January 17, 2006, 2:18 pm
Big Overview[/url]
Thats my first map for Soldat in PolyWorks.
It's a DM map for 3+ Players.
The main Fighting Area is in the middle and around the house where you find Items like Health and Predator.
WAYPOINTS ADDET! Thanx to Keron Cyst!
Here some Ingame shots that I made with unoriented Bots ;).
[img]http://xtender.mthn.net/forum/japanheights/jh_sml_02.jpg" style="color: blue;">[IMAGE]
[img]http://xtender.mthn.net/forum/japanheights/jh_sml_04.jpg" style="color: blue;">[IMAGE]
Have Fun and ... be gentle ;)
January 17, 2006, 2:34 pm
[CENSORED]ing awesome shading, scenery and lights. best usage of multitexturing and texture stretching ever. nicely placed light effects. the problem is the layout, it's only decent because there's just too much space in the middle and there's no cover if you want to switch from left to right side or other way round. also, without a roof, this map is very unbalanced cause playas will fly up into the air and gain a big height advantage.
optics: 10/10
overall: 7/10
January 17, 2006, 2:37 pm
1337 skill and only 3 Posts ^^
January 17, 2006, 3:05 pm
I|Idan: read again. Logical fallacy. Posts do not equal skill. I'm checking the map in a sec, looks like a beautie.
[Edit: Flawless. I'm dying to see some real gameplay on it.]
January 17, 2006, 3:38 pm
Thanx to all
Thangs for your c&c i will keep that in mind for my new Map. Now i'am pretty handle with the Editor and can now plan a map with a better Layout, that was just my learning product ;) ..
Keron Cyst
January 17, 2006, 3:53 pm
That's your first map?!?!
I'm so totally waypointing this one xD
January 17, 2006, 3:59 pm
omg, you are german!
oh noes, another good concurrent in the german mapping scene... no, just kidding, ich mag neue talente und helfe immer gerne ;D
January 17, 2006, 4:10 pm
harrr ;) ... I do my best.
Yes Keron that my first SOLDAT map .. I made many other GameJobs before ;) ..
Deleted User
January 17, 2006, 4:12 pm
omg this is a great work
btw what is the purpose of reversing the characters on the flag?
January 17, 2006, 4:12 pm
Speak in english. It's in the rules.
I'm at a school computer right now, so I'm unable to see the image overview (school web security labels your site under games :D). I'll update this post once I get to my own comp.
January 17, 2006, 4:34 pm
quote:Originally posted by yukina_keita/download
omg this is a great work
btw what is the purpose of reversing the characters on the flag?
Lol .. sorry dont know theyare reversed .. i get the flag from a image of samurai fighters and they holdet such a flag .. ;) . i reverse it in the next version .. thanx .... do you know what there is written?
January 17, 2006, 5:31 pm
Wow, Xtender, that is a great map. It's beyond all our first maps, and I look forward to your future works!
I'm d/ling as soon as Keron is finished waypointing it ;D
BTW, I smell a sequel O_O
January 17, 2006, 5:59 pm
oh my god it looks so damn nice. great job, dude! this shading and using of multitexture is just awesome! ;o
The Geologist
January 17, 2006, 6:06 pm
Damn man...that's all I can say...damn. Visually stunning, this map has actually moved me to get back into multi-texture mapping and experiment with some of the ideas I've had floating around in my head.
Love the color scheme and lighting effects, and those sceneries are just awesome...where/how did you snag those? Or make them? Great map. Currently downloading to get some gameplay comments, but I bet those will be good as well.
January 17, 2006, 6:15 pm
Indeed, this map is awesome in both looks and gameplay. I can only recommend downloading this map and keeping an eye for updates everyone, because we've got a new mapper in town.
I can't wait till you update the map / publish your next creation.
January 17, 2006, 7:12 pm
Amazing. Fun to play, and visually stunning. Great job, and I hope you continue.
January 17, 2006, 7:28 pm
Yes, amazing, and you did it without lagging the lving bejesus out of everyone's computer (something i've yet to accomplish :D). Great lighting effects, and the map has an overall very clean look to it. Also, great scenery placement, and I'd like to know where you got them/how you made them.
