February 5, 2006, 2:03 pm
Map by Havok
Description :
A big Deathmatch map.
Screenshot :
Download :
February 5, 2006, 2:33 pm
uh that pic is WAY too vague, unless you did that on purpose?or something?...please do give us another photo (an overview of the whole thing).
February 5, 2006, 3:00 pm
WOW, that is the best map for a 3-year old person ever!!!!
I love it.
Wooshaa infant.
The cutting edges are so cool and the lack of scenery makes the map absolutely astoundingly perfect, not talking about lack of shading and colours. The background matches the triangles so perfectly, omg, youre my idol!!!
(edit: I hope you will understand that posting ALL maps you find in your pants shouldn't be posted here, a'ight? )
(edit2: Wow, the screenshot is soo great, especially when you were filming! [REC])
February 5, 2006, 3:08 pm
stop whining about maps viggoloniggolo that you are good mapper ok but this is my second map so shut the [CENSORED] up
February 5, 2006, 3:10 pm
Is something wrong?
Should I stop saying how cool you are? I hope chakra or a moderator will make a "new maps from new users" forum under the soldat mapping.
I will download this map right away and start playing witm my friends all day long til the next soldat version arrives! Omg
[constructive criticism: Trash the map and make a new one and hope this map will not affect your celebrity on future maps, it's like your not even trying.]
February 5, 2006, 3:23 pm
Vig, stop being offensive, or the banhammer gets swinged harder this time.
Havoc, please post an overview screenshot next time, and try reading some tutorials too. You can find many linked on this forum, just browse a little.
February 5, 2006, 3:37 pm
ok yeah sorry im noob in mapping and btw @ beta 2 i forgot screenshots because i first wanted to post it in the other map thread of beta 1 but than it would be like double post so sorry for all this and ill get some tutorials for it so i can make better maps.
Deleted User
February 5, 2006, 3:37 pm
sorry, cant see "not being offensive" in the rulebook and + I can have my own point of view's, I dont have to be a smurf who always makes flowers out of (sorry for the word) crap.
February 5, 2006, 3:48 pm
Hahahahahaha! I just checked and vig is right... the rules don't mention being nice to people or not being offensive:
Quote:Read the Rules
Punishment System
No star hunting/Spamming
Post all questions/problems in the forums
No cheats/hacks here!
Post in English only
Signature files
No Image Macros
Abusing the swear filter
Inactive Members
Pending Members
The Geologist
February 5, 2006, 5:25 pm
Headstone, it's a given. Use your head a bit. Vigg isn't right, and neither are you, so comment on the map and refrain from spamming. This is a map topic, not a topic about the rules.
Havok, don't mind Vigg..he's just an angry little person who should have been perma-banned a long time ago. In fact, he just got unbanned and he's prolly right on his way back there because he can't help but insult new mappers out of some superiority complex. Just keep mapping and practicing, everyone has to start somewhere.
As for the map...the screenshot is too small. Just zoom out so you can see the whole map, then press shift+print screen. Using paint or something you can change the pic, add a title, etc..whatever you like. Shading is also key..look at your polys, they're one thick color. Think a bout how the light would play off those polys...would they be darker on the bottom if the light came from above? Any shadows? Think of a light source and then darken your polys from there. A large part of shading will also come with your poly layout, which, comes with practice..so keep it up! :D
February 5, 2006, 6:21 pm
sorry if made maps for games like counter-strike but never for soldat this is like my second map my 3rd one will be better :) im learning the shaders part im making all kinds of test maps that i test and if i like i add that in a map im making again if u know what i mean.
February 5, 2006, 6:26 pm
It ISN'T a given...it is a rule
Quote:13. Posting rules:
* You must post constructive criticism, otherwise your post will be deleted.
Ahem, look at
this sticky if you haven't already.
February 5, 2006, 7:59 pm
i'm probably the only person who downloaded it.
the layout is truly excellent havoc, but, as vigg said very impolitely, it would be nice with a little color variation and maybe a box here or there (with a collider of course).
February 5, 2006, 8:04 pm
yeah i understand but im new to making soldat maps :) when i figure it out a bit than ill make better maps
February 5, 2006, 8:12 pm
my first map was box (just square and nothing in it)....really fun to play thought. keep it up..who knows if u r the one to make the best soldat map ever....
February 6, 2006, 9:03 pm
Quote:hope this map will not affect your celebrity
I think it affects your celebrity being that offensive.
February 6, 2006, 10:34 pm
Quote:Originally posted by viggoloniggoloIs something wrong?
