February 26, 2006, 8:23 pm
Consider this situation. Note: this isn't reflection of current forums status nor will the results of this poll decide anything. S'merely a question in case the situation with our host gets any worse. Had a bit of a communication breakdown ¬_¬
Could you live with yourself, could you forgive me, could you survive in a completely new, clean, Soldat Forums... with everything on this forum completely gone. We're talking totally new, totally fresh, re-registering 0-posts wingwong here.
February 26, 2006, 9:09 pm
does that have a damned thing to do with this thread? I didn't think so
February 26, 2006, 9:13 pm
Please god no!
... FliesLikeABrick is an admin? Congratulations... :)
Deleted User
February 26, 2006, 9:14 pm
if just deleting all posts and members, no
if adding alot of cool new stuff and features yes
Deleted User
February 26, 2006, 10:13 pm
Sure, I want a name change! Be sure to keep links for quality maps, mods, and apps.
The Geologist
February 26, 2006, 11:30 pm
I'm down. Gives me a chance to fill up the mapping section again >:o
February 26, 2006, 11:35 pm
Eh, there are some old topics that I pull stuff from every now and then, it'd be a damn shame to lose those. Other than that, though, I have no problems.
If you do decide to switch, however, make sure to give us some warning so that we can salvage whatever we can.
February 27, 2006, 12:23 am
What things would change with a complete restart?
I'm fine with it but I'm wondering what new things will come from it.
February 27, 2006, 12:30 am
'sup with Polls not displaying apostrophes correctly?
Deleted User
February 27, 2006, 2:02 am
Yay. Though I think some issues would arise, like dead links to apps =
Which forum software have yaz decided to go with?
February 27, 2006, 2:35 am
With these forums, it is impossible to add any decent modifications without having to go in and tweak code manually... we don't even know what version we're technically running.... some things say one version, others say another, and there's undoubtedly something somewhere that suggests another version.
If we moved to new forums, we'd be able to work in new features with much less effort and without breaking things (read: randomly large signatures). The forums would also be faster, more reliable, and just less overall suckage
-VzX- Silverflame
February 27, 2006, 2:52 am
Quote:Originally posted by AlamoPlease god no!
... FliesLikeABrick is an admin? Congratulations... :)
February 27, 2006, 3:59 am
If so, we should have some thread crossovers, all the good noteworthy stuff should be taken over to the next one. Also, and email should be sent out to everyone, so if someone's been away, they'd be all "hey look, it's that soldat thing. I should join the new forum"
New colors would also be pretty snazzy, maybe like the soldat ingame's.
50/50, don't care too much these days :)
thousands more ranks too, including posts into the tens of thousands :)
Unlucky 13
February 27, 2006, 5:09 am
I'm leaning towards no, but I don't mind too much. Gets rid of my stupid posts from my 13 year old self.
I never really liked me, anyway.
February 27, 2006, 5:10 am
I say keep this, lots of important posts and information in this forum
February 27, 2006, 5:18 am
Hard choice really, I would like the new features. However, if that means all the posts, maps, mods, and apps are lost, then it would mainly suck. Really I am undecided at this point. But I will vote yes, just for to see what it will look like.
February 27, 2006, 5:28 am
The maps, mods and apps won't be lost...provided someone goes into the threads and saves the links.
February 27, 2006, 7:45 am
Surely there's a compromise - it's possible to convert Snitz to phpBB, which I'd assume keeps all the posts, members, etc... and there are probably other boards that can be converted to from phpBB.
February 27, 2006, 9:33 am
Edit: Oh and on topic! NEVER I wont survive 0 post!!
February 27, 2006, 9:41 am
Quote:Originally posted by frogboySurely there's a compromise - it's possible to convert Snitz to phpBB, which I'd assume keeps all the posts, members, etc... and there are probably other boards that can be converted to from phpBB.
We did check into that, just in case. Turns out we can't 'cos the forums are so damned wack. Seriously.
Well actually we could, if someone had alot of time to rewrite the conversion tool, as the current ones aren't compatible with our [CENSORED]ed-up forums. Which'd mean someone'd have to know how to, as well as spend the rest of summer in a cave doing it, living off just their toe nails for nutrition.
