I will convert this to sml tutorials eventually I think, for now it has its own soldat topic.
I drew these coordinates to help you visualize the texture coordinates you need to know for multitexturing:
First: make sure you have these options checked in the view menu of polyworks.
Open the texture properties window in order to draw the first part of your texture. Fill it in as shown.
Turn on textured quad through the context menu(right click on the 'workspace' with the create polygon tool). Draw your polygons in a CLOCKWISE direction, otherwise they will not turn out right. (See Tip #1 Below). Notice depending on the way you draw it will depend on which way the texture faces. Below is the default and best way to do it. Notice the wireframe is also the how texture settings properties window looks. Each Yellow X below is a left mouse click. Follow the Red Arrow, Top Left X is first.
No matter where you start you will end up with a square however the texture will face a different way depending on where you start. I didnt place the final 8th polygon as you can see as I wanted to show you that im texture quadding.
This shows how you should setup your coordinates for the second part of the texture.
Again showing you the 4 different ways to place the polygon using texture quad.
Here I just played around. The first upper left is just the entire texture drawn out in pieces. I copied that to each one and joined them and moved stuff around. Texture stretching comes in handy to make the grass more visible and realistic.
You can play with it more here:
--(Make sure texture is set to xt_summergrassrock)
Tip #1: If you want to draw just one polygon you can draw as normal then place the second polygon anywhere and press control+z to undo, it only undos the second polygon and keeps the first.
Hope you understood this, along with my first multitexture tutorial ( http://sml.u13.net/tutorial/?p=polygons&b=multi ) there should be some good multitexture maps coming out.
Thanks to Xtender for his texture.
More Textures
I drew these coordinates to help you visualize the texture coordinates you need to know for multitexturing:
First: make sure you have these options checked in the view menu of polyworks.
Open the texture properties window in order to draw the first part of your texture. Fill it in as shown.
Turn on textured quad through the context menu(right click on the 'workspace' with the create polygon tool). Draw your polygons in a CLOCKWISE direction, otherwise they will not turn out right. (See Tip #1 Below). Notice depending on the way you draw it will depend on which way the texture faces. Below is the default and best way to do it. Notice the wireframe is also the how texture settings properties window looks. Each Yellow X below is a left mouse click. Follow the Red Arrow, Top Left X is first.
No matter where you start you will end up with a square however the texture will face a different way depending on where you start. I didnt place the final 8th polygon as you can see as I wanted to show you that im texture quadding.
This shows how you should setup your coordinates for the second part of the texture.
Again showing you the 4 different ways to place the polygon using texture quad.
Here I just played around. The first upper left is just the entire texture drawn out in pieces. I copied that to each one and joined them and moved stuff around. Texture stretching comes in handy to make the grass more visible and realistic.
You can play with it more here:
--(Make sure texture is set to xt_summergrassrock)
Tip #1: If you want to draw just one polygon you can draw as normal then place the second polygon anywhere and press control+z to undo, it only undos the second polygon and keeps the first.
Hope you understood this, along with my first multitexture tutorial ( http://sml.u13.net/tutorial/?p=polygons&b=multi ) there should be some good multitexture maps coming out.
Thanks to Xtender for his texture.
More Textures