January 17, 2006, 2:17 pm
lol just thought i would see if anyone wanted to help me finish my l337 ch4tsp34k translations and edit the ones i got wrong. (I have no idea how chatspeak works)
January 17, 2006, 4:27 pm
If U mean like 'i 4m 73h 0wn3r3r, j00' then install mIRC and slap this into remote:
alias n00bspeak {
while ($istok($1-,you,32)) {
tokenize 32 $reptok($1-,you,j00,1,32)
while ($istok($1-,what,32)) {
tokenize 32 $reptok($1-,what,w00ÿ,1,32)
return $lower($replace($1-,a,4,o,0,t,7,e,3,s,5,l,1,ÿ,t))
alias n00bspeakinate {
var %f = $$sfile(c:\,Find Language file to n00bSpeakinate,PIINK!), %t = File $+ $rand(100,9999), %nf = " $+ $nofile(%f) $+ $left($nopath(%f),-3) $+ n00bSpeak $+ $right(%f,4) $+ ", %f = " $+ %f $+ "
.fopen %t %f
if ($ferr) { goto err }
.fopen -o %t $+ n %nf
if ($ferr) { goto err }
while (!$fopen(%t).eof) {
.fwrite %t $+ n $iif($n00bspeak($fread(%t)),$ifmatch $+ $crlf,$crlf)
.fclose %t
.fclose %t $+ n
Echo $color(info) -ae Done!
Echo $color(info) -ae ERROR: $ferr
Then do /n00bspeakinate and choose the Soldat Language file U want 'translated'. ^^
January 17, 2006, 10:32 pm
lol thats funny.. i dont understand a word it says. Thanks its all finished now