February 27, 2006, 10:18 am
yay if we change the forums I can finally have kingkitty instead of the damned thekingkitty..
February 27, 2006, 11:15 am
Lol , you don't have to be digging in a cave and all.
Basicly you just convert one database to another , doesn't matter which forum it is.
Ofcourse there'll be some settings in Snitz that cannot be implemented in <NewForum> and vice-versa.
Also , please do NOT run phpBB unless you want it to get hacked. If you look just a bit at their code you notice that if you have the time you can easily make a milicious script. MY phpBB forums got hacked a week or two weeks ago by just a bot (SgtBeaver can confirm this , I can even put it back up hehe) so that should tell atleast something about how unsafe phpBB is.
I think we should go with vBulletin or something and ask for donations if MM doesn't want to pay for the license.
Also I'll try to take a look into those 'horrible' conversion scripts. I'll need a bit of time and some example databases to experiment on but I'll hook up bricks for that.
BUt please, one thing: Do not go with phpBB or Invision , take something less popular and best of all ; not free so you know not every scriptkiddie can download it and spend his time looking for hacks.
Grtz , DePhille
February 27, 2006, 3:38 pm
only if the stickies were transfered would i be ok.
February 27, 2006, 3:52 pm
I really treasure the contents of this forum... imagine all my posted maps gone :O
February 27, 2006, 4:42 pm
Tough call..
All the golden topics would be deleted. On the contrary all the no good topics would too.
I suspect the suggestions forum wont benefit from this.
But members and post count being reset, I couldn't care less.
But still..
I don't know what to vote :(
February 27, 2006, 5:10 pm
no please no, i grew up on these forums, thy can't change :(
Keron Cyst
February 27, 2006, 6:19 pm
phpBB sucks without FTP or MySQL access (in other words, you have to pay).
Otherwise, go for IPB. Depending on the version I know a TON of awesome board mods for it and it's extremely versatile. But anything that has child forums is all right wit' me. The only real thing I don't like about these boards is how big the index is; you have to smack Space Bar at least 3 times to get from the top to the bottom. The
Metanet Forums themselves need 2 hits of the key, but I plan to condense it more.
Large size scares away people who could otherwise be great members; I was reluctant to become a semivestige of this humongous community myself. :-P
This can vouch for phpBB's instability:
Quote:Originally posted by DePhille... please do NOT run phpBB unless you want it to get hacked. If you look just a bit at their code... you can easily make a milicious script. MY phpBB forums got hacked a week or two weeks ago by just a bot...
And yes, I've actually seen that bot at work in his site on occasion.
vBulletin's good, but I personally prefer IPB (because it's free, hah). Older IPB versions (for instance, the one being hosted at
Forumer which for some reason refuses to update?my IPB is hosted by Forumer) are prone to more exploits, but they're still more secure than phpBB.
... man, that "relax" was useless (in the topic title); I feel I have to back up my waypointing guide from here on out for every edit I make now... ¬¬ Heh.
February 27, 2006, 7:04 pm
We got FTP and MySQL access , that's for shure otherwise even a text-based forum would win hehe.
Anyway, yea well that thing that Keron Cyst is noticing is the bots that are spamming on SoldatPage forums. I can delete them though , and I'm not going to make all forums private. But what I was talking about is a hack , on the HardTarget forums. lol , now you've got two reasons not to choose phpBB.
I'm going to finish my other work first and then I'll hook up bricks for the conversion script.
Grtz , DePhille
Deleted User
February 27, 2006, 8:31 pm
The only problem I'd have with this is it'd be hard for people to find out how long some people have been around if the member accounts are reset. It's nice when you see someone post something and you've never seen that person before, to click on their profile and see if they're just really new, or really old.
February 27, 2006, 8:35 pm
DePhille, did you have the image-test for registration turned off, email registration off, or guest-posting turned on? Was the forum up-to-date? Did you have any mods that might've comprimised security?
Really... you need to ask these questions before just assuming that phpBB is insecure. They have options to turn off security features that you probably should enable unless under special circumstances.
