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DM Cloudy Farm
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
Deleted User
December 28, 2005, 10:21 am
An old map of mine created using mapmaker. Now I upgraded it a little with polyworks.

dm__cloudy farm
by TradeMAAK
Description: This can be played as deathmatch, rambomatch and teammatch. In deathmatch you are dropped from sky, in teammatch all players spawn in their bases.. For additional information click here.

http://sml.u13.net/maps/overview/Cloudy Farm.JPG.jpg

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December 28, 2005, 10:40 am
yay good to see that somone used the map display other than me, i noticed a bug though in my coding...need to fix that.

Oh.. and the map looks good, ur maps seem really 'flat' to me though... try a little more shading and use smoothing in a lot of spots...lots of straightaways give it more rugged terrain.