Dragon Reborn
February 12, 2006, 5:47 am
I modded morda.bmp and morda2.bmp and helm.bmp and helm2.bmp to what i wanted, and when my soldat is looking right, it's normal and exactly what i want. But when he looks to the left, it's all weird. I have 2 extra pixels width with this mod, but how do i fix it, without having to cut pixels out?
February 13, 2006, 8:47 am
If you mean that the positions of the pics arent right (ie. helmet doesnt sit on his head) then there is no solution. The positions of the gostek pieces is programmed into the game and cannot be changed. I suggest you use the default width and alternate the height if you need.
February 13, 2006, 3:30 pm
Its a simple fix I had this problem before, just rotate each bmp in the opposite direction and its all good.
Deleted User
February 13, 2006, 9:48 pm
If the helmet is too big for the head, make the head bigger, or the helmet smaller
February 14, 2006, 7:31 am
he doesn't really explain what he means by 'looks weird', i guess I may have been too specific to a problem.