General Information
Tournament Founder: Soldat-Events
Tournament Admins: Soldat-Events crew
Tournament Sponsored by: (most likely)
When: Saturday February 25 2006, 10:00 PM EST (2200 GMT-5), 7:00 PM Western, 9:00 PM Central.
Server: (?) Details will be posted in #soldat.event(IRC, Quakenet) and will be sent to all participants on msn/aim on the day of the match
Roster - 22
Poop Yukwunhang Cookie? SourceMessiah YozizzoInvisableguyBlood ShamanTwelve Ugapa Swazo Taiquin Semegae Flame SpectralRyukkKeiranDrivenUnderBionic_HandPoppsTai My ShuMorikBladeColumbianoXenocide Reserved Slot Reserved Slot Reserved Slot Reserved Slot Reserved Slot
Signup In the Following Format
*Name: Jigglypuff
*Contact: IRC Jigglypuff or MSN or AIM jiggly
Optional: I want to be captain of my team (Only put this if you want to be captain of your team)
* = Required
There will be 9 Total teams, with 3 members on each team. DETERMINED RANDOMNLY ON THE DAY OF THE MATCH. Each round will be 9 players maximum racing, obviously 1 person from each team will play each round. Each map will be played 3 times, so each player will get to play each map. In which order is decided by the team's captain.Rounds will be played in CTF mode, with all weapons and grenades disabled. The Winning team will get 3 points for that round. The second place team will get 1 point for that round. If there is any problems, the admin's will verify who was second after the tournament is over, and post the results on the forum. The team which wins the tournament will be the one with the most points at the end of the tournament.THe Official Racing mappack will be posted here late on monday, after it has been verified which maps will be used. This is A FUN TOURNAMENT. There should be honour among all participants of this match. This means no excessive flaming, spamming, rude or crude remarks, racism, excessive cursing, or whining. These matches are supposed to be fun, and if anyone does any of these things, they will immedietely be banned from the server and will not be allowed to participate.When the admins of the match need to say something, please be quiet because when everyone is typing, the server spams and it is difficult to get a message across. If you are told to be quiet for a few minutes, but you continue to talk, you will be banned from the server. 5 starting spots have been reserved. I will allow a total of 30 people to signup, because most likely some wont show up. Our server is 32 slots, and the amount of players that will participate is 27. However it is possible there will be substitutes if someone has to leave or anything like that. So dont fear, just keep signing up, most likely you will get to play!
General Information
Tournament Founder: Soldat-Events
Tournament Admins: Soldat-Events crew
Tournament Sponsored by: (most likely)
When: Saturday February 25 2006, 10:00 PM EST (2200 GMT-5), 7:00 PM Western, 9:00 PM Central.
Server: (?) Details will be posted in #soldat.event(IRC, Quakenet) and will be sent to all participants on msn/aim on the day of the match
Roster - 22
Poop Yukwunhang Cookie? SourceMessiah YozizzoInvisableguyBlood ShamanTwelve Ugapa Swazo Taiquin Semegae Flame SpectralRyukkKeiranDrivenUnderBionic_HandPoppsTai My ShuMorikBladeColumbianoXenocide Reserved Slot Reserved Slot Reserved Slot Reserved Slot Reserved Slot
Signup In the Following Format
*Name: Jigglypuff
*Contact: IRC Jigglypuff or MSN or AIM jiggly
Optional: I want to be captain of my team (Only put this if you want to be captain of your team)
* = Required
There will be 9 Total teams, with 3 members on each team. DETERMINED RANDOMNLY ON THE DAY OF THE MATCH. Each round will be 9 players maximum racing, obviously 1 person from each team will play each round. Each map will be played 3 times, so each player will get to play each map. In which order is decided by the team's captain.Rounds will be played in CTF mode, with all weapons and grenades disabled. The Winning team will get 3 points for that round. The second place team will get 1 point for that round. If there is any problems, the admin's will verify who was second after the tournament is over, and post the results on the forum. The team which wins the tournament will be the one with the most points at the end of the tournament.THe Official Racing mappack will be posted here late on monday, after it has been verified which maps will be used. This is A FUN TOURNAMENT. There should be honour among all participants of this match. This means no excessive flaming, spamming, rude or crude remarks, racism, excessive cursing, or whining. These matches are supposed to be fun, and if anyone does any of these things, they will immedietely be banned from the server and will not be allowed to participate.When the admins of the match need to say something, please be quiet because when everyone is typing, the server spams and it is difficult to get a message across. If you are told to be quiet for a few minutes, but you continue to talk, you will be banned from the server. 5 starting spots have been reserved. I will allow a total of 30 people to signup, because most likely some wont show up. Our server is 32 slots, and the amount of players that will participate is 27. However it is possible there will be substitutes if someone has to leave or anything like that. So dont fear, just keep signing up, most likely you will get to play!