Ill post my demos once I get a good place to upload them :p.
Round 1: ctf_B2b = USA wins 1-0
Round MVP: Mancer
Comment: First round of the match, overall I thought it was relatively slow. I personally did pretty bad this round -_-(But spectral made up for me with his l33t azn skills :O). Around 5 minutes into the round D Shadow grabbed the flag and took it to the middle area, mancer then picked it up and went low, with me and spectral guarding mancer and invisableguy and D shadow defending top, we got the first and only cap of the round. Ofcourse, there was some help from Canada's mistakes here, as with the flag loose low, and both Messiah and Wormdundee had a chance to run away with it. Wormdundee suicided and Messiah went backwards instead of forward by mistake. :D:D
Round 2: ctf_Laos = Canada wins 7-0
Round MVP: Judge_Man
Comment: Well, USA got owned on this round. As simple as that. USA didnt have a horrible lineup out there, but compared to canadas lineup, it was bad. Judgeman seriously raped this round... but according to mancer, it was because he used m79 :P.
Round 3: ctf_Snakebite = Tie 1-1
Comment: USA put out a decent lineup out there with mostly new players. Canada had a powerful lineup with 4 veterans. Started off a stalement the first half of the match. Around the midpoint Canada got a big cap. 2 minutes later both teams got the opposing teams flag. It was now whether Canada can defend thier flag carrier long enough for the win, or USA can return the flag for a cap while not allowing canada to return the flag. with 1 minute left, Gameover gets a huge return, going through 4 people and killing Starbucks to tie the match. The rest of the match was a stalemate.
Round 4: ctf_Maya = USA wins 2-0
Round MVP: Mancer
Comment: Better round for me :P, whew. Anyways, USA got a extremely fast cap by Mancer 1 minute into the match. This significantly turned the tide for the entire match as know Canada was playing catchup. Poop and Columbiano didnt let anything get through from top. And although Jarvizzle kept grabbing our flag from the lower route, the furthest he got to with it was midfield. Good general teamwork and a early cap won this round for the USA. Whenever Canada team grabbed the flag, someone was there to return it. One funny thing that happened this round was the ghost soldat. (A little black soldat which spawns out of nowhere sometimes). This soldat spawned for both teams and did some interesting stuff here and there, for example, at one point when Cookie was about to grab the flag, the flag popped up and fell right onto the ghost, who was then holding it and prevented cookie from grabbing it, this led to some good laughs and some whining from Cookie :P. But if Cookie even capped that time, USA would have still won the round, and it was eventually evened out because around the end the ghost was also holding Canada's flag.
Round 5: ctf_Voland = TIE 2-2
Round MVP: Noz
Comment: Very good start for Canada on this map, getting a quick 2-0 lead. Noz played the match very nicely, grabbing both of those caps. After the first 2 minutes, it looked like this match was going downhill for USA, with almost everyone on the USA team struggling to get kills and already falling behind 2-0, but a good comeback was made. Eventually, USA got a relatively quiet cap to make it 2-1. The last cap for the tie was the hardest. Both teams holding flag, and with superbeast coming from teh roof and Blade going low with the m79, it looked like Canada was definately going to return the flag first as they entirely pinned USA team into their spawn area. Wave after Wave of Canada's players came, and came close to returning the flag about 50 times. But eventually Mancer sneaked through, with nobody noticing him, he swooped into Canadas base and returned the flag for the tie.
Round 6: ctf_Nuubia = USA wins 4-3
Round MVP: Invisableguy & Swazo
Comment: All im going to say here is CHAINSAW. D shadow gets the first cap of this map relatively quietly, but quiet was far from what the rest of the round would be. We would see Swazo popping out that chainsaw + Minigun combo and getting some awesome flag grabs while Invisableguy made possibly what can be considered one of the best plays ever. With Canada team grabbing the flag and running 1 inch away from capping, invisableguy comes out of nowhere to get a double chainsaw kill + Flag return + flag capture. Although Canada eventually made a comeback to make it 4-3, they came just 1 capture short of a tie. Starbucks (AKA Tai My Shu) Was the main victim of both swazo and invisable guys chainsaw. I think D shadow should also get some recognition here as although the match was stolen by the awesome chainsaws, he really was solid throughout the round and got 2 out of USA teams 4 captures.
Round 7: ctf_Ash = CANADA wins 5-0
Round MVP: Superbeast/Blade/Cookie
Comment: Canada's superb teamplay and USA's horrible teamplay can be seen in the result of this match. Although a stalemate was happening throughout the first 5 minutes, after the midway point of the match, canada basically ran away. Our players had immense trouble holding off superbeast, Blade and Cookie top, while I was having trouble running away with thier flag. Eventually USA team just became wild and disorganized and that led to 3 more Canadien caps which made the final score 5-0...
Round 8: ctf_Run = USA wins 1-0
Round MVP: Invisableguy & Kazuki
Comment: At this point, this round was basically a Must win situation for Canada. If they lose this round, they lose the entire match. And putting it that way, I was surprised of the lineup Canada put up there. My guess was that they were probably trying to tie this round with the lineup and were saving thier best lineup for the last round, which they would then have to win for the tie. Overall, this match was a stalemate for the entire round, the real action happened in the final 3 minutes. With around 3 minutes left, both teams get hte opposing teams map. Now it was a race to who holds and who returns. Kazuki does a awesome job of holding the flag for the final 3 minutes of this round, while invisableguy made a awesome return on a rush to get the final capture by Kazuki. This cap would be the most important as it won the match for USA. GG Canada.