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Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
February 13, 2006, 6:49 pm
This is more of a tactical weapon idea. Used more for knowing how the enemy is attacking. I got this idea while reading the 2 Hour Idea thread. Excuse me if this has been suggested, it's hard to find out what has and has not been talked about when it comes to scopes.

My idea is the thought of giving the option to use a scope, as a secondary, to give you a long ranged view of what's ahead of you. It's pointless as a weapon, but can help when used for if someone has the flag. Giving the user the same veiwing as as when someone croutches with a barret. To use this you must be croutching also.

I have also thought that this is a weapon that can make the game have a slower gaming pace, but can save you if you are in a position that you need to see seomthing far away. This has a low rate of being liked, but it's just a suggestion. So critic me if good or bad.

Deleted User
February 13, 2006, 10:21 pm
Yep, this idea doesnt much interest me. Though it would be interesting to have, I still wouldnt like it incorparated as a secondary. There are other things which might be better.

One of the best thing about soldat is the fast packed action. Lets not all start using ucky scopes now?

February 13, 2006, 11:01 pm
This was suggested before, but I like it.

February 14, 2006, 1:53 am
hooray! my thread's popular!

this would be an excellent weapon mod if the scope value got implemented, but in the standard game, i don't really know about this...

February 14, 2006, 2:46 am
So bascially you're talking about is a binocular right? If so, yes it has been suggested before. Use the search function on this forum to find out what has been suggested before posting plz.

It's a good idea thought, but i wouldn't want it to replace my secondary. Can't we just carry it along with our primary and secondary?

John O
February 14, 2006, 8:30 am
choose from tertiaries:
thermo vision

February 14, 2006, 6:23 pm
Arbalest - If you read my post, I mentioned that this idea had more then likely been mentioned before and it's hard to read through 20+ different threads that may have had something related to what I was thinking of.

And after thinking the idea doesn't seem like a good idea. Like DrivenUnder said. Soldat is good fast paced for us to now be using scopes/binoculars. Not a very realistic idea for how Soldat is. Thanks for the replies back though.

February 16, 2006, 1:10 am
^Indeed it doesn't seem like a good idea... this would best fit in on a 3d game, but not Soldat.