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January 25, 2006, 3:28 pm
Yeah, i've gotten into literature.

I've read a few good books so far. 1984 by George Orwell is an instant classic, as is Animal Farm. A Clockwork Orange is also a solid book. and right now i'm reading a novel about Che Guevera.

So i guess this thread is for posting books you've read or something? :P

January 25, 2006, 3:51 pm
George Orwell? I'll check it out.

Gabriel Garcia Márquez's One hundred years of solitude is a great book, I can only recommend it to everyone.
Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World are somewhat similiar, both leave one thinking after reading them for a long while.
Bulgakov's Master and Margarita is a very enjoyable novell, worth reading every once in a while.

January 25, 2006, 4:10 pm
last year I read a 32-book saga called Dumarest. The story of a man who left Earth as a child, and wandered into far off lost regions of space that had forgotten it's very existence. For some reason it was wiped off of all star charts and was considered a myth, and that mankind had developed on a variety of worlds, hence the differences between races. It was considered ridiculous that we could all've been born from one planet.
And the two major (yet completely discreet) powers controlling the galaxy knew of it, and knew the mystical power Earth held. But throughout the whole story they try to stop him finding it.

So yeah. After about 9600 pages of this on-going story, how does it end? "Finally he was home. He had found Earth." ...biggest let-down ever. Didn't get to find out what was so special about Earth and why it was hidden!

January 25, 2006, 4:19 pm
yeah, i only like to read a certian few books, mostly Fantasy book like the Dragon Lance saga, or Forgotten Realms by R.A. Salvatore, and some Sci Fi books called The Deathlands. all really good books imo and i enjoy reading all of them :)

January 25, 2006, 4:39 pm
I really like political fiction books. Books that put things into perspective and make you think.

For example, is it better to choose to be evil, or to be forced to be a good citizen? That's the whole theme of A Clockwork Orange.

Deleted User
January 25, 2006, 4:41 pm
Read the Godhead Trilogy by James Morrow. Those were some of the best books I've ever read.

Deleted User
January 25, 2006, 4:47 pm
i've read ONE book since i was born.. "felix, felix.. a cat's tail"


January 25, 2006, 4:54 pm
quote:Originally posted by Gortaakyeah, i only like to read a certian few books, mostly Fantasy book like the Dragon Lance saga, or Forgotten Realms by R.A. Salvatore, and some Sci Fi books called The Deathlands. all really good books imo and i enjoy reading all of them :)

Most of the people I know started off like that ( including myself ). After a while you'll find Salvatore less entertaining, and then it's a good idea to move on to something more serious. Take Bulgakov, he won't let you down :)

quote:Originally posted by HHH
i've read ONE book since i was born.. "felix, felix.. a cat's tail"


That is pretty sad you know. I mean, watching TV and never reading is a sure way to get a Darwin Award.

January 25, 2006, 5:30 pm
yea, salvatore isnt as good, but Dragon lance is a saga written by many many different people, some have more complex story lines and details, very good books imo, my personal fav

January 25, 2006, 7:03 pm
Sorry, I can't stand fantasy books.

January 25, 2006, 7:56 pm
His Dark Materials Trilogy by Phillip Pullman

January 25, 2006, 8:09 pm
I have read the general books here and there, lotr 1,2 and half of 3, the hobbit, Also I read Counte of Monte Cristo and THe scarlet Pimpernel, both school assignment but I got into them so much I read through them very quickly and finished before alot of the class now I am in the process of reading The man called Cash... a book about Johnny Cash, its hard for me to start reading a book because I have so many hobbies belive it or not and now that I picked up knife throwing my reading is soo screwed...

January 25, 2006, 8:22 pm
eragon and Eldest two very long and very good fantasy novels better and more advanced than harry potter. TRESURE ISLAND PWNS!!!

January 25, 2006, 9:56 pm
Like Rambo I love political fiction book. I choose "1984" every year for my book report. But I especially love Ludlum's work: "The Chancellor Manuscript" and Bourne trilogy are awsome. I read "Hornblower during the crisis" and I love sea books, but this one sucked so bad, everything in this book was really negative.

But even though I love political fiction genre the most, "Treasure Island" is my favorite book since I was like 6 years old.

Oh and HHH is dumb and sucks [CENSORED] because he doesn't read, and his brain is not working properly

January 25, 2006, 10:28 pm
I like to read the books of the films and watching the films of the books and comparing them. A Clockwork Orange was my last venture with this, but I've also done it with The World According to Garp, Star Wars, and a few others. I might see what the Bourne books are like to read, I liked the first two films.

January 25, 2006, 11:57 pm
Fight Club's good, and so's the Picture of Dorian Grey. 1984 and Brave New World are classics, plus Clockwork Orange. One good book I just read recently's called Life Of Pi, true story about some boy stuck on a liferaft for some ridiculusly long amount of time. Philosophical essays are always good too, Self-Reliance by Ralph Emerson, or maybe Walden by H.D. Thoreau for all your trancendenatal needs. Good in moderation.

Deleted User
January 26, 2006, 12:23 am
Anyone read the discworld books? I just finished the latest one, "Thud!", and it rocks. One of his best. And they're all pretty damn funny.