PNG. lighting effects don't work on my computer unfortunately, so I won't be able to truly appreciate this.
Great Job, overall. Best map I've seen in a long time.
January 17, 2006, 9:01 pm
That just a WOW.
I hope to see the next one. Make it ctf!
Norris Scott
January 17, 2006, 9:52 pm
Put an invisible deadly barrier around the map so that people can't jump off to avoid getting killed in battle, and make a CTF version ^_^
You have great talent, man... best map I've seen in a long time. Can't wait to see what else you come up with :)
January 17, 2006, 10:02 pm
THere is a Dead area at the Bottom .. well but i can make the other hurt too :D
January 17, 2006, 10:41 pm
oh well, i'll just go delete my mapping attempt...
January 17, 2006, 11:04 pm
Extremely impressed.
I would give it a 9/10. I hope you continue to make other map styles as well. Good work and good luck.
January 17, 2006, 11:19 pm
Wow, I wouldn't have thought you were *that* gifted to make such wonderful map...
Very impressive. It's visually amazing, the texture and the sceneries are just unbelievable.
Svirep: don't give up pal, even simple maps can be great sometimes (see ctf_nuubia).
January 17, 2006, 11:41 pm
wow. this blows everyone's first map out of the freaking water. and pretty much every other map. i must download asap! gah! why am i writing this post... wasting time i am...
Norris Scott
January 17, 2006, 11:54 pm
You actually thought of that in advance? And you knew about the invisible polys?
I love you, have my babies :D
January 17, 2006, 11:59 pm
The invisible poly stuff didnt work on modern Gfx Cards (afaik anna said that) on my gfx card it doesnt work, created a small workaround to makeit look like invisible ;)
btw. i have alrleady a great idea for my new map ;) .. but i will not have so much time to make it. first i also have to think about the Gameplay :P ..
That map I build just because i wanted .. and without thinking of gameplay just "Ok i make some flying rocks,right and in the midle one .. then a house on a hill and add some fitting scenarys in the map" ..
;) .. I promisse to try to make a better gameplay on the next map.
January 18, 2006, 12:05 am
Lol thats the kind of maps you can make :)
Well obviously thats one damn good map from the overview.
XTender your up there on the visual level if not surpassing Anna, papasurf, and aquarius. You guys make some sweet visual maps, perhaps a mappack :).
Keron Cyst
January 18, 2006, 12:54 am
[code] #soldat.polyworks
Keron_Cyst So, you made those scenery graphics?
X-Tender i used photosh
X-Tender i doesnt painted them ;)
Keron_Cyst Dude!! You have to, like...
Keron_Cyst revamp all the official scenery into 1337 3Dness
Keron_Cyst an' stuff
X-Tender lol
X-Tender i would make that if they come official then ^^[/code]
January 18, 2006, 1:14 am
Psst, Keron, you finished waypointing it yet? :D
Keron Cyst
January 18, 2006, 1:28 am
Hah. I can't do it that fast (I was able to complete inf_Maria in one day because I didn't have skool or crap homework like I do right now ><).
Besides, have you looked at the map through an editor? It's freakin' HUMONGOUS oO' inf_Maria was only, like, 5x2 map-screens... this - easily over 10x10 xD
Deleted User
January 18, 2006, 4:55 am
Holy poop on a stick, you've actually made a map that's too beautiful for Soldat; even though I haven't actually played it (yet), I imagine the gostek and weapons graphics almost clash with the map.
...Of course, by saying so, I by no means intend to detract from the sheer awesomeness of this map.
January 18, 2006, 5:03 am
frigin awsome man, great vissuals and gameplay cant wait to see your next map!
Keron Cyst
January 18, 2006, 5:09 am
quote:Originally posted by YoMammasMammaHoly poop on a stick, you've actually made a map that's too beautiful for Soldat...
Hah, that's seriously what I was thinking; it degrades the gosteks into looking like cartoons xD
@Eagles_Arrows: expect this baby done by the weekend. But XTender said he still has stuff to revise on it so the bot-friendly version won't be released right away.
January 18, 2006, 7:01 pm
That's almost, if not just as good, as the "photorealistic" maps... awesome job.
