Deleted User
February 24, 2006, 11:45 pm
Irfanview says the Pbms in Cave Story are just Bmps with a Pbm extension. I tried renaming Bmps to Pbm, saving Pbms in both binary and ascii formats but Cave Story still won't accept them. Help please!
The Geologist
February 25, 2006, 1:04 am
I thought you were talking about partial bowel movements. Have you tried PMing Lapis?
Deleted User
February 25, 2006, 12:47 pm
The issue is that pbm's have a color palette saved along with the actual image data, so that the bitmaps are.. portable or something.
You need a fancy image editor like Photoshop that supports PBM's.
Deleted User
February 25, 2006, 3:47 pm
Quote:Originally posted by Lapis_LazuliThe issue is that pbm's have a color palette saved along with the actual image data, so that the bitmaps are.. portable or something.
You need a fancy image editor like Photoshop that supports PBM's.
Well, I didn't get rid of the (RGB?) colour palette, but I edited it with Gimp and saved it with Irfanview. And I don't have Photoshop CS 2 anymore.
EDIT: Wait... I'm looking into it. I seem to have found the palette.
Fouryearold, Gtfo my thread now.
February 25, 2006, 5:04 pm
A 4 year old, Captain Ben, Enesce, and peemonkey have all recieved warnings for spamming. If this is your hobby, go do it in the fekking bash pit. That's why it's there. Now straighten up, you bunch of wannabe comedians.
Deleted User
February 25, 2006, 6:26 pm
<3 Kazuki.
Lapis, if you would be kind as to edit, say, ArmsImage.pbm a little bit and save it as a pbm, upload it, then post the link? Thanks.