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Lapis' Guide to Blitz 1941
Soldat Forums - Misc - The Lounge
Deleted User
March 18, 2006, 5:24 am
This is a guide on how to play Blitz 1941, inspired by this topic here.

I'll assume you have installed the game properly.

Once you start Blitz, you will come to a login screen. Enter your user information and log in; wait for the updates to complete.

When you enter the server you will have to choose your faction, German or Soviet. The choice matters little, save for two skills and your capitol city. You will come to your Tank Commander (or 'TC') selection screen. If this is your first time playing, you will have to create a TC by simply clicking on the "Create Tankman" button.

Once you've created your TC, you will then need to select him by clicking on him and choosing "Start Game". You'll be sent directly to the capitol for your tutorials; I suggest you sit through them as they are very beneficial.

Character Stats:

Level: Your combat level.
Rank: Your pay grade or rank.
FWP: Force-War Power. Used for skills.
Credits: These are used to purchase most tanks, parts, and supplies.
Victory Points: These are used to purchase rarer or more powerful items.

You also have combat skills and military skills. These are gained by gaining levels and ranks.

Now, I will discuss the three different areas in the capitol. The armory, the headquarters (or 'HQ') and the operations room.


This is where you will purchase new tanks, tank parts, and supplies.


There are three tank 'weights' and 'types'. They are described below.


Light Tank: Generally lighter, faster, and unarmored.
Medium Tank: A mixture of light and heavy.
Heavy Tank: Heavily armored, if not "fast", they are well armed.


Tank: Your basic tank.
Self-Propelled Gun: A long-range, mobile artillery cannon. They generally cannot turn their turrets, and feature(?) unarmored back-armor and heavily armored front-armor.
Tank Destroyer: These vehicles feature 3 times the critical damage, rather than 2.
Assault Tank: Features little to no turret rotation, with high firepower and great front armor.

The tank weight has no real bearing, but your tank type does. Depending on which you choose, your role on hte battlefield will be different. Regular tanks are generally your regular fighters, and feature all-around average stats. Self-Propelled guns will usually hang back and drop shells upon enemy tanks, and tank destroyers are a mix of the two.

When purchasing a tank, there are many stats you should take into consideration.


Tank Name : This is what your foes will see.
Type : See Type above.
Required Grade : The Combat Level required to use this tank.
Fire Power : The first number is your base attack power. The second is any modifiers your tank has. The third is the reload between each shot (I believe).
FPS : Not entirely certain what this does at the moment.
Speed : The maximum speed of your tank.
Muzzle Speed : This is a measure of how quickly your shells travel. (In other words, how fast your bullets move.)
Ammo : The amount of ammo your tank can carry. If you run out, you -cannot- fire.
HP : Hitpoints. This is the durability of your tank. In combat, if your HP reaches zero, you are destroyed.
Front Armor : The first number is your base armor. The second is any extra armor modifications you have. The third number is the grade, or slope of your armor. A lower grade is better, as it allows enemy shells to deflect off your tank's armor.
Side Armor : See "Front Armor"
Rear Armor : See "Front Armor"

Each tank also has a number of tank slots that you can place your tank parts in.

Operations Room:

This is where deathmatch-style battles can be arranged. I don't know why, but this is (almost) always empty.


This is where you can select a battlefield to visit and gain levels in. By far the most popular game-type. Essentially an all-out tank war.

Here is how the battlefield works:

There are a certain number of objectives on the battlefield. They are listed below. When you join a battlefield, you select a spawn location and move to acquire objectives or destroy enemy tanks.

War Factories: Spawn points. Also known as WF, FC, Factory, spawn.. etc. Each side has one war factory that CANNOT be taken and you will be annihilated by the fortress guns around it.
Supply Depot: Provides advanced repair and recovery for all allied tanks in the area.
Power Plant: Repairs all NPC's and buildings on the allied side on the battlefield.
Airfield: Allows for the Airstrike skill to be used.
Field Command: Provides XP/VP Bonuses during battle.


Regular Tank: A regular NPC tank. Survives maybe two critical hits.
Support Tank: Called into battle only if the sides are very unfair. These guys have about 10000 HP I swear. Avoid them. Lure them into NPC cannons.
Cannon: Piddly weak cannons.
Infantry Pillbox: Stronger than a regular cannon, but still kinda meh.
Field Cannon: These deal quite a bit of damage and are rather accurate.
FORTRESS GUN: These will kill you almost instantly, unless you manage to somehow (...) survive 5000 damage.

Companies and Clans:


Joining a company provides a very beneficial XP boost. You should always be in a company. To form a company, type /invite <user>. To leave a company, type /leave.


I don't know what bonuses these provide, other than a fancy title above your tank. You need an invite to join the clan, and you type /cwho to see who's logged on, and /cquit to leave the clan.


Offensive Combat Skills:

Name - Description

Confuse - Prevents the enemy tank from moving, but they can still aim and shoot.
Disturb - Reduces the enemy tank's movement speed.
Overpower - Stuns an enemy tank, preventing movement, fire, and aim.
Exhaust - Damages an enemy tank's FWP.
Splash - Spreads your damage across a certain area, damaging all tanks equally.
Backup - Causes damage and confusion within a certain area.
Mine - Drops a mine. The mine will eventually conceal itself.
Self-Destruct - Causes your tank to explode, damaging all nearby enemies.

Recovery Skills: An asterisk (*) means the skill is targetable (can be used on an allied tank).

*Repair - Recovers HP over time.
*Supply - Recovers FPW over time.
*Recovery - Restores a set amount of HP instantly.
Spirit - Recovers a huge amount of HP instantly.
*Rescue - Revives a broken tank and "summons" it to your side.
Overhaul - Recovers HP to nearby NPC's. You cannot move while it is in use.