John O
January 18, 2006, 9:25 pm
whoa. im gunna go start up soldat now...
January 18, 2006, 10:22 pm
This map is just frekin' awesome =D!!! The shading effects are really impressive and it's gameplay is excellent!!
January 19, 2006, 12:06 am
quote:Originally posted by Raptorand it's gameplay is excellent!!
January 19, 2006, 3:40 am
off topic: hehe in wa we dont go back to school until february! XD
On Topic:cant wait to see some waypoints!
January 19, 2006, 4:15 am
quote:Originally posted by YoMammasMammaHoly poop on a stick, you've actually made a map that's too beautiful for Soldat; even though I haven't actually played it (yet), I imagine the gostek and weapons graphics almost clash with the map.
...Of course, by saying so, I by no means intend to detract from the sheer awesomeness of this map.
That and you have out did your self.
January 19, 2006, 5:28 am
you should make a ctf version...that's smaller...lol :)
Deleted User
January 19, 2006, 5:34 am
XTender: it pronouns as "Inoue Kawachi Nokami Kiyomasa"
And he was a general in the Uesugi Kenshin's party
Deleted User
January 19, 2006, 8:58 am
Ok, on which server can I play this map?
January 19, 2006, 11:49 am
quote:Originally posted by yukina_keitaXTender: it pronouns as "Inoue Kawachi Nokami Kiyomasa"
And he was a general in the Uesugi Kenshin's party
Thanx a lot =o) ..
The map will get a tiny gameplay upgrad, no layout change just some colliding stuff, when the waypointsare ready.
Keron Cyst
January 19, 2006, 6:12 pm
Almost done. I've scattered paths everywhere and am now looking for places where I forgot to finish trails, and then onto bot-playtesting ;-)
John O
January 20, 2006, 12:33 am
damn, i was surprised by the gameplay of this map. the understructure seems perfect for how much jets you have. and that temple thing is insane to fight at. very good map, i jsut wish it was CTF... hint: sequel
its gotta be a 10/10 after the waypoints are in. thanks cyst.
January 20, 2006, 1:13 am
You will lough, but it was all planed that you can fly under the 3 small rock contructions (left,middle,right) ;) .. Thats because there is a NOGO to lower the Jetpack!
Thanx a lot for the ocmments. I'am also wayit for the waypoints, then i i make some small changes which was wished andthen its Done. Andthen i can start with my new Map =o) ...
January 20, 2006, 6:32 am
Yes, i know, im kinda late but i need to add my comment being an active mapper again, this isnt a map, this is more like a peice of art, if you printed this out it would be just as realistic as a painting... just omg blows away any first map ive seen 10/10 for visuals im gunna go test this now for gameplay...
ps i have to ask this, but how did you learn how to use poly works so well so quikley, being this your first map? it took me quite a few maps to even get mine looking like maps, lol you must be a fast learner how many trys did it take u 2 get this 1 right??
January 20, 2006, 11:20 am
Because I'am using another 3D Apps too so it wasnt hard to understand what I have to do to reach such a result.
Fist i took about a half day to play around with all the features of PW to see what tool do what. And then I search for the best technique to build that stuff.
I made for myself small prefab Geometry and then the rest was fast to create.
Heres a screenshot of the "Prefabs" I created for the map to Build the rocks.
January 20, 2006, 11:25 am
Sounds like you know your stuff very well, which means your next few maps will be as awesome ^_^
John O
January 20, 2006, 6:29 pm
whoa, that should be considered cheating for a first map. im working on y first, but it cant compare, let alone some of thse pro maps out there... the whole theme is very cool. opposing temples could rock so much...
January 20, 2006, 6:30 pm
did you just revive this topic John for personal satisfaction?
Cool, thats what I would of done 8-)
User warned for off-topic spam reply. ~ Demonic
The Geologist
January 20, 2006, 10:52 pm
He didn't revive this topic...this topic is active, there has been at least a post every day for a while now. Posting spam and off topic comments is a no no, and posting in topics over a month or two old is considered reviving a topic.
