Yea so I see a new franzy with the Blitz 1941, and since I'm already writing a guide for soldat, here's a little manual that I'm making in around 10-20 minuets at 5:42 am because I'm not working tomorrow (wuhu)
I reccomand using the tutorials as well before reading this guide, it would make everything more clear (it doesnt explain everything THAT good and the fonts are so damn small your eyes pop out trying to read it so come here after u do the toturial.
So, to get started, you Install the game, usual stuff, you make a user and so on, next step is to create a tank man, once you created one you'll see a character with a name above it, you click on the char (it suluts you wuhu) and than you Start Game.
Once you started a game, you will find yourself in this "lobby" with buildings and alot of other guys standing around, some will even talk (talking is presented with a bubble above the character or above the tank, depends where you are).
You can move the character using the RIGHT click mosue button and and while you press, you move the mouse.
before we do everything here, you need to understand a basic concept in this game, its based on levels and ranks.
First you have your level which devides the entire community into sections, you have specific cities for eac levels and other levels can't go in there. (there are "unlimited" rooms but u shouldn't go in there you'll get raped).
The parts, the tanks, the supplies are all devided into levels AND ranks as well, you can't buy anything right away, some are limited so certin levels and certin ranks.
Back to the lobby, the buildings around are actualy places to go.
you need to take your character to the arrows in the entrance of the bulding inorder to get in that section of the game, before going in, hover above that building to see what it is.
You have the:
you can buy tanks, parts for tanks and supplies.
Tanks- When buying a tank, you want to consider several facts such as speed, armor and healhpoints (HP) in general you have 2 types of tanks, artilery (long ranged tanks that don't have a spinning turret but have a much longer range and front armor is massive AND regular tanks who have a spinning turret and so on.
You can only buy tanks suitable to your level (tanks go by levels)
Parts you can improve your tanks by adding parts to it, more plating, oil pumps to improve speed and so on, the parts ofcourse are also limited to levels, but some are only limited to ranks and not to levels, but they cost ALOT of money and VP (check down for the more info about VP and money)
Supplies in the game you'll see you get point to "buy" skills, such as Accelerate, Fortesss and so on, those are temporarly skills you activate and they regenerate afterwards, with the levels u get more points to buy more skills, however u can buy supplies and use them as skills, for example u can buy Medkit supplies and heal 1000 points in 1 shot using this 1 time kit u bought in some credits.
always remember to scroll down, hover above the item/tank and see its details, it explains EVERYTHING about it and how to use it.
Operation room/ Room lobby:
This is the "match" rooms, where you fight other teams of up to 4 tanks, its a nice way to play with team mates you know, for example Me and Demonics and some other guy went on TS opened a room and had some nice games. gets a little boring if you don't know anyone.
Here comes the main point, the BATTLEFIELDS! once entering the battle field you'll see europe with cities on it, each city has a flag its either a NAZI flag, or a russian one, the flag will tell you who controls that maps, meaning who took the command center, what does it mean? not alot, probably that the russians need some extra tanks to to fight, which is more of a reason for u to join.
You'll notice that each city is for certian levels
1-4 = Newbie
4-6 = Low Level
7-10= Mid level
(after that you'll probably know more about the game than me so..)
There are 20 levels in general.
there are also "unlimited" cities, DO NOT go there, you'll get raped by huge massive tanks.
After you join a city you'll see a map with blue round thingies blinking , those blue blinking thingies are place u can spawn in, choose one (sometimes you'll have ONLY 1, depends on what your team owns at that moment)
Now for some basic terms:
You have 2 types of "money".
VP (Victory Points) - those are used to get special things, like unique tanks, very expansive boosting gear (parts for the tank) and special supplies, those points are not easy to get you get those by "capping" buildings and other things.
Credits - basic money, you need that to buy most things in the armory and you gain them in while fighting.
Combat points - you need those to get ahead in the ranks
Expirience points, - you need those to get ahead in the LEVELS!
FPW - (I've yet to understand what that syn means) but those are the blue poitns below your health points, when you use skills you got , you use those points, they regenerate with time and faster by a supply depot
A level is betwin 1 to 20.
Ranks are military ranks, such as L1R4 which is First luteunat (yea I can't spell that) and Rank4, each rank is devided into 10 parts, ranks so to speak.
So u get 1L(1-10)R and than Captian and so on...
You can be in a very high levl with a low rank, depends what u did on the battle field, killing, capping and so on..
Clans are pretty much useless if you ask me, ofcourse I'm not an expert in this game so who knows.
Companies however are groups of up to 4 tanks who gang up on the battlefield you start a company by inviting someone "/invite"
and than you form a company of 2 tanks, than u can invite up to 2 more tanks, whever someone gets soemthing in your company the rest will get some as well, not from his part, but as an addition, so natuerly you want to join a company A.S.A.P when you join a battle field just write "Need a company" several times, or if someone is asking for one, just invite him and start a new one.
