Due to the many suggestions and requests for mines of some sort in soldat, I took the liberty of putting together an easy to read official suggestion for a claymore mine that michal can basicly just code and plug into the game. I've made the ingame graphics for the mine and suggested a setup for it. Below are several comic type pictures to explain this suggestion more thoroughly.
Picture key for top right image of weapons-gfx for the claymore:
1.) Gfx for the hand before deployment and on the ground after deployment
2.) Detonator gfx after deployment of claymore mine
3.) Explosion gfx for claymore after detonation
4.) Bullet gfx for claymore after detonation
Comic strip picture key, top to bottom:
1.) Actual claymore min in hand before deployment.
2.) After deployment of the claymore facing right with detonation mechanism in the soldats hand.
3.) Detonation of the claymore.
4.) Effects of the claymore
A more detailed description:
The claymore mine would be either a pickup like the cluster grenades or a secondary weapon.
Once you picked up/chose the claymore mine, the actual mine would apear in your soldats hands.
To setup the claymore go to where you want the claymore placed, and face your soldat in the direction that you want the claymore mine to explode.
Once in position, click to lay the mine on the ground (this process will take a second or two).
Once the mine is placed on the ground, the gfx for the detonation mechanism would apear in the soldats hand, and the ability to set off the mine.
To set off the mine, you would simply click and hold while the detonation mechanism is in hand, and after a small delay the mine would go off.
After the mine is detonated (i.e after you hold down the detonation mechanism) the actual mine gfx would disapear after the "claymore-fire.bmp" is played over the mine, and three round bullets with power 500 (according to weapons.ini) would come flying out at 400 speed (according to the weapons.ini file) on three different slight angles (one slightly up, one straight, and one slightly down.) and act as normal bullets with such power, and do appropriate damage. Below is the .ini appropriate settings.
I hope I have helped in the suggestion department of mines in soldat, and hope that this suggestion is clear to read and understand, and will be put into soldat. If anyone has any questions or comments, please post.
Field Marshal BM
Download for Michal
Download for weapons-gfx of the Claymore mine