February 27, 2006, 9:09 pm
you could give us all the amount of posts which we had when we got rid of all the old forumness.
than it would be fine.
and we could no longer tell noobs to use the search button and find that one topic from '87 :(
February 27, 2006, 9:21 pm
Elephant_Hunter: Guest posting is turned on. In that point the problem is not that phpBB is unsafe , it's that phpBB is too widely used so that those botmakers make their bots especially for phpBB. I won't turn guest-posting off though. The Islamic hack that was made was a hack that worked on all versions, I've seen how they got in by simply echoing the MySQL information from the whole MySQL server and let their bots write a new forum category with the malicious code.
heh , why do so much people care about their postcount :/ I hope the next forums put that in the player's profile instead of next to each post. Dam I'd really like a forum where you can give people votes that appear next to their posts so they actually contribute something to get their votes higher instead of just making as much topics as possible.
Grtz , DePhille
February 27, 2006, 10:54 pm
I'm with DePhille and Keron Cyst on this one, vBulletin and IPB are both more secure, they also have better performance on bigger forums and a lot more features and are easyer to manage and to mod. (as in add/change how they work/look yourself)
As you can see on hardly any of the top100 boards run phpbb, and that is for a reason.
I've ran different boards that were pretty heavily used, some with vBulletin, some IPB and some with phpbb (
gather amongst others) and vBulletin was what i liked best, IPB second and with phpbb i don't have any problems either but i wouldn't use it for a forum like this.
Of course IPB and vBulletin cost money, that is a disadvantadge indeed, but it's not that much, like 160$ for a lifetime license and this kind of money would easily be raised, bricks raised 400 dollars only to get u13 back online.
Btw it would be such a waste to delete all posts, writing a conversion script shouldn't really take much time, especially not all summer, a weekend would be enough. I wrote a conversion script for vBulletin to IPB once and it wasn't that hard really.
February 27, 2006, 11:17 pm
I wouldn't survive anything like that and I will definitely hate you forever!
Seriously now you want to delete everything!? I wonder if you're serious there.
Wasn't it supposed to be faster and save some bandwith to use Snitz Forums in the first place?
Come on, how could you waste this forum just because you want "some changes"...
These forums have been built by many veterans over more than 3 years now. If you delete everything it will be another newbie-land with no Soldat roots anymore.
I consider this as a very dangerous move.
Why not getting back to the old forums we got at first, eh? This is silly.
Deleted User
February 27, 2006, 11:30 pm
Dont tell me you are going for phpBB.... phpBB has more holes than cheese... Infact any bulletin board that has ***BB has [CENSORED]loads of security holes...
Keron Cyst
February 28, 2006, 3:00 am
Quote:Originally posted by DePhille... heh , why do so much people care about their postcount :/ ...
I dunno, really. I want to start off in the new forums with Post Count -32,767 to show I don't care about it. lol...
February 28, 2006, 4:57 am
I suppose the only real concern I have about these forums are the stickies, but it doesn't seem like those would be all too impossible to back up. Other than that, I'm completely fine with a fresh start, theoretically speaking. I, for one, am willing to start over in exchange for ease in the future.
-VzX- Silverflame
February 28, 2006, 5:09 am
Quote:Originally posted by a-4-year-oldyou could give us all the amount of posts which we had when we got rid of all the old forumness.
than it would be fine.
and we could no longer tell noobs to use the search button and find that one topic from '87 :(
'87 WTF!! this site is that old??!??! lol!!
Deleted User
March 1, 2006, 12:49 pm
That is all that has to be said.
March 1, 2006, 3:55 pm
Very good suggestion Lapis , sure looks like a quality thing there.
March 1, 2006, 7:36 pm
I used Simple Machines for a short time and they seemed OK... but anyhow, I think we're getting a little off-topic. This is supposed to be about whether you'd want to start from 0-posts if it meant a faster server. If you are really set on not using phpBB then PM Flies to tell him why or start a new topic. I'm very bias so messenging me would do no good.
P.S. You forgot your gritz.
