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OXLC2 signups are OPEN!
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Tournaments and Clanwars
March 9, 2006, 5:12 pm
This is an OPEN CUP, EURO & NA (and other ^^) clans are allowed, created with special rules and will be made each year, to congratulate OxiD for our Birthday.

This year (in May) we celebrate our 3rd birthday, and we will start to organize this CUP.

homepage (forum): http://www.oxid.ws/l33tcup

Direct links:
Rules: http://oxid.ws/forum/viewtopic.php?t=218
Signups: http://oxid.ws/forum/viewforum.php?f=31
Actual status ATM (at the moment): http://oxid.ws/forum/viewtopic.php?t=286

TOURNAMENT BRACKET: http://oxid.ws/forum/viewtopic.php?t=224

SELFKILL OVERVIEW NEWS: http://selfkill.com/webv3/content/cms.php?action=showdetails&id=481&title=Aktuelle%20Meldungen

SIGN ONLY IF YOU CLAN will not die in the next 3 months, we accept EU and NA clans, but only if their are ACTIVE.

Good games and good luck ;)

r0x, Proud to be OxiD

March 10, 2006, 1:15 pm
lol, the last time the cup died, not the clans.