Deadeye Rob
February 7, 2006, 12:35 pm
After recently playing 'Aliens Versus Predator 2' it inspired me to suggest a more interresting element into soldat.
I was wondering if it would be possible to include a form of doors, be it sci-fi style or any other. The element of lockable/sealable doors would be a good strategic idea.
For example, u want to hide in a bunker, but somebodycould easily creep upthrough the back entrance.
With a door that could be locked from the inside its going to be slightly difficult to get in if you dont have explosives (or a masters degree in lockpicking!)
So why not include doors! The perfect obsticle and a brilliant scenery input for those Uber-Alien/predator fans out there!
February 7, 2006, 5:01 pm
I'd rather liked to see One-way-polygons / Team-coliders instead as that would be easier then implanting a new 'door' feature.. theese could be used for many other things aswell
Deleted User
February 7, 2006, 5:59 pm
let me guess: when a door gets blown open by a grenade it'll be able to be locked- again.
What about team games? Your teammates will get pissed that you locked them in and they will unlock the door.
Deadeye Rob
February 7, 2006, 7:15 pm
No lol! let me explain. Im sure some of you have played 'Aliens versus predator 2'
If not, basicly, as a marine i got chased by a swarm of alien bugs.
As i had no hope of taking them on single handedly, i got to a blast door and sealed it (cliping off a grasping arm), thereby holding them off for a short time while i pegged it!
What iwould like to introduce to soldat is that ability. To answer your question, yes it would irritate team players if they got blocked off, however this is where lockpicking or explosives would deal with that.
or even more simple, all team players can open doors currently locked by members of their own team! (personally i prefer the lockpicking scenario!)
February 7, 2006, 7:52 pm
Lockpicking ? >_< I'm still go for one way polys / team coliders ^^ then the mappers would have the ability to customize stuff like this on theire map.. (If I understand your suggestion correctly)
February 7, 2006, 8:05 pm
I agree with Dark_Noddy...
But it's a nice idea. *Thumb Up*
Deadeye Rob
February 7, 2006, 8:05 pm
Hmmmmm..... Yeah, i guess it would be difficult to introduce. I guess u could introduce it as 'animated' or 'real time' scenery?
February 7, 2006, 11:16 pm
Instead of locked doors, perhaps doors that remain shut for a set time. You press a button, and for 10 seconds, the door is closed. Then a 15 second cooldown before you can shut it again. Something along those lines?
February 7, 2006, 11:54 pm
I dislike this idea very much. It wouldn't be an addition to strategies and tactics, it woudl be more of a nuisance.
February 8, 2006, 12:34 am
Imagine that a group of Bravo players in INF move their flag to a little room with a lockable door and then they lock it..
February 8, 2006, 12:42 am
Yeah, and the ones outside are like "Omfg, you bloody [CENSORED]s, open up!!"
Yeah, that would be fun...
February 8, 2006, 1:26 am
Also Bravo would win easily since they get points every couple of seconds.
February 8, 2006, 1:43 am
Yeah sure, but who would play on such a map if that was the case.
The doors/polys should have a code of some kind, the outsiders could crack the code and get in.
That would be nice.
Deadeye Rob
February 8, 2006, 4:21 pm
well that relates to my mention of a 'lockpicking' ability. a little time bar that must be filled up uninterrupted beforethe door opens up
February 8, 2006, 4:52 pm
The lockable doors wouldn't have to be around the flag, they could be around a building with health kits, or various chokepoints in alternate routes. Combined with one way colliders, it would allow for some crazy "infestation" maps, where one team holes up in a complex, locks all the doors, but the other team can still come in through secret passages, etc. Then those locked doors are just as harmful as they are helpful.
Deadeye Rob
February 8, 2006, 7:54 pm
Think about it, your wounded nearly dead. Several people from the oposite team have come to finish you off, what do you do?
Run to the nearest bulkhead/door seal it, bugger off before they blast it open! adds a little more interrest to the game.
Failing that idea, what about distructable obsticles. Anybody played that Inf_undermined map before, say there was a airduct you wanted to get into, but you had to blast open the grate thats sealed it? adds a bit of realism....
February 9, 2006, 4:17 pm
Lockable doors is a good idea, but with lasers- if you step on the laser, the door opens...
Deleted User
February 9, 2006, 9:58 pm
This could add something to the game.
One problem is that first-person shooters are often set in large buildings with many rooms. Soldat maps are generally very open.
But of course, maybe if doors are implemented then indoor maps will emerge.
Deadeye Rob
February 13, 2006, 10:07 am
I jus like all those games where ur holding off an enemy attack and BOOOM! a section of wall gets blasted and in come enemy troopes! funny and creative!
February 15, 2006, 4:02 am
I can see the use of it on infiltration for example, where the attacking team has to acctivate some kind of swith somewhere else in the map(mean, just walk in front of some special scenery) to open some door to get into the flag. Yeah I like the idea, It could lead to some interesting gameplay.
Or in CTF, doors that lead to easier ways to get the flag, so each team has to worry about keaping their entrances shut...
February 15, 2006, 3:27 pm
yeah, or 1 player has to stay on a switch-laser while his team enters the door he is holding the switch on, he cannot enter himself 8-), that requires at least 2 players, but it would be extremely strategic.