Assistant Combat Skills: Again, an asterisk means the skill can be targeted on another tank.

*Yell - Increases attack power.
*Accelerate - Increases movement speed.
*Fortress - Increases defensive power.
Direct Hit - Ignores one of your failed shots. When this is activated, if your timing bar lands in the off area, you might still hit regardless.
Concentration - Reduces the grade of your armor, making shells deflect off your tank more often. Also, your timing bar will operate normally regardless of any damage taken.
Assault - Renders all abnormal attacks useless against friend or foe.
Snipe - Increases the range and speed of a single shell.
Quick Shot - Decreases reload time.
Hide - As long as you are in first gear and -not- firing, your tank can 'disappear', unless an enemy uses Scout of equal or higher level.
Scout - Counteracts Hide and reveals mines.
Fortify - Creates a barrier around your tank, increasing defense. However, you cannot move or fire.

How Combat Works:

Combat will generally flow through these series of steps:

Move, Shoot, Reload


Your tank should always be moving. If you're sitting still, its because you're a back-line artillery gun, are avoiding cannon fire, or you want to die.


Firing in Blitz 1941 is rather interesting. You will notice that your firing reticle (or cursor) has a broad arch along the top. This is your firing bar. It will always have three possible outcomes; miss, hit, or critical hit. A miss will cause your shell to fire away from the cursor. A hit will cause the shell to directly hit the cursor, and a critical hit will hit the cursor, and do 2.5 times as much damage (or three times as much, if you're using a tank destroyer).

As your tank takes damage, your firing bar will suffer. The timing bar will move faster, making it hard to score a critical. The "hit" portion of the bar will also narrow, making it hard to land a shot as well. It is important to avoid taking a series of heavy blows as this makes aiming harder as well.


This happens automatically after each shot, and is the time it takes to reload a shell and fire again. You should take this time to maneuver behind your foe and train your sights at his weak points.

General Tips and Strategies:

Never let an enemy fire at your side or rear. These portions of your tank take huge amounts of damage very quickly.

Your tank has what I call "balance". When you take a series of heavy blows, your timing bar will decrease, making it harder to fire properly. It will also increase in speed, making you much less effective in battle. Always try to avoid taking a series of damaging attacks.

Be sure to purchase supplies and *USE THEM*. Repair kits, FWP kits, speed boosters, invincibility -- they can and do make a difference.

If you have the rescue or recovery skills, don't be afraid to use them. If your teammate is getting pounded, don't engage his enemy; HEAL HIM. This prevents your foe from gaining any XP from the encounter and it keeps your teammate alive -- this is key.

Every objective has a "safe zone" where the defending turrets cannot shoot you. The only exception to this is the Field Command, which requires that you destroy a pillbox to capture safely.

If your enemy recieves Strong Support Tanks, lead them to an objective with allied cannons. Don't take them on yourself.

If you absolutely must run away, use a speed booster coupled with an invincibility pack. That will give you three seconds of pure, damage-free escape.

Always try to focus on one enemy when making an assault. this will take them down faster and result in less damage from your foes, for even a weak tank can still get the critical that kills you.

Member Names:

Forum Name - TC Name - Faction
Lapis - Muelin - German
Demonic - Nimrod - Soviet
Yukwunhang - Yukwunhang - ?
Ok - Oferk - ?
Meandor - Leach - German

Comments? Questions?

March 18, 2006, 3:05 pm
I wonder if I'll start a charity orginazation other will copy that as well?
everytime I make a guide someone else is making a new one ^_^

Deleted User
March 18, 2006, 3:46 pm
I mainly wanted to explain the tank skills and a few general in-game things that your guide didn't quite cover, such as the timing/fire bar and the like.

Deleted User
March 18, 2006, 3:52 pm
you could tell Ok to edit it in his guide and giving you credits for additional information :P

but this is a kickass guide too... I 'm not playing the game tho

March 18, 2006, 7:29 pm
I keep getting tricked by this : Edited by Michal Marcinkowski - on 24 jun 2005 03:29:08


Deleted User
March 18, 2006, 8:56 pm

Deleted User
March 19, 2006, 12:28 am

On another note, why don't we all post our user names so I can add them to the guide and be awesome.

March 19, 2006, 2:44 pm
I do believe such a thing exist in the first thread, but hey! that's a good idea! lets make a new thread about it! so we can totaly confuse everyone!!!!

Deleted User
March 19, 2006, 9:16 pm
 Quote:Originally posted by OkI do believe such a thing exist in the first thread, but hey! that's a good idea! lets make a new thread about it! so we can totaly confuse everyone!!!!

Alright. You wanna be that way? That's fine. I didn't ask for your opinion though, and I certainly didn't [CENSORED] about your guide, considering there are countless others across the internet, and yet here you are, flinging your personal attacks at me.

Well, I won't reduce myself to insults and bickering; I wrote this guide because I have every damn right to and I wanted to better explain the skills and their purpose, and this way I am able to update or edit it as I please. If you or anyone else finds the guides "totally confusing", then you are free to ignore one or both, but insults and personal attacks? You can keep those to yourself. This is the lounge, not the bash pit.

March 19, 2006, 9:36 pm
who insulted you? just give me a name and I'll take care of the twat!
email me on : someonok@hotmail.com

March 19, 2006, 10:24 pm
Nice. I hoped that you had figured out what FPS was, but I suppose it shall remain a mystery :P
btw- Meandor = Leach (Germany)
You should also add assault tanks to types. They have a small (if none) cannon rotation possibility but a good amount of armor, especially in front and firepower.

Deleted User
March 20, 2006, 12:20 am
Meandor; done and done.