Buildings on the battle field:
War Factory - Also refered to as FC(Factory) or WF (..), its where you spawn, its represnted by the flag of the team who owns it.
Supply Depot Its a small cute building that allows you to repair yourself and regenerate your FPW faster.
PowerPlant referd to as PP, you need that inorder for your building to automaticly regenrate after they lost health from a capping attempt. also NPC's and Field Cannons need that to repair themselfes.
Airfield - after you learn the skill to use air strikes, you can order air strikes on the field of battle, ofcourse they only injure the enemie tanks for those airstikes your team (nazi/russians) needs to own the airfield under their command, in other words CAP it.
NPC's/Field cannons/Fortress Guns:
All of those are defensive buildings stationed near other major buildings such as PP, FC and Airfield
NPC's and field cannons are managble, NPC's are much weaker and has a shorter range then your tank, Field cannons however have a bigger range than most tanks, you need artilery to get those, or just attack in massive groups, they also have a stronger shot and more health.
Fortress guns are positioned in 1 base alone of each side, that base is the last place to survive incase the team gets owned, it cannot be capped, and those guns kill u in 1 shot and are meant to be invincible, so just stay away from them.
I could say more, but you'll understand more by just asking ppl in the game, the beautify of this game is the fact that unlike soldat ppl actualy help you out rather than laugh and curse u for being a noob.
they co-operate, they share the caps rather than shoot u for "STEALING ONE", in short after reading this manual you're all set , just ask stuff inside the game if u dont understand something.
Some other issues I forgot to mention:
Field commander: he's the top ranked guy in your team who can order support tanks, set order points on your map and draw stuff that the whole team see's and probably do other stuff that I don't know about.
Support tanks: Massive computer tanks that are given to a team if its seriously outnumbered.
Capitol: that's the lobby where you see those men in that field walking around, with all the buldings around (armory, headquarters etc)
Some general tips:
You want to join a company right away ( for later levels though, not a biggy for levels 1-4.
Remember to use that "man" shaped menu in your battle field screen below in the middle part, there are 4 options there, one of them is a shape of a man, presss that and you get the list of skills to get, amout of points, your level, how much exp points u have and how much u need to level up, change the tabs as well to see other info, such as your rank and what combat skills u can get in addition, using your Compat points.
errr, my hand hurts.. hoped it helped.
oh and I'm Oferk in that game, I'm russian (yea like I'm going to be a nazi pffftt) so say hello if u see me :D
I reccomand using the tutorials as well before reading this guide, it would make everything more clear (it doesnt explain everything THAT good and the fonts are so damn small your eyes pop out trying to read it so come here after u do the toturial.
So, to get started, you Install the game, usual stuff, you make a user and so on, next step is to create a tank man, once you created one you'll see a character with a name above it, you click on the char (it suluts you wuhu) and than you Start Game.
Once you started a game, you will find yourself in this "lobby" with buildings and alot of other guys standing around, some will even talk (talking is presented with a bubble above the character or above the tank, depends where you are).
You can move the character using the RIGHT click mosue button and and while you press, you move the mouse.
before we do everything here, you need to understand a basic concept in this game, its based on levels and ranks.
First you have your level which devides the entire community into sections, you have specific cities for eac levels and other levels can't go in there. (there are "unlimited" rooms but u shouldn't go in there you'll get raped).
The parts, the tanks, the supplies are all devided into levels AND ranks as well, you can't buy anything right away, some are limited so certin levels and certin ranks.
Back to the lobby, the buildings around are actualy places to go.
you need to take your character to the arrows in the entrance of the bulding inorder to get in that section of the game, before going in, hover above that building to see what it is.
You have the:
you can buy tanks, parts for tanks and supplies.
Tanks- When buying a tank, you want to consider several facts such as speed, armor and healhpoints (HP) in general you have 2 types of tanks, artilery (long ranged tanks that don't have a spinning turret but have a much longer range and front armor is massive AND regular tanks who have a spinning turret and so on.
You can only buy tanks suitable to your level (tanks go by levels)
Parts you can improve your tanks by adding parts to it, more plating, oil pumps to improve speed and so on, the parts ofcourse are also limited to levels, but some are only limited to ranks and not to levels, but they cost ALOT of money and VP (check down for the more info about VP and money)
Supplies in the game you'll see you get point to "buy" skills, such as Accelerate, Fortesss and so on, those are temporarly skills you activate and they regenerate afterwards, with the levels u get more points to buy more skills, however u can buy supplies and use them as skills, for example u can buy Medkit supplies and heal 1000 points in 1 shot using this 1 time kit u bought in some credits.
always remember to scroll down, hover above the item/tank and see its details, it explains EVERYTHING about it and how to use it.
