February 4, 2006, 9:43 pm
An idea to add to the complexity of Soldat:
- Default Soldier speed would be 120% of what it is now.
- A primary would cause 15%, while a secondary would case 5% speed decrease. The %-s are cumulative, so if you have two primaries, you'd travel by 90% of your current speed. The flag would mean another -10%.
- Also, knife should keep your momentum, like grenades.
Why would this be good? A flagcarrier could throw away his guns to gain speed, or the no secondary weapon option could be a little bonus for some players, while picking up another primary would be only beneficial if you're not planning to scream around the map and blasting anything in sight.
Keron Cyst
February 5, 2006, 4:11 pm
I'm totally for it. Just make it a changeable WM value too.
February 5, 2006, 4:16 pm
the flag already makes the player heavier, ex. it's harder to propel with the minigun when holding the flag.
February 5, 2006, 4:20 pm
So... what does that tell us?
Don't propel with minigun!
February 5, 2006, 5:05 pm
i like it, but the guns should have the percents themselves, like having law @5% and degals @ 20% it would make the game more interesting
February 5, 2006, 9:25 pm
The flag already adds weight to the player. To test it, just try to fly with the minigun while carrying a flag. You'll notice the difference =)
John O
February 5, 2006, 10:18 pm
sounds cool, but what a4yold said, each gun should have its own decrease. barett and LAW and minigun the most, SAW, ruger, rifles, shotgun, dualies...
The Geologist
February 6, 2006, 1:24 am
People, we know the flag adds weight. That isn't the point.
The point of this would be that the flag carrier could drop his guns in order to lose some of that weight, a perfectly reasonable trade imo. Want more speed? Lose the guns. Want to keep moving and fight back, just keep your guns. Perhaps a simple equation for gun weight to percent is in order, but that might be getting a bit too specific. Me likey.
February 6, 2006, 1:26 am
Wow! I like this.. I just dont think the soldier should go too much faster than it already can.
Deleted User
February 6, 2006, 1:42 am
This'd be great. It'd give saw users a nice speed advantage for killing those primary users.
And, as Keron said, it should be moddable.
February 6, 2006, 1:51 am
Once upon a time I suggested adding the speed factor as a solution to the barret problem.
Just like in real life you won't see soldiers charging with that horribly heavy weapon, or running like mad mean with a minigun in their hands :)
I think that this could be a solution that will eliminate the need for bink, self bink and so on...
Prehapes we'll have less lag? less bugs? maybe take 1.2 or 1.1.5 and try the speed factor on them?
(Yea I probably went too far with that one..)
Speed factor = GREAT! but only on the acount of one of the already existing factors, making things more complex at this point is not such a good idea.
February 6, 2006, 10:00 am
I'm not sure if I like this idea.. Should a barretard run slower than a Deagler then? I mean.. different weaps got different weights and the barret is far heavier than Deagles. I agree that you should run faster when you got the secondary on your hand, but thats all. And the speed difference shouldnt be that great.
February 6, 2006, 11:32 am
Quote:Originally posted by echoI'm not sure if I like this idea.. Should a barretard run slower than a Deagler then? I mean.. different weaps got different weights and the barret is far heavier than Deagles. I agree that you should run faster when you got the secondary on your hand, but thats all. And the speed difference shouldnt be that great.
Read Demonic's post again, please.
Anyway, I think this would be a great thing to at least try... Provided Michal can do it.
February 6, 2006, 12:55 pm
Maybe I got it wrong but anyway I still think that this might be a good idea for some kind of a new mode, not for the whole game. Imagine CTF mode:
Giving more speed to the flagcarrier (considering he would drop his weapons) on mini-maps like nuubia or voland would make him quite hard (and it is hard alrdy)to get caught by the opponent team.
Now add this factors:
- Team B = spawnkillers
- FlagCarrier will get spray-boosted by his team AND from opponent team (wich will have less speed since they need to use a weapon(s) to kill the carrier).
- Somehow, while picking the flag, the carrier is boosted by a grenade (and this happens a lot).
No offense, I like the idea but not for the whole game. Maybe for a new mode or something. However, I do think we should run faster when we have the secondary on the hand instead of the primary. ^^,
February 6, 2006, 3:20 pm
The point of the whole thing is, that by default circumstances, you would not notice a thing, since you have enough weight on you for -20%. Giving every weapon a different weight value would just over-complicate the already hard enough weapon balancing, so this would leave it out.
As for the the example you mentioned echo: nuubia is pretty hectic, so if the flag carrier is on a getaway safe enough to drop his weapons, then he was going to cap anyway.
February 6, 2006, 4:24 pm
I like it, but as the 4-year-old said...
Every weapon should have it's own weight.
The Geologist
February 6, 2006, 5:04 pm
Why make things complicated? There's no real benefit to making each gun a different weight. The more I think about it, 15%/5% sound fine to me.
February 8, 2006, 2:39 am
You keep ruining Soldat, demonic. Stick to your minigun on alt. route and keep away from anything that concerns weapons or modifications. :/
February 8, 2006, 1:32 pm
Either every weapon gets it's own weight or this won't get implemented.