I realize I already posted about this map, but after playing around on it a bit more I had a few more comments. Your picture up there actually gets rid of one of them..I was curious about some of the steps taken in making this layout. Do you plan on keeping your maps at this realistic level? If so, then I might have question or two for ya considering this is a jump I've been pretty curious about making..perhaps I'll shoot ya a PM sometime. Did you snag some of those sceneries from other games and the like? Because that might also be an issue..always looking for fresh sceneries you know, the ones in the scenery-gfx get so old after a while.
January 20, 2006, 11:02 pm
Hmm, I hope I understand you right, but I didnt plan to change my style for the next (and the next..and next..) Map. The Scenarys I used was created by myself from Pictures I searched and from my mighty Texture Archive.
The Geologist
January 20, 2006, 11:10 pm
Ahh..very cool. If I could I'd like to make my own sceneries, but I have the feeling it would take a lot of work before I got anything like that..very impressive. And I definately want to see what else you have in store if you plan to keep your maps on this level. Gotta say, I'm a lil envious. Damn good job.
January 20, 2006, 11:21 pm
Hehe, be cool. Maybe it's jsut a 1-Hit Wonder :D .. When you need some Textures/Scenary PM/ICQ/IRC/Poke me ...
January 20, 2006, 11:52 pm
<3 you.
The only thing wrong with this is that it's a floating platform thingeh... I hate those. If you added walls and made bridges leading to each platform I would love this even more.
January 21, 2006, 12:03 am
I love the floating stuff :p ... But I promisse that my next map will be Solid!
January 21, 2006, 5:43 am
Xtender that prefab image you showed me clears so many questions, i tried to make a multitextured map from the map esckimo girls, and i failed terribly, and i think you just helped lol. Like geo said fresh sceneries are always a plus, and googling what you are looking for is prob a good idea, and then rezizing them ive done that be4. Ill pm u sometime if i have any questions maybe you could help ^_^ Imustsayimjelious =P
January 21, 2006, 12:14 pm
Jo tahts no problem, Iam glad that i helped you., But the same is also written in Annas tutorial ;) ..
January 21, 2006, 1:11 pm
quote:Originally posted by Hercule PoirotOne of the best maps i have seen...
whered you come from?!
apologies to xtender for my rude post.
January 21, 2006, 5:08 pm
I think what really MAKES this map, aside from the great multitexturing and stretching, is the lighting. It really feels like a snowy battlefield. Without actually playing, I can't quite decide how the layout would effect gameplay, but it seems quite good.
Keron Cyst
January 21, 2006, 6:06 pm
Gameplay is freakin' awesome. I've just been playing with 7 bots and they rock (yes, WPs are done, but XTender said he still has stuff to do so he'll be releasing an updated version tomorrow or somethin').
John O
January 21, 2006, 6:16 pm
cant wait.
and keron cyst, where can i get the waypointed htf_machete?
January 21, 2006, 6:25 pm
Big thanx to Keron Cyst.
Keron Cyst
January 22, 2006, 12:27 am
quote:Originally posted by John O... where can i get the waypointed htf_machete?
I only link to the map's thread, not the actual .PMS, because (which is probably in this case) the mapper may want to update and revise various stuff. The waypointed version of htf_Machete lies with its creator, papasurf31. it is up to him to post it.
January 22, 2006, 12:40 pm
It looks so damn... GREAT! Awesome shading, lights and scenery (especially trees). We want more!
January 24, 2006, 10:04 pm
Wow, man im gonna be watchin this guy closely cant wait to see more stuff from you.
January 27, 2006, 3:19 pm
Woho .. first map and a quality map ^^ ... Well .. btw. why didnt someone say it that a bmp file is missing in the archive .. i just mentiod it here .. o_O ... the 2nd shire scenary is missing ... i will fix that wehn i come home after the vecation. or otherwise ... if the firstunwaypointed archive was ok .. cound someone upload it that i can fix it from here? .. thanx ..
Deleted User
February 17, 2006, 7:51 pm
Total, utter noob here... love this map for DM but would like to play rambo on it. I assume that's something the creator would have to add to it, right?
Keron Cyst
April 24, 2006, 6:17 pm
All powerups are there. The Rambo Bow spawns at the palace, I think.