March 1, 2006, 9:09 pm
ive been thinking and all the contest on here such as my mapping tutorials i would miss because they are here and nowhere else...perhaps keep these forums at least databased.
March 1, 2006, 10:38 pm
I am willing to change forums as well... as long as I can keep my name... I don't want anyone tarnishing my leet rep lol
Keron Cyst
March 2, 2006, 1:15 am
Quote:Originally posted by Lapis_Lazuli
That is all that has to be said.
A Simple Machines forum would be great. I don't know too much about what it can do from the Admin CP, but as far as I can tell its abilities completely overpower IPB (you can have statistic-clearable polls where people can select multiple votes, there is a Karma system, the forum tells you if you reply to a msg. that received a post since you last viewed it, etc.). The only thing I don't really like is the general interface (probably because I'm just too used to how an IPB looks like), and I'm sure that can easily be refitted to resemble this board.
If you can get a Simple Machines forum, that'd be great - otherwise, IPB. But replacing this board with a phpBB is adding insult to injury, heh.
March 2, 2006, 2:36 am
Quote:Originally posted by Keron Cyst
If you can get a Simple Machines forum, that'd be great - otherwise, IPB. But replacing this board with a phpBB is adding insult to injury, heh.
Would you mind telling why?... heh
Keron Cyst
March 2, 2006, 6:46 am
Telling why what? Why Simple Machines > IPB >>>>>>> phpBB?
March 2, 2006, 9:34 am
Quote:Originally posted by Keron CystTelling why what? Why Simple Machines > IPB >>>>>>> phpBB?
Yes, what I quoted. You must enjoy beating around the bush.
March 2, 2006, 10:42 am
I dont understand why people are complaining about 'starting their account again', seriously who cares about post count? I'm only worried about all the information that has been put into this forum to make it a good forum, whats starting fresh going to do? I have no problem with this forums speed, just the fact that it goes down often and thats mainly a host issue.
March 2, 2006, 11:03 am
You cannot judge people by their postcount or join date or any other statistic. What you could judge people by is a thanks or a vote system (Referring to GM forums). If someone is thankful to you he clicks a button in your profile and that counts as a "Vote" or "Thankyou". That count is shown instead of the postcount.
PS: I said I'll only write "Grtz" when I actually had more to say than a line remember ;)
Grtz , DePhille
Keron Cyst
March 2, 2006, 6:06 pm
Quote:Originally posted by Elephant_Hunter Quote:Originally posted by Keron CystTelling why what? Why Simple Machines > IPB >>>>>>> phpBB?
Yes, what I quoted. You must enjoy beating around the bush.
Yea, kinda, probably because I already answered that in my other posts on the second page... check those out, eh?
Quote:Originally posted by m00`
... I'm... worried about all the information that has been put into this forum to make it a good forum, whats starting fresh going to do? I have no problem with this forums speed, just the fact that it goes down often and thats mainly a host issue.
That is the reason for a possible new forum (that is, if the host permanently dies for any reason).
About "all the info put into this forum": they can just copy & paste the stickies, rules, & such. No rush...
March 2, 2006, 6:25 pm
I think he meant the mods, apps and maps
March 2, 2006, 6:34 pm
Things like that can still be transferred least all the essential parts, such as the first post of such threads with all the info.
If such a thing were to occur (and it honestly won't until we say so, as it's just us being precautionary ) the 'new' forums would be up while these ones are, allowing people to copy over everything they wanted. Probably.
March 2, 2006, 9:33 pm
Quote:Originally posted by Keron Cyst Quote:Originally posted by Elephant_Hunter Quote:Originally posted by Keron CystTelling why what? Why Simple Machines > IPB >>>>>>> phpBB?
Yes, what I quoted. You must enjoy beating around the bush.
Yea, kinda, probably because I already answered that in my other posts on the second page... check those out, eh?
Sorry about that. At this point it's pretty much written in stone that if we move, it will be to a server with both MySQL and FTP access. We would have all the necessary means to modify the forums.
March 3, 2006, 4:19 am
Quote:Originally posted by DePhilleYou cannot judge people by their postcount or join date or any other statistic.
