Dear all,
I've been thinking about the checked list box in the filters section on the Servers tab. Occasionally, I've been minorly inconvenieced with the checked list box. For example, I might have been looking for a non-ded server, with bots, that WAS password protected. It would have taken a while to locate the server normally, but if the checked list box had three options:
Checked (Little tick), Not Checked (No little tick), Indeterminate (Grey tick with box having light grey background)
This way, you could search for a setting:
eg1. Weapons mod only, No weapons mods, or Either, showing weapons mod and not weapons mod.
eg2. Dedicated servs only, No ded servs, or Either, showing both ded and non ded servers.
This would be done easily enough in Visual Basic, but for another language like C++ or Delphi I'd have no idea.
Please post your suggestions on this idea.
I've been thinking about the checked list box in the filters section on the Servers tab. Occasionally, I've been minorly inconvenieced with the checked list box. For example, I might have been looking for a non-ded server, with bots, that WAS password protected. It would have taken a while to locate the server normally, but if the checked list box had three options:
Checked (Little tick), Not Checked (No little tick), Indeterminate (Grey tick with box having light grey background)
This way, you could search for a setting:
eg1. Weapons mod only, No weapons mods, or Either, showing weapons mod and not weapons mod.
eg2. Dedicated servs only, No ded servs, or Either, showing both ded and non ded servers.
This would be done easily enough in Visual Basic, but for another language like C++ or Delphi I'd have no idea.
Please post your suggestions on this idea.