Ya, or if it gets implemented without it I will quit playing Soldat for that matter.
Every weapon needs it's own weight, that's how I see it.
Would be pretty lame if ALL Primary weapons had the same weight.
Also if the Secondary weapons had the same weight.
I mean, a law is much heavier than a socom etc.
A minigun is much heavier than a ruger etc.
February 8, 2006, 1:55 pm
Yeah, boo me and my 'playing for fun'.
Yuth, would you take realism over balance? If every weapon would have it's own weight, we'd probably have to reconfigure the balance settings a lot. This way we wouldn't need to touch balance, since this feature would be totally seperate from it ( altough it would narrow down the strenght difference between primaries and secondaries a bit ).
February 8, 2006, 3:14 pm
demonic said it, this weight thing is getting too far and out of control, if you really want weight for weapons go play team fortress or something. Changing the weapon balance with weight is going to take time and nerves and it would be too realistic for a game.
February 8, 2006, 8:04 pm
I like this, but i wouldnt want it to be forced onto every game, maybe put it as a checkbox? Or *cringes* dump it on realistic maybe?
February 8, 2006, 8:25 pm
ew this is the first idea I've seen in here that I really, really, really do not like whatsoever. The flag already adds weight. I don't like the idea of guns weighing you down, that's promoting making yourself defenseless to gain speed...what kind of sense does that make?
Deleted User
February 8, 2006, 9:24 pm
Quote:Originally posted by lithiumew this is the first idea I've seen in here that I really, really, really do not like whatsoever. The flag already adds weight. I don't like the idea of guns weighing you down, that's promoting making yourself defenseless to gain speed...what kind of sense does that make?
It is a trade between speed and equipment, which means you could eventually out-run someone.
And i don't think you quite understood what demonic said, please read it again, and this time more carefully.
I'm for it.
Keron Cyst
February 9, 2006, 1:33 am
Quote:Originally posted by lithium... I don't like the idea of guns weighing you down, that's promoting making yourself defenseless to gain speed...what kind of sense does that make?
More tactics, more thinking needed, like "Crap, that guy's right behind me. Should I discard my weapon and flee more quickly, or continue reciprocating fire?"
February 9, 2006, 3:38 am
Well, think about it for a sec. Say you're in a clanwar, you've just captured the flag and are isolated from your teammates, and you have an enemy on your tail. Anybody with any experience will be able to gun you down from behind even after you get the marginal speed increase from dropping your guns (5-15% really isn't that much when you think about it) and you'll be completely unable to defend yourself in the slightest. I just don't think it's really a good thing to put in. It's not like it would wreck gameplay, since I would almost certainly stick to my guns no matter what, but I just don't think it really has much practical use.
February 9, 2006, 8:32 am
Ive always felt Soldat movement to be a little too slow, im for a minor speed increase.
February 9, 2006, 6:31 pm
Quote:Originally posted by lithiumWell, think about it for a sec. Say you're in a clanwar, you've just captured the flag and are isolated from your teammates, and you have an enemy on your tail. Anybody with any experience will be able to gun you down from behind even after you get the marginal speed increase from dropping your guns (5-15% really isn't that much when you think about it) and you'll be completely unable to defend yourself in the slightest. I just don't think it's really a good thing to put in. It's not like it would wreck gameplay, since I would almost certainly stick to my guns no matter what, but I just don't think it really has much practical use.
The emphasis of this idea isn't on the flag carrier droping his stuff to gain speed, that's just a little bonus. And if you think about it, a -10% isn't that much all in all.
Practical use would be for people who want to choose no secondary, thus giving themselfes a small speed boost until they pick up another weapon. Or weakening the people who have two primaries already, because they are one heck of an offensive force. Nerfing spas and M79 boosting flag getaways. Giving an advantage to those hardcore players whom only use Socom or Saw.
February 9, 2006, 8:51 pm
This idea sucks without giving each weapon it's own weight...
And should be added to WM so you can modify the weight.
And this should probably be implemented into "Realistic Mode".
That's my opinion.
Dragon Reborn
February 10, 2006, 12:05 am
I like it. I think this is a great idea.
February 15, 2006, 4:14 am
Quote:Originally posted by The GeologistWhy make things complicated? There's no real benefit to making each gun a different weight. The more I think about it, 15%/5% sound fine to me.
Sounds fine to me too, and different %s would be theme for weapon balance whinning... so I'm with you.
The idea is cool, I think it would bennefit the CHAINSAW which I think is heavily underpowered against the other secondaries.. think of dropping your primary then running into a m79 who didn't dropped his weapon.. Good idea !
However I'll say something like 10%/3% would be better.
February 15, 2006, 5:10 am
Quote:Originally posted by YuthThis idea sucks without giving each weapon it's own weight...
And should be added to WM so you can modify the weight.
And this should probably be implemented into "Realistic Mode".
That's my opinion.
No dont even think about adding a weight factor into guns as if MM dont got enough headaches with the balance already.