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ctf_SS_SoS - The Ship of Souls
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - Quality Maps
February 24, 2006, 1:22 am
CTF_SS_ShipofSouls by Eagles Arrows (EA) and OutofOrder (OoO)

[OVERVIEW] - http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/7633/ctfsssosov8ki.jpg

- http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/6757/screenshot11lj.jpg
- http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/9696/screenshot36xw.jpg

Map Size: Medium
Min Players: 8
Custom Scenery: Yes
Multitextures: Yes
Botsupport: Yes

If you want to know why there is an explosion in Alpha's base and the crane near Bravo's base is cut, read the background story in the ReadMe file.

Time to complete - a week or so.

Special thanks to:
-All the playtesters down at #soldat.mapping!
-SK for his light scenery pack
-Avarax for some of his scenery


EDIT:Oops! Sorry I bumped this oldoldold topic, I was creating a topic about this map in the new Soldatforums and bumped this by accident.

February 24, 2006, 1:28 am
 Quote:Originally posted by Eagles_ArrowsTime to complete - a week or so.
Considering the time you started sketching, it was over two weeks ^^

Some geek facts!
Polygon count = 1665
Sceneries = 499
Colliders = 97
Waypoints = 499

Also, this map is the first map of an Ostentosa City map series! Have fun.

February 24, 2006, 3:07 am
This map looks very fun and interesting. Nice concept and good job. I am downloading it now.

Keron Cyst
February 24, 2006, 3:41 am
VERY nice sceneries! The four underwater boulders don't seem to fit, though; try to make them a bit smoother, or something.

 Quote:Originally posted by OutofOrder... Waypoints = 499...

Heh. I think I might delve into that later...

February 24, 2006, 6:37 am
Meesa likes! Meesa checketh out soonsa! Meesa then yields a considerably-more-thorough-opinion-considering-likewise-the-gameplay-as-well-as-the-impact-of-the-visual-layer.

February 24, 2006, 6:50 am
Lol eagles arrows u have turned into a great mapper....great job both of you.

February 24, 2006, 7:20 am
FINALY A NICE THEMED ONE! .. I had also an idea with the ship stuff ;) .. great work

February 24, 2006, 7:28 am
I see you changed the water-part of the map for the better, but the cranes still look a bit silly :)

This map is very good, the aesthetics are nice, the gameplay is fun, and the whole map is well thought out. Might move it to quality maps :)

February 24, 2006, 10:25 am
This map looks awesome. A really nice concept worked out very well.
Yea, move it to Quality maps, this map deserves it IMHO ;)

February 24, 2006, 10:45 am
Quality Map! except i noticed that the shading isnt that great for the map, almost non existant for the rock texture, however its weird because it still looks good for the most part.

May I suggest either setting the water to behind.... and/or adding a water that spans the entire map in the front. The polygons that are clearly in front look very awkward....how would u be able to jump on them if u are in the water and its not?

February 24, 2006, 10:47 am
It reminds me of Ctf-December from UnrealTournament 2k3 :) Good job.


February 24, 2006, 12:45 pm
What an honour :) Thank you everyone for your comments.

As for the underwater boulders, we know they look somewhat off the map, but they're there to favour gameplay. :) And it was a great idea to have them. *looks at EA* ;D
 Quote:SoulSnipa saidMay I suggest either setting the water to behind.... and/or adding a water that spans the entire map in the front. The polygons that are clearly in front look very awkward....how would u be able to jump on them if u are in the water and its not?
You wouldn't believe how many water combinations we've tried xD
 Quote:zaraza said It reminds me of Ctf-December from UnrealTournament 2k3 :) Good job.

Downloaded..Very satisfying comment, coming from the latest contest winner :)

Although, i'm a bit dissapointed since no one seems to read the background story (at least no comments on that). ;(

Edit: what does the "NOT MODERATED!!!" sign, where it should be the post time, mean? O.o

June 8, 2006, 2:02 pm
Eagle, if you could move this thread to the new forums, that'd be great. Please let me know when you've done so so that I can lock this one

June 8, 2006, 2:23 pm
Yeah, I've already created it. You can lock this.