March 1, 2006, 8:27 pm
Yes,if you have read my other topics I've started in mapping and i chose a basic map creater: Mapmaker+.Well actually same happens in PolyWorks too.For example lets say I hold Ctrl+Mouse and draw an ordinary triangle shape.I add a player spawn point and "Compile it".After I want to test my map I see that my Player doesnt touch any of scenery,polygons all though its compiled.I can post screenies if needed :)
March 1, 2006, 9:08 pm
Could you please rephrase that, I'm having a hard time understanding what you mean.
Once I created a map with a single polygon and a single spawn, nothing more, the only thing that happened when I tested the map was that I spawned all the time, as soon as I spawned I respawned, instantly, this carried on indefinately. Is this what's happening to you too?
And seriously, use Polyworks, it's much easier to use.
Keron Cyst
March 2, 2006, 1:08 am
I like MM+'s interface better.
Try recompiling.
Deleted User
March 2, 2006, 2:52 am
i like MM :P
i'm a primate :P
oo oo ah ah!
can't help you there buddy :|
March 2, 2006, 5:27 am
Mapmaker is obsolete, long live polyworks!
March 2, 2006, 2:42 pm
Well I say I add a "P" in a circle an compile it and save it as a *.PMS.But my soldat man keeps falling down.
March 2, 2006, 3:02 pm
Perhaps the triangle is set to 'Nothing collides'?
And do use polyworks. Trust us :)
March 21, 2006, 11:13 pm
yes poly works much better takes alittle getting use to but it much simpler
it's like swiching form mac to windos or vis versa