Sure you can. For instance, if I know a person's post count, I know how much they contribute. If I know a person's join date, I know how strong their ties with other members might be. And if I see that they have a high post count with a recent join date, I know that they're either really enthusiastic or an annoying spammer.
I use that as a guide most of the time because there are people who manage to evade me somehow and they rack up hundreds of posts without me ever noticing that they were around. I can even count a few in this thread that I've probably even responded to once or twice, but have no idea who they are.
March 3, 2006, 7:34 am
Oops, I guess I missed the boat when this first started.
Ya sure! Do it! as long as you
a) make it xhtml 1.0 compatible
b) put me on the design team :)
March 3, 2006, 8:29 am
Quote:Originally posted by bja888Oops, I guess I missed the boat when this first started.
Ya sure! Do it! as long as you
a) make it xhtml 1.0 compatible
b) put me on the design team :)
Letter A is a no-go. Currently there are no XHTML-compatible forums available. The PunBB team advertises their forum as XHTML compatible, but this is a lie. They do not serve the correct MIME type, and they implement many CSS hacks and other evil things that XHTML was meant to get rid of. Plus, Internet Explorer will not display XHTML websites.
Not so sure about B... I like your site resume. Really wish that I had bothered to make one like that. There are some higher-ups who would need to approve it before we add folks to the "Design Team". Talk to me online and we'll figure something out.
Quote:Originally posted by Vijchtidoodah Quote:Originally posted by DePhilleYou cannot judge people by their postcount or join date or any other statistic.
Sure you can. For instance, if I know a person's post count, I know how much they contribute. If I know a person's join date, I know how strong their ties with other members might be. And if I see that they have a high post count with a recent join date, I know that they're either really enthusiastic or an annoying spammer.
I use that as a guide most of the time because there are people who manage to evade me somehow and they rack up hundreds of posts without me ever noticing that they were around. I can even count a few in this thread that I've probably even responded to once or twice, but have no idea who they are.
I'll have to disagree. Peemonkey has four times the postcount of me and more than twice Chakra's postcount. He is certainly prestigious, but he hasn't contributed much at all.
Deleted User
March 3, 2006, 11:20 am
Pitty ive seen that template somwhere before.
March 3, 2006, 11:45 am
Designing a forum template is one of the easiest things especially when you've got this forum to look at. So the design for the new forum isn't a problem at all , if there should be contact me and I'll make one for the new forum (whatever forum that may be).
Vijchtidoodah: Look at my postcount , it's not high now is it? Though I've created a Soldat community (SoldatPage) , a webring that has 2.3 Million hits (2353107 to be correct) over the last 3 or 4 months , I'm helping Ok with a guide website , I've brought down 2 hacksites and reported 2 more , and I can go on with my fan apps and some more stuff with which I helped/am helping people out of the non-soldatforums world (Which is way bigger than SoldatForums) that didn't increase my postcount.
Also , considering postcount you're saying that MM , the creator of Soldat, contributed less than Cookie , ninj@ , ... while he made this game?
I know people with 0 posts that contributed more than 75% of the forum members , guess what you know them too probably.
Grtz , DePhille
March 3, 2006, 9:27 pm
DePhille and E_H, I said I used it as a guide, not as some set-in-stone "Law of Post Proportionality." I don't have the time to look over each person's posts to see if they've contributed or not, so I approximate when I don't know who they are.
Besides, I was just stirring up a bit of trouble because I'm tired of these continual proclamations that post-count doesn't matter that probably only serve to let certain forum members convince others (and, perhaps, themselves) that they're so much better than those who do care -- even when those same people secretly want a higher post count so that they look like they've been around the forums longer, and thus become self-loathing hypocrites. Or, at least, people who should be self-loathing but probably can't delve into their own psyche far enough to realize what their actual motives are.
Yes, I'm a cynic at heart, much more than people usually notice. ;)
March 3, 2006, 11:46 pm
Quote:Originally posted by Elephant_Hunter
Currently there are no XHTML-compatible forums available.
Then lets build one from scratch! I'm perfecting a new technique that makes a CMS easier to deal with. I am currently working on getting it running on
[URL]. The framework has been written already, now I am just finishing content.