Operation room/ Room lobby:
This is the "match" rooms, where you fight other teams of up to 4 tanks, its a nice way to play with team mates you know, for example Me and Demonics and some other guy went on TS opened a room and had some nice games. gets a little boring if you don't know anyone.
Here comes the main point, the BATTLEFIELDS! once entering the battle field you'll see europe with cities on it, each city has a flag its either a NAZI flag, or a russian one, the flag will tell you who controls that maps, meaning who took the command center, what does it mean? not alot, probably that the russians need some extra tanks to to fight, which is more of a reason for u to join.
You'll notice that each city is for certian levels
1-4 = Newbie
4-6 = Low Level
7-10= Mid level
(after that you'll probably know more about the game than me so..)
There are 20 levels in general.
there are also "unlimited" cities, DO NOT go there, you'll get raped by huge massive tanks.
After you join a city you'll see a map with blue round thingies blinking , those blue blinking thingies are place u can spawn in, choose one (sometimes you'll have ONLY 1, depends on what your team owns at that moment)
Now for some basic terms:
You have 2 types of "money".
VP (Victory Points) - those are used to get special things, like unique tanks, very expansive boosting gear (parts for the tank) and special supplies, those points are not easy to get you get those by "capping" buildings and other things.
Credits - basic money, you need that to buy most things in the armory and you gain them in while fighting.
Combat points - you need those to get ahead in the ranks
Expirience points, - you need those to get ahead in the LEVELS!
FPW - (I've yet to understand what that syn means) but those are the blue poitns below your health points, when you use skills you got , you use those points, they regenerate with time and faster by a supply depot
A level is betwin 1 to 20.
Ranks are military ranks, such as L1R4 which is First luteunat (yea I can't spell that) and Rank4, each rank is devided into 10 parts, ranks so to speak.
So u get 1L(1-10)R and than Captian and so on...
You can be in a very high levl with a low rank, depends what u did on the battle field, killing, capping and so on..
Clans are pretty much useless if you ask me, ofcourse I'm not an expert in this game so who knows.
Companies however are groups of up to 4 tanks who gang up on the battlefield you start a company by inviting someone "/invite"
and than you form a company of 2 tanks, than u can invite up to 2 more tanks, whever someone gets soemthing in your company the rest will get some as well, not from his part, but as an addition, so natuerly you want to join a company A.S.A.P when you join a battle field just write "Need a company" several times, or if someone is asking for one, just invite him and start a new one.
Buildings on the battle field:
War Factory - Also refered to as FC(Factory) or WF (..), its where you spawn, its represnted by the flag of the team who owns it.
Supply Depot Its a small cute building that allows you to repair yourself and regenerate your FPW faster.
PowerPlant referd to as PP, you need that inorder for your building to automaticly regenrate after they lost health from a capping attempt. also NPC's and Field Cannons need that to repair themselfes.
Airfield - after you learn the skill to use air strikes, you can order air strikes on the field of battle, ofcourse they only injure the enemie tanks for those airstikes your team (nazi/russians) needs to own the airfield under their command, in other words CAP it.
NPC's/Field cannons/Fortress Guns:
All of those are defensive buildings stationed near other major buildings such as PP, FC and Airfield
NPC's and field cannons are managble, NPC's are much weaker and has a shorter range then your tank, Field cannons however have a bigger range than most tanks, you need artilery to get those, or just attack in massive groups, they also have a stronger shot and more health.
Fortress guns are positioned in 1 base alone of each side, that base is the last place to survive incase the team gets owned, it cannot be capped, and those guns kill u in 1 shot and are meant to be invincible, so just stay away from them.
I could say more, but you'll understand more by just asking ppl in the game, the beautify of this game is the fact that unlike soldat ppl actualy help you out rather than laugh and curse u for being a noob.
they co-operate, they share the caps rather than shoot u for "STEALING ONE", in short after reading this manual you're all set , just ask stuff inside the game if u dont understand something.
Some other issues I forgot to mention:
Field commander: he's the top ranked guy in your team who can order support tanks, set order points on your map and draw stuff that the whole team see's and probably do other stuff that I don't know about.
Support tanks: Massive computer tanks that are given to a team if its seriously outnumbered.
Capitol: that's the lobby where you see those men in that field walking around, with all the buldings around (armory, headquarters etc)
Some general tips:
You want to join a company right away ( for later levels though, not a biggy for levels 1-4.
Remember to use that "man" shaped menu in your battle field screen below in the middle part, there are 4 options there, one of them is a shape of a man, presss that and you get the list of skills to get, amout of points, your level, how much exp points u have and how much u need to level up, change the tabs as well to see other info, such as your rank and what combat skills u can get in addition, using your Compat points.
errr, my hand hurts.. hoped it helped.
oh and I'm Oferk in that game, I'm russian (yea like I'm going to be a nazi pffftt) so say hello if u see me :D