February 19, 2006, 3:58 am
I was thinking, what would improve the game...
If the body parts got effected by the bullet's speed as it collides to the part.
As in when the Soldat dies/is dead , you can move the body parts by shooting them.
If you shoot at the chest when he's standing he should like bend backwards in some way.
And the Soldat should be able to lay on his back.
And you know, if shot hard enough roll, but still be able to live.
The Soldat can shoot while rolling, and bounce back on his feet while rolling.
As injured he would walk different and so on.
If the feet gets shot the Soldat would fall on his back or on his stomach.
(You can imagine the rest)
It's very dull as it is now.
Oh, and about the "backflip" ... Should probably add a "frontflip" as well.
February 22, 2006, 8:36 pm
than almost every time you decide to bunnyhop you do a frontflip :( no
get shot and have a motion-reaction: no
roll: no
spaz would be true to its name
injured walk would be stupid because you are most often ether dead or alive going back to get a medkit.
Keron Cyst
February 22, 2006, 11:54 pm
It's called the "SPAS-12," not "spaz" (it has a light 's' sound).
You can move body parts by shooting them. They just hardly budge (just like real life); that's all. I think the game's too fast-paced for individual body injuries.
Roll off a cliff and jet while you're still rolling. Voila, frontflip.
February 23, 2006, 1:10 am
I would actually like effects like this...
Especially the idea of being knocked over by powerful hits, it would make explosions look much better.
Deleted User
February 23, 2006, 1:53 am
Frontflip is formally called "rolling".
February 28, 2006, 5:58 pm
Quote:Originally posted by a-4-year-old
than almost every time you decide to bunnyhop you do a frontflip :( no
get shot and have a motion-reaction: no
roll: no
spaz would be true to its name
injured walk would be stupid because you are most often ether dead or alive going back to get a medkit.
Bunnyhopping would still be possible, you don't use jet while doing that.
And getting injured would probably cause too much whining.
But could be implemented into Realistic Mode.
The "motion-reaction" would just add more pleasure to the game.
If you play the game Max Payne 2 - Fall of Max Payne, you'll see what I mean.
Imagine you get thrust away by a nearby explosion and your body hits the wall.
Then you bounce off the wall and lose some HP, but you're still alive bleeding throughout your mouth.
Would also be pretty cool if you could run on walls.
If using jet you could run higher, imagine it.
And then you could jump off the wall and do a backflip/frontflip while shooting.
Or jump off and just fly through the air shooting, or using chainsaw/knife.
I'm saying the feet should follow the polygons.
When your body touches a wall the feet should cling to the wall if you bunnyhop it.
Like in the classic game called Sonic. The blue guy which runs loops and etc.
The Geologist
February 28, 2006, 6:42 pm
Is this really an improvement, or is it just eye candy? This is Soldat, not Max Payne, and imo the added attention given to the body and limbs would be wasted on such a small Soldat in such a fast paced game. Also, based on how easy it is to backflip, I'm definately against a front flip. What benefits are there to any of these ideas other than "that'd be cool"? All this flipping and running up walls talk just reminds me of the Matrix..
The idea of feet following the polygons would be interesting though..but again, eye candy. Yet it still interests me.
February 28, 2006, 6:42 pm
Try firing a weapon, the recoil in you feel is roughly the same amount of force impacting with the target.
February 28, 2006, 6:59 pm
Eye candy is the most important thing in a game.
The interests in continue playing.
The "motion-reaction" is just for improving the movements of a soldier getting shot.
It's just lame that the arm and leg doesn't even budge a [CENSORED] when you're hit.
It's just the whole body all together which moves, really dull in my opinion.
Although it's fast paced, it would look hell lot better.
Adding "motion-reaction" into Soldat wouldn't make it Max Payne.
February 28, 2006, 7:27 pm
The injured walk is actually already included in the game, you can find it in the animations folder, I forget the name, he drags his feet when injured and walking.
February 28, 2006, 9:04 pm
this would be ok if it were a mode like "more Realistic" or somthin like that....cuz this would sux....Example.....boom somthin blows in front of you you fall on your back front etc....som1 comes from out of nowhere boom boom boom your dead takin tooo long to get back up......I think not!.....NO
March 1, 2006, 2:51 pm
Quote:Originally posted by Yuth
The Soldat can shoot while rolling, and bounce back on his feet while rolling.
When knocked on the back or in proning position you should be able to bounce back up.
Like the backflip, only a tad shorter.
March 9, 2006, 2:50 am
I agree, it is only eye candy.
This is just a game, it's not supposed to be something out of a Matrix movie clip. There's already a few effects that come from getting hit (being pushed back), and there's no need for any more stuff. This game is based off of coordination and skill (like an FPS), and I doubt you'll be thinking like "Hey, this guy has a barret and is about to blow me to smithereens! I think I'll run up this wall and do a backflip behind him, and then I'll-" and this is where you get your head blown 'cross the map, with your rag-doll body slowly dropping towards earth.
Basically: this is a game for enjoyment, not a Blockbuster Movie like Lord of the Rings.
March 10, 2006, 4:05 am
If not the "motion-reaction" then at least the feet clinging to the polygon should get implemented.
It would look way better running up high angles, and it would be easier jumping off.
It happens often that you don't stand well on the polygon and can't jump.
That's why this would improve that part.
l33t lamZz0r c4mp3r
March 16, 2006, 8:39 am
Agreed with Kyron Cyst... it would add to the graphics and too many mods would lagg much more on computers with gaphics/graphics cards with less capability
March 18, 2006, 4:41 am
Quote:Originally posted by l33t lamZz0r c4mp3r
Agreed with Kyron Cyst... it would add to the graphics and too many mods would lagg much more on computers with gaphics/graphics cards with less capability
Actually I don't think it would cause any trouble adding a few movements.
It would just make the game much more fun and enjoyable.
March 18, 2006, 5:41 am
Any limb movement is fine with me, but only if you dont LOSE your arms or legs cause then you would be screwed
And brillmongo is right, -->Newtons' Third Law of Motion<--