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Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Weapon Balance Discussion
March 9, 2006, 8:25 pm
My first thoughts are; Less damage for the mp5, Its high rate of fire is enough of an advantage. Faster Minimi firing, less damage, The thing is not supposed to be a turtle! More minigun damage, More reload, and slighly more delay, The minigun can cut through steel planes in seconds, yet it takes half a minute to kill a soldier? Less m79 dmg and range, More selfdamage and reload time, The m79 is strong, But its not a massproduced superweapon! Less pistolrange, little more damage, little les reload, Little more fire time, Their pistols, Their good, but only at close range, not from 70 6ft ppl away!

If the minigun seems underused, Make it stronger, but make it longer reloading, It will be more usefull, while not being able to dominate an entire team.

If the m79 seems Overused, Find some way for the m79 to be more dangerous, perhaps a small explosion radius a direct hit being needed for a 1 hit kill, Add a little reload time, They'll have to be more carefull, They might have time for only one shot before theey die.

If the Barret has been 'ruined' Remove the delay, Make it the m99, only one shot per clip.

If Nades seem spamable, Weaken em and but more delay, Less damage, so 2 or so needed for a kill, And longer time between, Thei'l have to nade ya, and shoot ya, none o dat 3 nades in the time for 1 minigun shot crud.

If the law seems invincible, Make it one shot, One ammo, No reloading.

If the Ruger seems overpowered, give it less damage, but less reload and delay, Less power per shot, 3 or so shot kill, but quicker firing, the 4 shots fired in the old time for 3, and less reload, If their firing faster, theil need ammo faster.

If the ak seems 'slow' remove firetime, But remove damage, Kills in same time, but more shots.

Deleted User
April 24, 2006, 5:17 pm
 Quote:Originally posted by DrakorFaster Minimi firing, less damage, The thing is not supposed to be a turtle!

That will just turn it into a 50 round styer. Leave the Minimi as it is.

Deleted User
April 24, 2006, 6:22 pm
You want one weapon to be realistic, while you want to make the barret (semi automatic IRL) only ONE shot for ONE clip?

None of these suggestions make sense..

April 25, 2006, 3:34 am
There is another barret, The M99 which only has one shot at a time, That would make it so that first of all, The barret wouldnt bee so over powered, by making it so it has to reload after each shot, Each shot would be more precious, it would also prevent barret spam, But as one shot is all that is needed, a good sniper shouldnt have any complaints.

While the minimi being sped up might turn it into a steyr, notice this, Any weapon kills faster than the minimi, Hell even the MINIGUN does... and THATS saying somthing with that low low damage...

And which part of the steyr is a problem? The low dmg? It has a longer range, so the damage isnt actually as low as it seems... its actually around 80~85, and with headshots, 120~130

also, IF the minimi were supposed to be used for support fire, make it have more movement accuracy, more bink, and less firetime, That way, it would be able to make the enemy duck, but only do so when stationairy.

The minimi and the minigun both need facelifts, The best suggestion for the minimi, is to keep it the same, and add a bit of damage, OR subtract one from the firetime.

For the minigun, The best thing, would be to add 15~25 dmg, But subtract some range, Thatway the minigun could mow through people, and be great for support fire, but could only be used short range, and could easily be killed by a barret, or ruger.

Also, the m79 should actually have a large explosion radius, but low damage, thatway it would fill TWO gaps, It would be a croud stopper, While not being superpowered, AND it would be dangerous to the user, it would make it so you wouldnt see bunnyhopping m79's get to 5 feet before shooting, and they would have to shoot from a distance.

Deleted User
April 25, 2006, 8:51 am
 Quote:Originally posted by Rageior
The minimi and the minigun both need facelifts, The best suggestion for the minimi, is to keep it the same, and add a bit of damage, OR subtract one from the firetime.

As a proud minimier, that sounds quite tempting, but I've got to say that the minimi is already powerful enough. Making it easier would bring back the crys of "noob cannon!" again :(

April 25, 2006, 11:15 am
While i agree,there are several ways to fix it without doing such, increas the dmg by 3, but decreace the range by around 10, thatway it would do more dmg, but it wouldnt be a superweapon.

Also, if someone says noob cannon, Tell them to try to use it, once they do, with its low accuracy, rate of fire, damage, and high bink, It's harder than it looks.

April 25, 2006, 11:42 am
Humm, This is slightly overpowered, However, If we remove the 40 round clip for the ak, and make it 30 rounds, that fixes it and balances it, and fixes an old complain i heard of "Blah blah If it takes 4 shots to kill, and you have 40 ammo blah blah, Nerf!"

Deleted User
April 25, 2006, 2:18 pm
Increasing the minimi's rate of fire is not very attractive because I am mostly shooting at a relatively slow rate so that I have some kind of accuracy with the high amount of bink it has. higher damage will be a better upgrade, but that will threaten to make the AK redundant. The minimi does not need any serious upgrade anyway.

 Quote:Originally posted by RageiorHumm, This is slightly overpowered, However, If we remove the 40 round clip for the ak, and make it 30 rounds, that fixes it and balances it, and fixes an old complain i heard of "Blah blah If it takes 4 shots to kill, and you have 40 ammo blah blah, Nerf!"

Huh? Wa??