EDIT: Not ready to disclose how it works to the public yet. Contact me if you want to know how it works. I'm looking into copyright.
March 4, 2006, 1:49 am
Erm... the fact that IE doesn't display XHTML at all prevents us from using it in this project.
March 4, 2006, 1:53 am
Quote:Originally posted by DePhilleDesigning a forum template is one of the easiest things especially when you've got this forum to look at. So the design for the new forum isn't a problem at all , if there should be contact me and I'll make one for the new forum (whatever forum that may be).
Vijchtidoodah: Look at my postcount , it's not high now is it? Though I've created a Soldat community (SoldatPage) , a webring that has 2.3 Million hits (2353107 to be correct) over the last 3 or 4 months , I'm helping Ok with a guide website , I've brought down 2 hacksites and reported 2 more , and I can go on with my fan apps and some more stuff with which I helped/am helping people out of the non-soldatforums world (Which is way bigger than SoldatForums) that didn't increase my postcount.
Also , considering postcount you're saying that MM , the creator of Soldat, contributed less than Cookie , ninj@ , ... while he made this game?
I know people with 0 posts that contributed more than 75% of the forum members , guess what you know them too probably.
Grtz , DePhille
Are you saying i did all the spamming for nothing? :(
March 4, 2006, 3:37 am
Quote:Originally posted by Elephant_HunterErm... the fact that IE doesn't display XHTML at all prevents us from using it in this project.
Silly goose! Yes it does!
(page may have errors because it is still under development)
Don't take off the query string, you'll be redirected to a 404.
Clicky the link at the bottom. The link is too smart for its own good..
March 5, 2006, 3:07 am
... Righty. Try reading up
These pages are identical except for the MIME type. If you have any questions, please ask!
March 5, 2006, 4:16 am
if people care so much about their post count, why not place their "real" postcount in their sig if a new forums is created?
March 5, 2006, 5:46 am
Very interesting. About as interesting as when I saved an xml file with a xhtml doctype and FireFox did what it was supposed to!
You hear microsoft is having a 72 hour conference in vegas because IE 7 is going to have tabs. (yes i know what it is really about) :P
Well introduce the MIME type in 5 years, till then you can just make it like my site. xhtml structured :)
March 5, 2006, 7:23 am
If you save that file as a .xhtml file it doesn't render on IE6.
March 5, 2006, 7:56 am
Why would we spend days to re-write the template from scratch and violate the purpose of XHTML for a forum that just needs some simple tweaks? That's ludicrous.
I'm afraid that XHTML is out of the question. Period. Dot.
March 5, 2006, 8:44 am
...I though we where getting a new forum. And why not be ready for the future when it comes.
March 5, 2006, 9:56 am
I know the feeling. I like XHTML as much as the next guy (probably more.) It's just that the group overseeing the project would prefer to keep things feasible.
March 5, 2006, 10:01 am
I would really rather not lose the entire content of the forum.
Deleted User
March 6, 2006, 2:04 am
Hmmm, perhaps another forum, Soldat Forums 2, or all us high posters become VIP'S. Personally I don't mind. I've seen it happen many times against will to my friends forums.
Deleted User
March 6, 2006, 9:57 pm
Quote:Originally posted by DePhilleLol , you don't have to
Also , please do NOT run phpBB unless you want it to get hacked. If you look just a bit at their code you notice that if you have the time you can easily make a milicious script. MY phpBB forums got hacked a week or two weeks ago by just a bot (SgtBeaver can confirm this , I can even put it back up hehe) so that should tell atleast something about how unsafe phpBB is.
Yup, some smartypants name Jihad-something.
On topic:
(unless we get a preeteh invison power board one)
March 7, 2006, 5:00 am
I want new forums now. There's too much spamming going on and postcount counts too much. I want it to be new :)
March 7, 2006, 9:11 am
Quote:Originally posted by DePhille
Also , considering postcount you're saying that MM , the creator of Soldat, contributed less than Cookie , ninj@ , ... while he made this game?
Speakith the truth do you! >:D
March 7, 2006, 9:39 am
Hah.. I like how you threatened to take away ppl's posts XD
That's sure to bring some votes against it!