Deleted User
January 26, 2006, 1:54 am
I think I did. Was a Thief in Time one of them? I know it's part of a series by Terry Pratchet, so I'll probably read the rest of the series once I get some money for new books.

Of course, I could always just go to the library...

January 26, 2006, 3:48 am
I spend my 2 minute hate on the forums ;)

January 26, 2006, 6:35 am
quote:Originally posted by karmazonLike Rambo I love political fiction book. I choose "1984" every year for my book report. But I especially love Ludlum's work: "The Chancellor Manuscript" and Bourne trilogy are awsome. I read "Hornblower during the crisis" and I love sea books, but this one sucked so bad, everything in this book was really negative.

But even though I love political fiction genre the most, "Treasure Island" is my favorite book since I was like 6 years old.

Oh and HHH is dumb and sucks [CENSORED] because he doesn't read, and his brain is not working properly

If you like Treasure Island, you should read King Soloman's Mines...
It came out soon after Treasure Island and was announced as the greatest adventure story ever told... And I agree it is my favourite book ever :P That and Catch-22

January 26, 2006, 6:38 am
quote:Originally posted by JelloFight Club's good, and so's the Picture of Dorian Grey. 1984 and Brave New World are classics, plus Clockwork Orange. One good book I just read recently's called Life Of Pi, true story about some boy stuck on a liferaft for some ridiculusly long amount of time. Philosophical essays are always good too, Self-Reliance by Ralph Emerson, or maybe Walden by H.D. Thoreau for all your trancendenatal needs. Good in moderation.

Life of Pi... Canadian author... Jerkface ;p He left his wife\girlfriend the instant he won an award for his book apparently.. :p

What did you think about it? Is the tiger real? Or is it better to think that and ignore the cruel nature of human beings... and the fact that he might have eaten human feces :p

that fuking sniper
January 26, 2006, 10:07 am
Books by Frank Herbert, Spider Robinson, Stephen King, and H.P. Lovecraft kick ass in general.

I have some recommendations: Dune (series), Childhood's End, A Clockwork Orange, Brave New World. Books like these will have you nailed to the pages. When I first started reading heavily, with Dune, I stopped watching television and playing videogames much. It just sucked every moment of free time I had for a week untill I finished it. It's that good.

January 26, 2006, 10:46 am
I get into books a lot too, but there's not much sci-fi and fantasy choice here, that I haven't read yet.

Deleted User
January 26, 2006, 11:14 am
1984 -> one of my favourite books..

I can care less about sci-fi and fantasy.. I prefer Law books, books about politics and mysteries.
And yeah.. Im a reader. Usually I start a book and finish reading it in 3-4 days :Q.

Deleted User
January 26, 2006, 1:43 pm
id be interested in any post apocalyptic books, if you guys could point me into the right direction. but for now.... is tv guide a book

Captain Ben
January 26, 2006, 3:54 pm
Only if you want it to be, Taal :D I'm not too smooth on Post Apocalyptic books, but you might like to check out the book list on www.allthingszombie.com.

I can tell who's gonna read this :/
All Quiet on the Eastern Front 20,000 Leagues under the sea, the Invisible Man, War of the Worlds, the Tima Machine, Dracula, the Picture of Dorian Gray, the Elephant Man to name a few.
I also like murder mysteries and biographies... Or anything that sparks my interest, such as John Conolly's Every Dead Thing, Dark Hollow, Bad Men and The Black Angel... I've been busting my balls to hunt down his other books, The Killing Kind, Nocturnes and The White Road for a few months now... All are rather dark, with humour tucked in at all the right moments. Tom Harris' Hannibal Lector books are good, way, way better than the movies could ever be (and the movies are pretty damn nice).
When I was younger, I was addicted to the Animorph series and Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels... QUite an odd combination for an 11 year old to read.
It's not unusual for me to read 4-5 books at a time (not simultaneously obviously :/), and at the moment I'm reading Memoirs of a Geisha, Saving Francesca, Jack the Ripper: Case Closed, Lovely Bones and Wilbur Smith's Triumph of the Sun.
Although, I'd have to say my favourite book at the moment would have to be Desert Flower, by Waris Dirie. It's a really strong book and Elton John bought the movie rights :P

January 26, 2006, 7:14 pm
I started reading King Salomon's mines, but never finished it.

off topic(kinda):
I really hate Sci-Fi books :/

January 26, 2006, 7:55 pm
 Quote:Originally posted by karmazonI started reading King Salomon's mines, but never finished it.

off topic(kinda):
I really hate Sci-Fi books :/

Because you arnt a real man! >: |
Its full of shooting people and they kill like half the elephants in africa and awesome stuff!

January 27, 2006, 5:28 am
Yeah cookie I liked Life of Pi alot, damn good. As usual with those sort of books I'm not quite sure where to draw the line between fiction and nonfiction. One thing I was hoping for when I read the cover blurbs and summary on the back was some philosophy particularly on religion. Unfortunetly that never really panned out. In that respect I was dissapointed, but the story was quite riviting. Particularly the island made of algae. That tripped me OUT.

January 27, 2006, 10:37 am
Kill Box, by whatshisname.. i forget... but Fist Of God, by Fred Forsyth, Pandemic and Overkill by James Barrington (alias) are all good books.