Should I stop saying how cool you are? I hope chakra or a moderator will make a "new maps from new users" forum under the soldat mapping.
I will download this map right away and start playing witm my friends all day long til the next soldat version arrives! Omg
[constructive criticism: Trash the map and make a new one and hope this map will not affect your celebrity on future maps, it's like your not even trying.]
Come on man, don't you see that he is new to the Soldat forums? You are a good mapper and I though your personality agains new mappers was different. Now I see how you really are..
Practice, practice and practice! You'll become a good mapper if you do so! =D
Deleted User
February 7, 2006, 5:59 am
actully i hate vigs maps there so origanal...im not lying i just dont like his themes...i would prefer a simple not so gold picked map.....havoc i can tell you will become good someday :D keep up the work..
February 7, 2006, 10:37 am
OFF-TOPIC: citA, your ISP is musc.edu? My father works for the MUSC! I must now hunt you down...
ON-TOPIC: The map needs alot of shading, far as I can tell. Texture looks smooth, though.
February 7, 2006, 11:26 am
Maybe I got a little sour after reading this topic...but vig is right, in some ways these new mappers need to stop posting crappy maps. It is sort of ridiculous if you think about it. There are plenty of resources now that were not available in the past. In the past, yes the maps were allowed to look like [CENSORED] and reach forums, however you know what the answer if you post a map like this is going to be. No offense havok, I want to encourage you to map, but PLEASE refrain from posting maps like this where you didnt put the effort into making it look somewhat decent to the eyes. The layout may be good, I congratulate you on that, but again, seriously, look at the first maps these days. Read some tutorials, learn some shading, do some smoothing, otherwise when you post a map here is what you will hear everytime:
Needs Shading
Round your corners
Match the colors up better
Choose a Different theme
etc. etc.
And in Viggalongos terms it will be along the lines of:
[CENSORED] Map I pulled out my ass
My momma make better maps than that
I did that map when i was two years old!
etc etc.
Anyway, keep trying.
Deleted User
February 8, 2006, 5:06 am
haha no it tells u UR info mation :P.....
uhh ow damn the map just crashed my computer
Miglot Af eraon
February 11, 2006, 9:12 pm
i think the map are good. And viggoloniggolo get a live. I have waypointed it. Its a noob waypointing but the map aren´t too demanding. An overwuwe.
February 12, 2006, 12:24 am
miglet, Fcuk off me please, I did not talk to you in the first place and I hope I never will.
Get your English onto a normal level pleashhhhhh
February 14, 2006, 12:26 pm
(Sorry if I'm flogging a dead horse, but my ass is opinionated)
For starters Havok, there's no scenery, no poly stretching, clashing colours and no shading, so basically, what you've got is the contour of what could be a map, nothing more, why you even bothered to post this is beyond me.
But at least you're trying, my first map didn't look much better than this, what program are you using btw? If you're using MapMaker then I suggest you immediately switch to PolyWorks, I sh*t you not, it pwnz.
As for the rest of you, f*cking grow up some time, especially you vig.
I mean, goddam b*tches, walking into this thread was like taking a visit to a kindergarten where all the little infants are flinging mud at each other.
Deleted User
February 14, 2006, 12:51 pm
Oh, and vig, Stop acting like you're superior, I hate this kind of aggresive attitude. And what is this? is this an 'üuuuber map'?
February 14, 2006, 3:34 pm
have you played it?
If not then stfu
Deleted User
February 14, 2006, 5:58 pm
Have you played this map?
If not then stfu
Yes, that sounded retarded, eh? You're acting like an angry baby. As for locking it, I have no objections.
The Geologist
February 14, 2006, 6:00 pm
How cute, you start swearing at people and then demand the topic be locked once you start catching flack. You're the reason this topic should be closed Vigg. Maybe if you wouldn't run your mouth so much this topic could be more than a flame fest.
February 14, 2006, 6:51 pm
It is a climb map, they dont have to be pretty like flowers in a chinese garden, as for you the geologist you should go burry yourself under a heap between bronze and gold under the soil.
I would start telling good about maps if they just werent so damn crap like this one, but I need a start point. Your opinion about flaming or "anything" was not asked Geologizm.
Locking the topic was a suggestion, not a demand, limp.
February 14, 2006, 8:50 pm
Ok, that's it.
Vig, you are a talented mapper, but that does not give you a right to insult other people. You can give constructive criticism without flaming the mapper and his map. Besides, get off the high horse: even though you have some nice maps, they aren't playable because of their over-complicated builds.
Either improve your attitude or the banhammer shall be swung, and your head shall detach from your body.