it up until you disarm yourself... Which you don't get to do so, because the other guy's grabbed the bow by then and you're dead.
...And that's all there is to come from me, for at least the time being.
January 10, 2006, 9:52 pm
sry ymm - i don't agree with that auto-weapon-pickup-method. different maps and also more specific situations call for different priorities. if in a closeup battle with someone, i'd prefer picking up light mg's (hk, steyr) or more preferebly a knife. on the other hand, in big maps or low activity, barret's usually my priority. also, if i already have a barret, i wouldn't want to pickup another barret usually (though sometimes maybe) so that would prove most impractical.
but psyche is right, such a feature would most definitely not be needed in the first place.
January 11, 2006, 12:44 am
I like zyxstands idea, except a little different. Instead of holding down the number, you just press it once. From then on you can only pick up the weapon of the last pressed key. You could cancel it by pressing -. Secondaries would need a designation though.
January 11, 2006, 1:00 am
yeah, i guess tats better swarmer
January 11, 2006, 6:57 am
I like the priority list idea, only if you can actually enable it whenever you want with a key.
Also if you had seperate priority lists for each gamemode - ie: you would want to have a seperate list in Rambo mode than CTF or Deathmatch.
The benefits are obvious.