Deleted User
March 7, 2006, 11:04 am
New forums=we all have to sign up again
Ahh well.
March 7, 2006, 12:07 pm
What's the fuss about postcount there? It has nothing to do with it.
If the whole forum's content is lost, what's the point of making a new one? Plus Snitz has the best interface of all other forums imho.
So, unless you can save the entire content of the forums, keep the colours and layout, and optionally keep everyone's accounts, then yes you can make a new one. Otherwise, I think you shouldn't. You don't want to ruin Styx's hard work, do you?
Also I'd like to know what Amblin thinks about this.
March 7, 2006, 1:21 pm
No offence to styx, but these forums look on the inside like they got mangled by a giant radioactive mountain goat.
Otherwise, the whole point of making a new one would be to continue conversation, plus the whole point of ditching this one ('if' such an occurance were ever to happen) would be because our host made a few [CENSORED]-ups too far. It looks like they're getting their act together now anyway, but in general they're a bit dodgy and I don't trust 'em.
March 7, 2006, 1:40 pm
Maybe we should have a vote? orrr nott..
-VzX- Silverflame
March 7, 2006, 3:21 pm
well how are we gonna fix it (if it ever happens) where the next forum or w/e gets like this one in the inside? in other words whats gonna prevent us from having the same mangled mess again?
Keron Cyst
March 7, 2006, 6:44 pm
Quote:Originally posted by GluLm... Snitz has the best interface of all other forums...
It has no child forum capability, as shown here. It's very massive and somewhat disorganized, IMO. Plus, Quote:these forums look on the inside like they got mangled by a giant radioactive mountain goat.
@-VzX- Silverflame: that's why the new staff makes sure that that never happens, and that's why we get a totally different forum provider than Snitz itself.
March 7, 2006, 7:33 pm
Quote:Originally posted by Chakra`No offence to styx, but these forums look on the inside like they got mangled by a giant radioactive mountain goat.
You mean it was written in php?!?
LMFAO!! (couldn't help my self)
(yes, i know its asp)
Hail C#! The only true OOP language! Thus, the only good CMS back-bone.
Provided by wikipedia!
php - is a scripted programming language that can be used to create websites.
LMFAO - (Internet slang)
ASP - is Microsoft's server-side technology for dynamically-generated web pages
C# - is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as part of their .NET initiative.
OOP - The idea behind object-oriented programming is that a computer program may be seen as composed of a collection of individual units
CMS - content management system (CMS) is a computer software system for organizing and facilitating collaborative creation of documents and other content.
(this post is much longer than I initially though it would be. Thanks to the sarcastic glossary)
March 7, 2006, 10:25 pm
PHP5 is OOP every bit as much as C#.
It supports classes, methods, abstract classes and interfaces... the whole ball of wax. If you're talking about built-in functions then I suggest you take a look at the available PEAR modules.
March 8, 2006, 3:36 pm
btw: if you decide to switch to a php and mysql based forum (like vbulletin, phpbb or sth like that), could mebbe sponsor the host and space. so the admins will get ftp access and all what they'll need.
just write me a mail when you made your decision: r0adkill at
March 8, 2006, 6:46 pm
Php was made to be a simple quick html parsing language. It should never be the backbone of any major cms. Although it works great for small projects. No matter how they hard they try to cover it up it still is loyal to its roots.
mail(); - php
message.Send(); - C#
Only one of these is specific on its task.
Php has its purpose, its just been abused too much.
March 8, 2006, 8:21 pm
Quote:Originally posted by bja888
mail(); - php
message.Send(); - C#
Quote:Originally posted by Elephant_Hunter
If you're talking about built-in functions then I suggest you take a look at the available PEAR modules.
March 8, 2006, 9:10 pm
Quote:Originally posted by bja888No matter how they hard they try to cover it up it still is loyal to its roots.
Keron Cyst
March 16, 2006, 1:47 am
We're not changing unless it's absolutely necessary (that is, this forum's hoster permanently dies). You already know that, so why do you keep saying "Do it, do it?"