Wow. I didn't expect to get such a great response. Thanks to everyone who responded.
DeMonIc: Thanks. I never wanted to use that much support.bmp, but when I finished the map I realized I had used 893/500 scenery files. Originally the floating platforms at the bottom were held up by ropes that looked amazing but I had to make cutbacks somewhere. Oh well. I'm tempted to use some thin "doesn't collide" polys instead of the supports. Nothing so big that people could hide behind them. In fact, my original version made use of about 3 or 4 supports. I want to have SOMETHING there (I guess I have a visual pet peeve about floating islands). Any ideas for other sceneries that I could use? Come to think of it, I could make a custom scenery that looks like a natural rock support... hmmmmmm...
Soulsnipa: Thanks. The scenery problem I mentioned above kind of screwed me up. I'll play around with alternatives to support, and I think I can make it look better. I wasn't worrying too much about the bottom, as it's really only seen in that moment before your soldat bursts into bloody chunks, but I'll consider prettying it up a little. It used to be scattered with rubble, like in the deathmatch version, but that proved too costly. I'm not sure which polygon you're talking about, but if you could somehow point it out, I'll fix it. As far as the platforms go, you're right. I probably should make them a little less edgy. I was trying to conserve polygons until I knew just how many I was going to use.
Avarax: I'm flattered. I've seen some of your maps and I definitely respect you as a mapmaker.
OutOfOrder: The font is called "Dekka Dense JL". I must have downloaded it from a free fonts site years ago. In fact, a quick googling gives you this site:
Thanks again to everyone who posted. I'm not sure how productive I can be with mapmaking in the immediate future, but I will definitely take your suggestions into consideration and tweak this the next chance I get.