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Gostek editor (request)
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Fan Apps
March 1, 2006, 10:29 pm
Ok yes i have searched and all download link wont work for me.
Does anyone have a gostek editor that i can download because im messing around in the folder and doing stuff because i wanna make a kewl gostek but i dont wanna start up soldat over and over. if anyone has a gostek editor with a gostek preview with please post it here.

March 2, 2006, 2:01 am
Here's one that I found on this site:

Theres also a program here called Soldat Mod mixer. I *think* that does the same and more, but I don't know yet because I'm getting the .NET package necesary...

March 2, 2006, 11:39 am
My Soldat Mod Mixer does piece the files together directly from the mod folder. You would still require a graphics-editor to editt, but it could certainly be used to preview your changes quickly (basically automatically). Have a look if you want and please comment on how you find it. (.NET required)

It also does much more than that.

March 6, 2006, 1:08 pm
i like the gedit but it dosent have a preview with is but its realy hand so i dont have to go in the gostek folder. also my computers on a fine line of harddrive space so i cant realy download soldat mod mixer. but thanks.

March 7, 2006, 12:49 am
mipit you big boy, use the search function pal.
Regular image editors should suffice though.

SGE 0.05b by Pixofied [DL]

And by the way, THE "NEW" GOSTEKS SUCK!
There I said it again. :P

March 7, 2006, 8:48 am
All gostek editors made were never finished projects, I think I requested this before for a complete one but no one seems to care and make one. Hopefully someone will be nice enough to make us a real nice one id deffinatly use it a TON.

March 7, 2006, 9:08 am
 Quote:Originally posted by GluLmmipit you big boy, use the search function pal.
Regular image editors should suffice though.

SGE 0.05b by Pixofied [DL]

And by the way, THE "NEW" GOSTEKS SUCK!
There I said it again. :P

Wrong DL link to thats to some mod.

March 7, 2006, 9:05 pm
mipit, if you'rs on school computers what are you doing editing gosteks? Many school computers run .NET, so the soldat mod mixer may only require a few hundred kb.

March 16, 2006, 9:37 pm
Im not on school computers. if i was i would be downloading this program every day because the crap boxes there auto delete everything and the blocker blockes every website that has to do with jokes, nudeity(duh), games, fun (thats a stupid reason), videos, tv, Images (omfg), search engines, well anything that is o the internet.

March 23, 2006, 12:46 am
Will SOMEONE please make a nice version of this? Ive asked just about everyone I can think of to make one no one seems to take the interest id doing it or maybe no one knows how to, whatever the case I hope to see this finally in the near future.

March 25, 2006, 1:22 am
Yeah I bet every one is not good enough to make a gostek editor. .... try and prove me wrong..

March 25, 2006, 3:04 am
preview of the next version of my work in progress:
see here

March 25, 2006, 8:22 pm
WOW YOUR THE BEST ANNA!!!!!! Thank you so much, will you be keeping it up to date like Poly Works? Thanks a ton!